diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5864b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Demo/MainUnit.dfm b/Demo/MainUnit.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eab960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/MainUnit.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+object MainForm: TMainForm
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 116
+ Caption = 'Test of OSM map control'
+ ClientHeight = 720
+ ClientWidth = 1003
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ DoubleBuffered = True
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -14
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ OnClose = FormClose
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ OnDestroy = FormDestroy
+ PixelsPerInch = 120
+ TextHeight = 16
+ object Splitter1: TSplitter
+ Left = 767
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 8
+ Height = 576
+ Margins.Left = 4
+ Margins.Top = 4
+ Margins.Right = 4
+ Margins.Bottom = 4
+ Align = alRight
+ Beveled = True
+ end
+ object Panel1: TPanel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 767
+ Height = 576
+ Margins.Left = 4
+ Margins.Top = 4
+ Margins.Right = 4
+ Margins.Bottom = 4
+ Align = alClient
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 0
+ object mMap: TScrollBox
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 767
+ Height = 576
+ HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
+ VertScrollBar.Smooth = True
+ VertScrollBar.Tracking = True
+ Align = alClient
+ AutoScroll = False
+ DoubleBuffered = True
+ DragCursor = crSizeAll
+ ParentDoubleBuffered = False
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnMouseMove = mMapMouseMove
+ end
+ end
+ object Panel2: TPanel
+ Left = 775
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 228
+ Height = 576
+ Margins.Left = 4
+ Margins.Top = 4
+ Margins.Right = 4
+ Margins.Bottom = 4
+ Align = alRight
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 1
+ object btnZoomIn: TSpeedButton
+ Left = 100
+ Top = 13
+ Width = 51
+ Height = 36
+ Margins.Left = 4
+ Margins.Top = 4
+ Margins.Right = 4
+ Margins.Bottom = 4
+ Glyph.Data = {
+ 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
+ 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
+ 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
+ OnClick = btnZoomInClick
+ end
+ object btnZoomOut: TSpeedButton
+ Left = 164
+ Top = 13
+ Width = 51
+ Height = 36
+ Margins.Left = 4
+ Margins.Top = 4
+ Margins.Right = 4
+ Margins.Bottom = 4
+ Glyph.Data = {
+ 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
+ 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
+ 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
+ OnClick = btnZoomOutClick
+ end
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 488
+ Width = 41
+ Height = 16
+ Caption = 'Label1'
+ end
+ object Label2: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 512
+ Width = 41
+ Height = 16
+ Caption = 'Label2'
+ end
+ object lblZoom: TLabel
+ Left = 7
+ Top = 13
+ Width = 74
+ Height = 36
+ AutoSize = False
+ Font.Charset = RUSSIAN_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -17
+ Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ ParentFont = False
+ Layout = tlCenter
+ end
+ object Button1: TButton
+ Left = 24
+ Top = 256
+ Width = 177
+ Height = 33
+ Caption = 'Save layer'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnClick = Button1Click
+ end
+ end
+ object mLog: TMemo
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 576
+ Width = 1003
+ Height = 144
+ Align = alBottom
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
diff --git a/Demo/MainUnit.pas b/Demo/MainUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a1d433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/MainUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+unit MainUnit;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Buttons, Vcl.StdCtrls, Math, Types,
+ OSM.SlippyMapUtils, OSM.MapControl, OSM.TileStorage,
+ OSM.NetworkRequest, {SynapseRequest,} WinInetRequest;
+ // Nice trick to avoid registering TMapControl as design-time component
+ TScrollBox = class(TMapControl)
+ end;
+ TGotTileData = record
+ Tile: TTile;
+ Ms: TMemoryStream;
+ Error: string;
+ end;
+ PGotTileData = ^TGotTileData;
+ TMainForm = class(TForm)
+ Panel1: TPanel;
+ Panel2: TPanel;
+ Splitter1: TSplitter;
+ btnZoomIn: TSpeedButton;
+ btnZoomOut: TSpeedButton;
+ Button1: TButton;
+ mMap: TScrollBox;
+ mLog: TMemo;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ Label2: TLabel;
+ lblZoom: TLabel;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnZoomInClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnZoomOutClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mMapMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure MapGetTile(Sender: TMapControl; TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; out TileBmp: TBitmap);
+ procedure MsgGotTile(var Message: TMessage); message MSG_GOTTILE;
+ procedure NetReqGotTile(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream; const Error: string);
+ procedure mMapZoomChanged(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ NetworkRequest: TNetworkRequestQueue;
+ TileStorage: TTileStorage;
+ procedure Log(const s: string);
+ end;
+ MainForm: TMainForm;
+{$R *.dfm}
+{ TMainForm }
+procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ // Memory/disc cache of tile images
+ // You probably won't need it if you have another fast storage (f.e. database)
+ TileStorage := TTileStorage.Create(30);
+ TileStorage.FileCacheBaseDir := ExpandFileName('..\Map\');
+ // Queuer of tile image network requests
+ // You won't need it if you have another source (f.e. database)
+ NetworkRequest := TNetworkRequestQueue.Create(4, 3, {}{SynapseRequest.}WinInetRequest.NetworkRequest, NetReqGotTile);
+ mMap.OnGetTile := MapGetTile;
+ mMap.OnZoomChanged := mMapZoomChanged;
+ mMap.SetZoom(1);
+procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ //...
+procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ FreeAndNil(NetworkRequest);
+ FreeAndNil(TileStorage);
+procedure TMainForm.Log(const s: string);
+ mLog.Lines.Add(DateTimeToStr(Now)+' '+s);
+ OutputDebugString(PChar(DateTimeToStr(Now)+' '+s));
+// Callback from map control to receive a tile image
+procedure TMainForm.MapGetTile(Sender: TMapControl; TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; out TileBmp: TBitmap);
+ Tile: TTile;
+ Tile.Zoom := Sender.Zoom;
+ Tile.ParameterX := TileHorzNum;
+ Tile.ParameterY := TileVertNum;
+ // Query tile from storage
+ TileBmp := TileStorage.GetTile(Tile);
+ // Tile image unavailable - queue network request
+ if TileBmp = nil then
+ begin
+ NetworkRequest.RequestTile(Tile);
+ Log(Format('Queued request from inet %s', [TileToStr(Tile)]));
+ end;
+// Callback from a thread of network requester that request has been done
+// To avoid thread access troubles, re-post all the data to form
+procedure TMainForm.NetReqGotTile(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream; const Error: string);
+ pData: PGotTileData;
+ New(pData);
+ pData.Tile := Tile;
+ pData.Ms := Ms;
+ pData.Error := Error;
+ if not PostMessage(Handle, MSG_GOTTILE, 0, LPARAM(pData)) then
+ begin
+ Dispose(pData);
+ FreeAndNil(Ms);
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.MsgGotTile(var Message: TMessage);
+ pData: PGotTileData;
+ pData := PGotTileData(Message.LParam);
+ if pData.Error <> '' then
+ begin
+ Log(Format('Error getting tile %s: %s', [TileToStr(pData.Tile), pData.Error]));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log(Format('Got from inet %s', [TileToStr(pData.Tile)]));
+ TileStorage.StoreTile(pData.Tile, pData.Ms);
+ mMap.RefreshTile(pData.Tile.ParameterX, pData.Tile.ParameterY);
+ end;
+ FreeAndNil(pData.Ms);
+ Dispose(pData);
+procedure TMainForm.btnZoomInClick(Sender: TObject);
+ mMap.SetZoom(mMap.Zoom + 1);
+procedure TMainForm.btnZoomOutClick(Sender: TObject);
+ mMap.SetZoom(mMap.Zoom - 1);
+procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ bmp, bmTile: TBitmap;
+ col, row: Integer;
+ tile: TTile;
+ imgAbsent: Boolean;
+ bmp := TBitmap.Create;
+ bmp.Height := TileCount(mMap.Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
+ bmp.Width := TileCount(mMap.Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ try
+ imgAbsent := False;
+ for col := 0 to TileCount(mMap.Zoom) - 1 do
+ for row := 0 to TileCount(mMap.Zoom) - 1 do
+ begin
+ tile.Zoom := mMap.Zoom;
+ tile.ParameterX := col;
+ tile.ParameterY := row;
+ bmTile := TileStorage.GetTile(tile);
+ if bmTile = nil then
+ begin
+ NetworkRequest.RequestTile(tile);
+ imgAbsent := True;
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ bmp.Canvas.Draw(col*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, row*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, bmTile);
+ end;
+ if imgAbsent then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('Some images were absent');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ bmp.SaveToFile('Map'+IntToStr(mMap.Zoom)+'.bmp');
+ ShowMessage('Saved to Map'+IntToStr(mMap.Zoom)+'.bmp');
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(bmp);
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.mMapMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ MapPt: TPoint;
+ GeoPt: TPointF;
+ MapPt := mMap.ViewToMap(Point(X, Y));
+ GeoPt := mMap.MapToGeoCoords(MapPt);
+ Label1.Caption := Format('%d : %d', [MapPt.X, MapPt.Y]);
+ Label2.Caption := Format('%.3f : %.3f', [GeoPt.X, GeoPt.Y]);
+procedure TMainForm.mMapZoomChanged(Sender: TObject);
+ lblZoom.Caption := Format('%d / %d', [TMapControl(Sender).Zoom, High(TMapZoomLevel)]);
diff --git a/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dpr b/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108111d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program OSMMapDemo;
+ FastMM4,
+ Forms,
+ MainUnit in 'MainUnit.pas' {MainForm};
+{$R *.res}
+ ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dproj b/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3279b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/OSMMapDemo.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ {C4875BA9-942C-4C88-84B0-673F38DD35AF}
+ OSMMapDemo.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Application
+ 13.4
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ Test_OSMTeilsMap_Icon.ico
+ None
+ ..\Libs\Synapse;..\;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)
+ 1049
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 00400000
+ false
+ false
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ Test_OSMTeilsMap_Icon.ico
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ 1033
+ true
+ System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ 0
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ true
+ 1033
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ true
+ 1033
+ true
+ 65001
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ 2
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ False
+ False
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 1049
+ 1251
+ False
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Demo/Test_OSMTeilsMap_Icon.ico b/Demo/Test_OSMTeilsMap_Icon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1998c2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Demo/Test_OSMTeilsMap_Icon.ico differ
diff --git a/OSM.MapControl.pas b/OSM.MapControl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b5d939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSM.MapControl.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+ Visual control displaying a map.
+ Data for the map (tile images) must be supplied via callbacks.
+ See OSM.TileStorage unit
+unit OSM.MapControl;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Math, Types,
+ OSM.SlippyMapUtils;
+ // default W and H of cache image in number of tiles.
+ // Image's memory occupation:
+ // (4 bytes per pixel)*TilesH*TilesV*(65536 pixels in single tile)
+ // For value 8 it counts 16.7 Mb
+ CacheImageDefTilesH = 8;
+ CacheImageDefTilesV = 8;
+ // default W and H of cache image in pixels
+ CacheImageDefWidth = CacheImageDefTilesH*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ CacheImageDefHeight = CacheImageDefTilesV*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
+ // margin that is added to cache image to hold view area, in number of tiles
+ CacheMarginSize = 2;
+ // size of margin for labels on map, in pixels
+ LabelMargin = 2;
+ TMapOption = (
+ moDontDrawCopyright,
+ moDontDrawScale
+ );
+ TMapOptions = set of TMapOption;
+ TMapMark = record
+ {}// TODO
+ end;
+ PMapMark = ^TMapMark;
+ TMapControl = class;
+ // Callback to get bitmap of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum)
+ // If TileBmp is returned nil, DrawTileLoading method is called for this tile
+ // Generally you must assign this callback only.
+ TOnGetTile = procedure (Sender: TMapControl; TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal;
+ out TileBmp: TBitmap) of object;
+ // Callback to draw bitmap of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum)
+ // If OnDrawTile assigned, it means fully custom drawing process, f.ex. if user has
+ // fast tile sources that are not TBitmap-s, and it is user responsibility to indicate
+ // tiles that are loading at the moment.
+ // If OnDrawTileLoading assigned, the handler will be called only for empty tiles
+ // allowing a user to draw his own label
+ TOnDrawTile = procedure (Sender: TMapControl; TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal;
+ const TopLeft: TPoint; DestBmp: TBitMap) of object;
+ // Virtual control that doesn't hold any data and must be painted by callbacks
+ TMapControl = class(TScrollBox)
+ strict private
+ FMapSize: TSize; // current map dims in pixels
+ FCacheImage: TBitmap; // drawn tiles (it could be equal to or larger than view area!)
+ FCopyright, // lazily created cache images for
+ FScaleLine: TBitmap; // scale line and copyright
+ FZoom: Integer; // current zoom; integer for simpler operations
+ FCacheImageRect: TRect; // position of cache image on map in map coords
+ FMapOptions: TMapOptions;
+ FDragPos: TPoint;
+ FOnGetTile: TOnGetTile;
+ FOnDrawTile: TOnDrawTile;
+ FOnDrawTileLoading: TOnDrawTile;
+ FOnZoomChanged: TNotifyEvent;
+ protected
+ // overrides
+ procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
+ procedure Resize; override;
+ procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
+ function MouseActivate(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer; HitTest: Integer): TMouseActivate; override;
+ function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
+ procedure DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); override;
+ procedure WMHScroll(var Message: TWMHScroll); message WM_HSCROLL;
+ procedure WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL;
+ procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
+ // main methods
+ function ViewInCache: Boolean;
+ procedure UpdateCache;
+ procedure MoveCache;
+ function SetCacheDimensions: Boolean;
+ function FindNextMapMark(const Pt: TPoint; PrevIndex: Integer = -1): Integer;
+ procedure DrawTileLoading(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; const TopLeft: TPoint; DestBmp: TBitMap);
+ procedure DoDrawTile(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; const TopLeft: TPoint; DestBmp: TBitMap);
+ // helpers
+ function ViewAreaRect: TRect;
+ procedure SetNWPoint(const MapPt: TPoint); overload;
+ function GetCenterPoint: TPointF;
+ procedure SetCenterPoint(const Coords: TPointF);
+ function GetNWPoint: TPointF;
+ procedure SetNWPoint(const GeoCoords: TPointF); overload;
+ class procedure DrawCopyright(const Text: string; DestBmp: TBitmap);
+ class procedure DrawScale(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel; DestBmp: TBitmap);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure RefreshTile(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal);
+ function MapToGeoCoords(const MapPt: TPoint): TPointF;
+ function GeoCoordsToMap(const GeoCoords: TPointF): TPoint;
+ function ViewToMap(const ViewPt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ function MapToView(const MapPt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ procedure ScrollMapBy(DeltaHorz, DeltaVert: Integer);
+ procedure ScrollMapTo(Horz, Vert: Integer);
+ procedure SetZoom(Value: Integer; const ViewBindPoint: TPoint); overload;
+ procedure SetZoom(Value: Integer); overload;
+ {}
+ {
+ add/remove map marks
+ MouseBox
+ }
+ property Zoom: Integer read FZoom;
+ property MapOptions: TMapOptions read FMapOptions write FMapOptions;
+ property CenterPoint: TPointF read GetCenterPoint write SetCenterPoint;
+ property NWPoint: TPointF read GetNWPoint write SetNWPoint;
+ property OnGetTile: TOnGetTile read FOnGetTile write FOnGetTile;
+ property OnDrawTile: TOnDrawTile read FOnDrawTile write FOnDrawTile;
+ property OnDrawTileLoading: TOnDrawTile read FOnDrawTileLoading write FOnDrawTileLoading;
+ property OnZoomChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnZoomChanged write FOnZoomChanged;
+ end;
+function ToInnerCoords(const StartPt, Pt: TPoint): TPoint; overload; inline;
+function ToOuterCoords(const StartPt, Pt: TPoint): TPoint; overload; inline;
+function ToInnerCoords(const StartPt: TPoint; const Rect: TRect): TRect; overload; inline;
+function ToOuterCoords(const StartPt: TPoint; const Rect: TRect): TRect; overload; inline;
+ SLbl_Loading = 'Loading [%d : %d]...';
+// *** Utils ***
+// Like Client<=>Screen
+function ToInnerCoords(const StartPt, Pt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ Result := Pt.Subtract(StartPt);
+function ToOuterCoords(const StartPt, Pt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ Result := Pt.Add(StartPt);
+function ToInnerCoords(const StartPt: TPoint; const Rect: TRect): TRect;
+ Result.TopLeft := ToInnerCoords(StartPt, Rect.TopLeft);
+ Result.BottomRight := ToInnerCoords(StartPt, Rect.BottomRight);
+function ToOuterCoords(const StartPt: TPoint; const Rect: TRect): TRect;
+ Result.TopLeft := ToOuterCoords(StartPt, Rect.TopLeft);
+ Result.BottomRight := ToOuterCoords(StartPt, Rect.BottomRight);
+// Floor value to tile size
+function ToTileWidthLesser(Width: Cardinal): Cardinal; inline;
+function ToTileHeightLesser(Height: Cardinal): Cardinal; inline;
+// Ceil value to tile size
+function ToTileWidthGreater(Width: Cardinal): Cardinal; inline;
+ Result := ToTileWidthLesser(Width);
+ if Width mod TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH > 0 then
+ Inc(Result, TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH);
+function ToTileHeightGreater(Height: Cardinal): Cardinal; inline;
+ Result := ToTileHeightLesser(Height);
+ if Height mod TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT > 0 then
+{ TMapControl }
+constructor TMapControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FCacheImage := TBitmap.Create;
+ FZoom := Pred(Integer(Low(TMapZoomLevel)));
+ SetZoom(Low(TMapZoomLevel));
+destructor TMapControl.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FCacheImage);
+ FreeAndNil(FCopyright);
+ FreeAndNil(FScaleLine);
+ inherited;
+// *** overrides - events ***
+// Main drawing routine
+procedure TMapControl.PaintWindow(DC: HDC);
+ ViewRect: TRect;
+ ViewRect := ViewAreaRect;
+ // if view area lays within cached image, no update required
+ if not FCacheImageRect.Contains(ViewRect) then
+ begin
+ MoveCache;
+ UpdateCache;
+ end;
+ // convert ViewRect to CacheImage coords
+ ViewRect := ToInnerCoords(FCacheImageRect.TopLeft, ViewRect);
+ // draw cache (map background)
+ // ! partial copying from source, TGraphic/TCanvas.Draw can't do that :(
+ BitBlt(DC,
+ 0, 0, ViewRect.Width, ViewRect.Height,
+ FCacheImage.Canvas.Handle, ViewRect.Left, ViewRect.Top, SRCCOPY);
+ // init copyright bitmap if not inited yet and draw it
+ if not (moDontDrawCopyright in FMapOptions) then
+ begin
+ if FCopyright = nil then
+ begin
+ FCopyright := TBitmap.Create;
+ DrawCopyright(TilesCopyright, FCopyright);
+ end;
+ TransparentBlt(DC,
+ ClientWidth - FCopyright.Width - LabelMargin,
+ ClientHeight - FCopyright.Height - LabelMargin,
+ FCopyright.Width,
+ FCopyright.Height,
+ FCopyright.Canvas.Handle,
+ 0, 0,
+ FCopyright.Width,
+ FCopyright.Height,
+ clWhite);
+ end;
+ // scaleline bitmap must've been inited already in SetZoom
+ if not (moDontDrawScale in FMapOptions) then
+ begin
+ BitBlt(DC,
+ LabelMargin,
+ ClientHeight - FScaleLine.Height - LabelMargin,
+ FScaleLine.Width,
+ FScaleLine.Height,
+ FScaleLine.Canvas.Handle,
+ 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ end;
+// NB: painting on TWinControl is pretty tricky, doing it ordinary way leads
+// to weird effects as DC's do not cover whole client area.
+// Luckily this could be solved with Invalidate which fully redraws the control
+procedure TMapControl.WMHScroll(var Message: TWMHScroll);
+ Invalidate;
+ inherited;
+procedure TMapControl.WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll);
+ Invalidate;
+ inherited;
+// ! Only with csCustomPaint ControlState the call chain
+// TWinControl.WMPaint > PaintHandler > PaintWindow will be executed.
+procedure TMapControl.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
+ ControlState := ControlState + [csCustomPaint];
+ inherited;
+ ControlState := ControlState - [csCustomPaint];
+// Reposition cache
+procedure TMapControl.Resize;
+ if SetCacheDimensions then
+ UpdateCache;
+ Invalidate;
+ inherited;
+// Start dragging on mouse press
+procedure TMapControl.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ if FindNextMapMark(ViewToMap(Point(X, Y))) = -1 then
+ BeginDrag(False, -1); // < 0 - use the DragThreshold property of the global Mouse variable (c) help
+ inherited;
+// Focus self on mouse press
+function TMapControl.MouseActivate(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y, HitTest: Integer): TMouseActivate;
+ SetFocus;
+ Result := inherited;
+// Zoom in/out on mouse wheel
+function TMapControl.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
+ inherited;
+ SetZoom(Zoom + Sign(WheelDelta), ScreenToClient(MousePos));
+ Result := True;
+// Process dragging
+procedure TMapControl.DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
+ inherited;
+ Accept := True;
+ case State of
+ dsDragEnter: // drag started - save initial drag position
+ FDragPos := Point(X, Y);
+ dsDragMove: // dragging - move the map
+ begin
+ ScrollMapBy(FDragPos.X - X, FDragPos.Y - Y);
+ FDragPos := Point(X, Y);
+ end;
+ end;
+// *** new methods ***
+// Set zoom level to Value and reposition to given point
+// ViewBindPoint - point in view area's coords that must keep its position
+procedure TMapControl.SetZoom(Value: Integer; const ViewBindPoint: TPoint);
+ CurrBindPt, NewViewNW: TPoint;
+ BindCoords: TPointF;
+ if not (Value in [Low(TMapZoomLevel)..High(TMapZoomLevel)]) then Exit;
+ if Value = FZoom then Exit;
+ // save bind point if zoom is valid (zoom value is used to calc geo coords)
+ if FZoom in [Low(TMapZoomLevel)..High(TMapZoomLevel)]
+ then BindCoords := MapToGeoCoords(ViewToMap(ViewBindPoint))
+ else BindCoords := OSM.SlippyMapUtils.MapToGeoCoords(Point(0, 0), 0);
+ FZoom := Value;
+ FMapSize.cx := TileCount(FZoom)*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ FMapSize.cy := TileCount(FZoom)*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
+ HorzScrollBar.Range := FMapSize.cx;
+ VertScrollBar.Range := FMapSize.cy;
+ // init copyright bitmap if not inited yet and draw it
+ if not (moDontDrawScale in FMapOptions) then
+ begin
+ if FScaleLine = nil then
+ FScaleLine := TBitmap.Create;
+ DrawScale(FZoom, FScaleLine);
+ end;
+ // move viewport
+ CurrBindPt := GeoCoordsToMap(BindCoords); // bind point in new map coords
+ NewViewNW := CurrBindPt.Subtract(ViewBindPoint); // view's top-left corner in new map coords
+ SetNWPoint(NewViewNW);
+ SetCacheDimensions;
+ if not FCacheImageRect.Contains(ViewAreaRect) then
+ MoveCache;
+ UpdateCache; // zoom changed - update cache anyway
+ Refresh;
+ if Assigned(FOnZoomChanged) then
+ FOnZoomChanged(Self);
+// Simple zoom change with binding to top-left corner
+procedure TMapControl.SetZoom(Value: Integer);
+ SetZoom(Value, Point(0,0));
+// Determines cache image size according to control and map size
+// Returns true if size was changed
+function TMapControl.SetCacheDimensions: Boolean;
+ CtrlSize, CacheSize: TSize;
+ // dims of view area in pixels rounded to full tiles
+ CtrlSize.cx := ToTileWidthGreater(ClientWidth);
+ CtrlSize.cy := ToTileHeightGreater(ClientHeight);
+ // cache dims = Max(control+margins, Min(map, default+margins))
+ CacheSize.cx := Min(FMapSize.cx, CacheImageDefWidth + CacheMarginSize*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH);
+ CacheSize.cy := Min(FMapSize.cy, CacheImageDefHeight + CacheMarginSize*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+ CacheSize.cx := Max(CacheSize.cx, CtrlSize.cx + CacheMarginSize*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH);
+ CacheSize.cy := Max(CacheSize.cy, CtrlSize.cy + CacheMarginSize*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+ Result := (FCacheImageRect.Width <> CacheSize.cx) or (FCacheImageRect.Height <> CacheSize.cy);
+ if not Result then Exit;
+ FCacheImageRect.Size := CacheSize;
+ FCacheImage.SetSize(CacheSize.cx, CacheSize.cy);
+// Recalc point in view area coords to map coords
+function TMapControl.ViewToMap(const ViewPt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ Result := ToOuterCoords(ViewAreaRect.TopLeft, ViewPt);
+// Recalc point in map coords to view area coords
+function TMapControl.MapToView(const MapPt: TPoint): TPoint;
+ Result := ToInnerCoords(ViewAreaRect.TopLeft, MapPt);
+// View area position and size in map coords
+function TMapControl.ViewAreaRect: TRect;
+ Result := ClientRect;
+ Result.Offset(Point(HorzScrollBar.Position, VertScrollBar.Position));
+// Whether view area is inside cache image
+function TMapControl.ViewInCache: Boolean;
+ Result := FCacheImageRect.Contains(ViewAreaRect);
+// Fill the cache image
+procedure TMapControl.UpdateCache;
+ CanvRect: TRect;
+ CacheHorzCount, CacheVertCount, horz, vert, CacheHorzNum, CacheVertNum: Cardinal;
+ // Bounds of cache image in its own coords
+ CanvRect := FCacheImageRect;
+ CanvRect.SetLocation(0, 0);
+ // Clear the image
+ FCacheImage.Canvas.Brush.Color := Self.Color;
+ FCacheImage.Canvas.FillRect(CanvRect);
+ // Get dimensions of cache
+ CacheHorzCount := Min(FMapSize.cx - FCacheImageRect.Left, FCacheImageRect.Width) div TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ CacheVertCount := Min(FMapSize.cy - FCacheImageRect.Top, FCacheImageRect.Height) div TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
+ // Get top-left of cache in tiles
+ CacheHorzNum := FCacheImageRect.Left div TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ CacheVertNum := FCacheImageRect.Top div TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
+ // Draw cache tiles
+ for horz := 0 to CacheHorzCount - 1 do
+ for vert := 0 to CacheVertCount - 1 do
+ DoDrawTile(CacheHorzNum + horz, CacheVertNum + vert, Point(horz*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, vert*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT), FCacheImage);
+// Calc new cache coords to cover current view area
+procedure TMapControl.MoveCache;
+ ViewRect: TRect;
+ MarginH, MarginV: Cardinal;
+ ViewRect := ViewAreaRect;
+ // move view rect to the border of tiles (to lesser value)
+ ViewRect.Left := ToTileWidthLesser(ViewRect.Left);
+ ViewRect.Top := ToTileHeightLesser(ViewRect.Top);
+ // resize view rect to the border of tiles (to greater value)
+ ViewRect.Right := ToTileWidthGreater(ViewRect.Right);
+ ViewRect.Bottom := ToTileHeightGreater(ViewRect.Bottom);
+ // reposition new cache rect to cover tile-aligned view area
+ // calc margins
+ MarginH := FCacheImageRect.Width - ViewRect.Width;
+ MarginV := FCacheImageRect.Height - ViewRect.Height;
+ // margins on the both sides
+ if MarginH > TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH then
+ MarginH := MarginH div 2;
+ if MarginV > TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT then
+ MarginV := MarginV div 2;
+ FCacheImageRect.SetLocation(ViewRect.TopLeft);
+ FCacheImageRect.TopLeft.Subtract(Point(MarginH, MarginV));
+// Draw single tile (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum)
+procedure TMapControl.RefreshTile(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal);
+ TileTopLeft: TPoint;
+ // calc tile rect in map coords
+ TileTopLeft := Point(TileHorzNum*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, TileVertNum*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+ // the tile is not in cache
+ if not FCacheImageRect.Contains(TileTopLeft) then
+ Exit;
+ // convert tile to cache image coords
+ TileTopLeft.SetLocation(ToInnerCoords(FCacheImageRect.TopLeft, TileTopLeft));
+ // draw to cache
+ DoDrawTile(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum, TileTopLeft, FCacheImage);
+ // redraw the view
+ Refresh;
+// Draw single tile (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum) to bitmap DestBmp at point TopLeft
+procedure TMapControl.DoDrawTile(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; const TopLeft: TPoint; DestBmp: TBitMap);
+ TileBmp: TBitmap;
+ // check if user wants custom draw
+ if Assigned(OnDrawTile) then
+ begin
+ OnDrawTile(Self, TileHorzNum, TileVertNum, TopLeft, DestBmp);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // request tile bitmap via callback
+ TileBmp := nil;
+ if Assigned(OnGetTile) then
+ OnGetTile(Self, TileHorzNum, TileVertNum, TileBmp);
+ // no such tile - draw "loading"
+ if TileBmp = nil then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnDrawTileLoading) then
+ FOnDrawTileLoading(Self, TileHorzNum, TileVertNum, TopLeft, DestBmp)
+ else
+ DrawTileLoading(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum, TopLeft, DestBmp);
+ end
+ else
+ DestBmp.Canvas.Draw(TopLeft.X, TopLeft.Y, TileBmp);
+// Draw single tile (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum) loading to bitmap DestBmp at point TopLeft
+procedure TMapControl.DrawTileLoading(TileHorzNum, TileVertNum: Cardinal; const TopLeft: TPoint; DestBmp: TBitMap);
+ TileRect: TRect;
+ TextExt: TSize;
+ Canv: TCanvas;
+ txt: string;
+ TileRect.TopLeft := TopLeft;
+ Canv := DestBmp.Canvas;
+ Canv.Brush.Color := Color;
+ Canv.Pen.Color := clDkGray;
+ Canv.Rectangle(TileRect);
+ txt := Format(SLbl_Loading, [TileHorzNum, TileVertNum]);
+ TextExt := Canv.TextExtent(txt);
+ Canv.Font.Color := clGreen;
+ Canv.TextOut(
+ TileRect.Left + (TileRect.Width - TextExt.cx) div 2,
+ TileRect.Top + (TileRect.Height - TextExt.cy) div 2,
+ txt);
+// Draw copyright label on bitmap and set its size. Happens only once.
+class procedure TMapControl.DrawCopyright(const Text: string; DestBmp: TBitmap);
+ Canv: TCanvas;
+ TextExt: TSize;
+ Canv := DestBmp.Canvas;
+ Canv.Font.Name := 'Arial';
+ Canv.Font.Size := 8;
+ Canv.Font.Style := [];
+ TextExt := Canv.TextExtent(Text);
+ DestBmp.SetSize(TextExt.cx, TextExt.cy);
+ // Text
+ Canv.Font.Color := clGray;
+ Canv.TextOut(LabelMargin, LabelMargin, Text);
+// Draw scale line on bitmap and set its size. Happens every zoom change.
+class procedure TMapControl.DrawScale(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel; DestBmp: TBitmap);
+ Canv: TCanvas;
+ LetterWidth, ScalebarWidthPixel, ScalebarWidthMeter: Integer;
+ Text: string;
+ TextExt: TSize;
+ ScalebarRect: TRect;
+ Canv := DestBmp.Canvas;
+ GetScaleBarParams(Zoom, ScalebarWidthPixel, ScalebarWidthMeter, Text);
+ Canv.Font.Name := 'Arial';
+ Canv.Font.Size := 8;
+ Canv.Font.Style := [];
+ TextExt := Canv.TextExtent(Text);
+ LetterWidth := Canv.TextWidth('W');
+ DestBmp.Width := LetterWidth + TextExt.cx + LetterWidth + ScalebarWidthPixel; // text, space, bar
+ DestBmp.Height := 2*LabelMargin + TextExt.cy;
+ // Frame
+ Canv.Brush.Color := clWhite;
+ Canv.Pen.Color := clSilver;
+ Canv.Rectangle(0, 0, DestBmp.Width, DestBmp.Height);
+ // Text
+ Canv.Font.Color := clBlack;
+ Canv.TextOut(LetterWidth div 2, LabelMargin, Text);
+ // Scale-Bar
+ Canv.Brush.Color := clWhite;
+ Canv.Pen.Color := clBlack;
+ ScalebarRect.Left := LetterWidth div 2 + TextExt.cx + LetterWidth;
+ ScalebarRect.Top := (DestBmp.Height - TextExt.cy div 2) div 2;
+ ScalebarRect.Width := ScalebarWidthPixel;
+ ScalebarRect.Height := TextExt.cy div 2;
+ Canv.Rectangle(ScalebarRect);
+// Pixels => degrees
+function TMapControl.MapToGeoCoords(const MapPt: TPoint): TPointF;
+ Result := OSM.SlippyMapUtils.MapToGeoCoords(MapPt, FZoom);
+// Degrees => pixels
+function TMapControl.GeoCoordsToMap(const GeoCoords: TPointF): TPoint;
+ Result := OSM.SlippyMapUtils.GeoCoordsToMap(GeoCoords, FZoom);
+// Delta move the view area
+procedure TMapControl.ScrollMapBy(DeltaHorz, DeltaVert: Integer);
+ Invalidate; // refresh the image
+ HorzScrollBar.Position := HorzScrollBar.Position + DeltaHorz;
+ VertScrollBar.Position := VertScrollBar.Position + DeltaVert;
+// Absolutely move the view area
+procedure TMapControl.ScrollMapTo(Horz, Vert: Integer);
+ Invalidate; // refresh the image
+ HorzScrollBar.Position := Horz;
+ VertScrollBar.Position := Vert;
+// Move the view area to new top-left point
+procedure TMapControl.SetNWPoint(const MapPt: TPoint);
+ ScrollMapTo(MapPt.X, MapPt.Y);
+function TMapControl.GetCenterPoint: TPointF;
+ Result := MapToGeoCoords(ViewAreaRect.CenterPoint);
+procedure TMapControl.SetCenterPoint(const Coords: TPointF);
+ ViewRect: TRect;
+ Pt: TPoint;
+ // new center point in map coords
+ Pt := GeoCoordsToMap(Coords);
+ // new NW point
+ ViewRect := ViewAreaRect;
+ Pt.Offset(-ViewRect.Width div 2, -ViewRect.Height div 2);
+ // move
+ SetNWPoint(Pt);
+// Get top-left point of the view area
+function TMapControl.GetNWPoint: TPointF;
+ Result := MapToGeoCoords(ViewAreaRect.TopLeft);
+// Move the view area to new top-left point
+procedure TMapControl.SetNWPoint(const GeoCoords: TPointF);
+ SetNWPoint(GeoCoordsToMap(GeoCoords));
+// Find the next map mark that has specified coordinates.
+// PrevIndex - index of previous found map mark in the list. -1 (default) to
+// start from the 1st element.
+// Returns:
+// index of map mark in the list, -1 if not found.
+// Samples:
+// 1) Check if there's any map marks at this point
+// if FindNextMapMark(Point) <> -1 then ...
+// 2) Select all map marks at this point
+// idx := -1;
+// repeat
+// idx := FindNextMapMark(Point, idx);
+// if idx = -1 then Break;
+// ... do something with MapMarks[idx] ...
+// until False;
+function TMapControl.FindNextMapMark(const Pt: TPoint; PrevIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ {
+ if index = -1 - start searching
+ if no marks - return -1
+ if index > -1 - continue from index
+ }
+ {} Result := -1;
diff --git a/OSM.NetworkRequest.pas b/OSM.NetworkRequest.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af695ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSM.NetworkRequest.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ Generic (no real network implementation) classes and declarations for
+ requesting OSM tile images from network.
+ Real network function from any network must be supplied to actually execute request.
+unit OSM.NetworkRequest;
+ SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs,
+ OSM.SlippyMapUtils;
+ THttpRequestType = (reqPost, reqGet);
+ THttpRequestProps = record
+ RequestType: THttpRequestType;
+ URL: string;
+ POSTData: string;
+ HttpUserName: string;
+ HttpPassword: string;
+ HeaderLines: TStrings;
+ Additional: Pointer;
+ end;
+ // Generic type of blocking network request function
+ // RequestProps - all details regarding a request
+ // ResponseStm - stream that accepts response data
+ // ErrMsg - error description if any.
+ // Returns: success flag
+ TBlockingNetworkRequestFunc = function (const RequestProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ const ResponseStm: TStream; out ErrMsg: string): Boolean;
+ // Generic type of method to call when request is completed
+ // ! Called from the context of a background thread !
+ TGotTileFromNetworkCallback = procedure (const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream; const Error: string) of object;
+ // Queuer of network requests
+ TNetworkRequestQueue = class
+ strict private
+ FTaskQueue: TQueue; // list of tiles to be requested
+ FThreads: TList;
+ FCurrentTasks: TList; // list of tiles that are requested but not yet received
+ FNotEmpty: Boolean;
+ FMaxTasksPerThread: Cardinal;
+ FMaxThreads: Cardinal;
+ FGotTileCb: TGotTileFromNetworkCallback;
+ FRequestFunc: TBlockingNetworkRequestFunc;
+ procedure Lock;
+ procedure Unlock;
+ procedure AddThread;
+ private
+ // for access from TNetworkRequestThread
+ procedure DoRequestComplete(Sender: TThread; const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream; const Error: string);
+ function PopTask: Pointer;
+ property NotEmpty: Boolean read FNotEmpty;
+ property RequestFunc: TBlockingNetworkRequestFunc read FRequestFunc;
+ public
+ constructor Create(MaxTasksPerThread, MaxThreads: Cardinal;
+ RequestFunc: TBlockingNetworkRequestFunc;
+ GotTileCb: TGotTileFromNetworkCallback);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure RequestTile(const Tile: TTile);
+ end;
+ // Thread that consumes tasks from owner's queue and executes them
+ // When there are no tasks in the queue, it finishes and must be destroyed
+ TNetworkRequestThread = class(TThread)
+ strict private
+ FOwner: TNetworkRequestQueue;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Owner: TNetworkRequestQueue);
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ end;
+{ TNetworkRequestThread }
+constructor TNetworkRequestThread.Create(Owner: TNetworkRequestQueue);
+ FOwner := Owner;
+ inherited Create(False);
+procedure TNetworkRequestThread.Execute;
+ pT: PTile;
+ tile: TTile;
+ sURL, sErrMsg: string;
+ ms: TMemoryStream;
+ ReqProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ ReqProps := Default(THttpRequestProps);
+ ReqProps.RequestType := reqGet;
+ while not Terminated do
+ begin
+ pT := PTile(FOwner.PopTask);
+ if pT <> nil then
+ begin
+ tile := pT^;
+ sURL := TileToFullSlippyMapFileURL(tile);
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ ReqProps.URL := sURL;
+ if not FOwner.RequestFunc(ReqProps, ms, sErrMsg) then
+ FreeAndNil(ms)
+ else
+ ms.Position := 0;
+ FOwner.DoRequestComplete(Self, tile, ms, sErrMsg);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ TNetworkRequestQueue }
+// MaxTasksPerThread - if TaskCount > MaxTasksPerThread*ThreadCount, add one more thread
+// MaxThreads - limit the number of threads
+// GotTileCb - method to call when request is completed
+constructor TNetworkRequestQueue.Create(MaxTasksPerThread, MaxThreads: Cardinal;
+ RequestFunc: TBlockingNetworkRequestFunc; GotTileCb: TGotTileFromNetworkCallback);
+ FTaskQueue := TQueue.Create;
+ FThreads := TList.Create;
+ FCurrentTasks := TList.Create;
+ FMaxTasksPerThread := MaxTasksPerThread;
+ FMaxThreads := MaxThreads;
+ FGotTileCb := GotTileCb;
+ FRequestFunc := RequestFunc;
+destructor TNetworkRequestQueue.Destroy;
+var i: Integer;
+ // Command the threads to stop, wait and destroy them
+ for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
+ TThread(FThreads[i]).Terminate;
+ for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
+ TThread(FThreads[i]).WaitFor;
+ for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
+ if TThread(FThreads[i]).Finished then
+ TThread(FThreads[i]).Free
+ else
+ raise Exception.Create('Thread was not finished');
+ FreeAndNil(FThreads);
+ // Data cleanup
+ while FTaskQueue.Count > 0 do
+ Dispose(PTile(FTaskQueue.Pop));
+ FreeAndNil(FTaskQueue);
+ for i := 0 to FCurrentTasks.Count - 1 do
+ Dispose(PTile(FCurrentTasks[0]));
+ FreeAndNil(FCurrentTasks);
+procedure TNetworkRequestQueue.Lock;
+ System.TMonitor.Enter(Self);
+procedure TNetworkRequestQueue.Unlock;
+ System.TMonitor.Exit(Self);
+function IndexOfTile(const Tile: TTile; List: TList): Integer;
+ for Result := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
+ if TilesEqual(Tile, PTile(List[Result])^) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := -1;
+ TQueueHack = class(TQueue) end;
+procedure TNetworkRequestQueue.RequestTile(const Tile: TTile);
+ pT: PTile;
+ Lock;
+ try
+ // check if tile already in process
+ if IndexOfTile(Tile, FCurrentTasks) <> -1 then
+ Exit;
+ // or in queue
+ if IndexOfTile(Tile, TQueueHack(FTaskQueue).List) <> -1 then
+ Exit;
+ New(pT);
+ pT^ := Tile;
+ FTaskQueue.Push(pT);
+ FNotEmpty := True;
+ if (FTaskQueue.Count > FMaxTasksPerThread*FThreads.Count) and
+ (FThreads.Count < FMaxThreads) then
+ AddThread;
+ finally
+ Unlock;
+ end;
+procedure TNetworkRequestQueue.AddThread;
+ Lock;
+ try
+ FThreads.Add(TNetworkRequestThread.Create(Self));
+ finally
+ Unlock;
+ end;
+// Extract next item from queue
+// ! Executed from bg threads
+function TNetworkRequestQueue.PopTask: Pointer;
+ // Fast check
+ if not NotEmpty then
+ Exit(nil);
+ Lock;
+ try
+ if FTaskQueue.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := FTaskQueue.Pop;
+ FCurrentTasks.Add(Result);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+ FNotEmpty := (FTaskQueue.Count > 0);
+ finally
+ Unlock;
+ end;
+// Network request complete
+// ! Executed from bg threads
+procedure TNetworkRequestQueue.DoRequestComplete(Sender: TThread; const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream; const Error: string);
+ idx: Integer;
+ Lock;
+ try
+ idx := IndexOfTile(Tile, FCurrentTasks);
+ Dispose(PTile(FCurrentTasks[idx]));
+ FCurrentTasks.Delete(idx);
+ if Sender.Finished then
+ begin
+ Sender.Free;
+ FThreads.Delete(FThreads.IndexOf(Sender));
+ end;
+ finally
+ Unlock;
+ end;
+ FGotTileCb(Tile, Ms, Error);
diff --git a/OSM.SlippyMapUtils.pas b/OSM.SlippyMapUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a143a
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+++ b/OSM.SlippyMapUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ OSM map types & functions.
+ Ref.: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_Map
+ based on unit by Simon Kroik, 06.2018, kroiksm@gmx.de
+ which is based on UNIT openmap.pas
+ https://github.com/norayr/meridian23/blob/master/openmap/openmap.pas
+ New BSD License
+unit OSM.SlippyMapUtils;
+uses Types, SysUtils, Math;
+ TMapZoomLevel = 0..19; // 19 = Maximum zoom for Mapnik layer
+ TTile = record
+ Zoom: TMapZoomLevel;
+ ParameterX: Integer;
+ ParameterY: Integer;
+ end;
+ PTile = ^TTile;
+ // https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zoom_levels
+ TileMetersPerPixelOnEquator: array [TMapZoomLevel] of Double =
+ (
+ 156412,
+ 78206,
+ 39103,
+ 19551,
+ 9776,
+ 4888,
+ 2444,
+ 1222,
+ 610.984,
+ 305.492,
+ 152.746,
+ 76.373,
+ 38.187,
+ 19.093,
+ 9.547,
+ 4.773,
+ 2.387,
+ 1.193,
+ 0.596,
+ 0.298
+ );
+var // configurable
+ TilesCopyright: string = '(c) OpenStreetMap contributors';
+ MapURLPrefix: string = 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/';
+ MapURLPostfix: string = '';
+function TileCount(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer; inline;
+function TileValid(const Tile: TTile): Boolean; inline;
+function TileToStr(const Tile: TTile): string;
+function TilesEqual(const Tile1, Tile2: TTile): Boolean; inline;
+function LongitudeToMapCoord(Longitude: Double; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer;
+function LatitudeToMapCoord(Latitude: Double; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer;
+function MapCoordToLongitude(X: Integer; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Double;
+function MapCoordToLatitude(Y: Integer; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Double;
+function MapToGeoCoords(const MapPt: TPoint; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): TPointF;
+function GeoCoordsToMap(const GeoCoords: TPointF; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): TPoint;
+function CalcLinDistanceInMeter(const Coord1, Coord2: TPointF): Double;
+procedure GetScaleBarParams(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel;
+ var ScalebarWidthInPixel: Integer; var ScalebarWidthInMeter: Integer;
+ var Text: string);
+function TileToSlippyMapFileSubURL(const Tile: TTile): string;
+function TileToSlippyMapFileSubPath(const Tile: TTile): string;
+function TileToFullSlippyMapFileURL(const Tile: TTile): string;
+// Tile utils
+// Tile count on level is 2^Zoom
+function TileCount(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer;
+ Result := 1 shl Zoom;
+// Check tile fields for validity
+function TileValid(const Tile: TTile): Boolean;
+ Result :=
+ (Tile.Zoom in [Low(TMapZoomLevel)..High(TMapZoomLevel)]) and
+ (Tile.ParameterX >= 0) and (Tile.ParameterX < TileCount(Tile.Zoom)) and
+ (Tile.ParameterY >= 0) and (Tile.ParameterY < TileCount(Tile.Zoom));
+// Just a standartized string representation
+function TileToStr(const Tile: TTile): string;
+ Result := Format('%d * [%d : %d]', [Tile.Zoom, Tile.ParameterX, Tile.ParameterY]);
+function TilesEqual(const Tile1, Tile2: TTile): Boolean;
+ Result :=
+ (Tile1.Zoom = Tile2.Zoom) and
+ (Tile1.ParameterX = Tile2.ParameterX) and
+ (Tile1.ParameterY = Tile2.ParameterY);
+// Degrees to pixels
+function LongitudeToMapCoord(Longitude: Double; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer;
+ Result := Floor((Longitude + 180.0) / 360.0 * TileCount(Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH);
+function LatitudeToMapCoord(Latitude: Double; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Integer;
+ SavePi: Extended;
+ LatInRad: Extended;
+ SavePi := Pi;
+ LatInRad := Latitude * SavePi / 180.0;
+ Result := Floor((1.0 - ln(Tan(LatInRad) + 1.0 / Cos(LatInRad)) / SavePi) / 2.0 * TileCount(Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+function GeoCoordsToMap(const GeoCoords: TPointF; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): TPoint;
+ Result := Point(
+ LongitudeToMapCoord(GeoCoords.X, Zoom),
+ LatitudeToMapCoord(GeoCoords.Y, Zoom)
+ );
+// Pixels to degrees
+function MapCoordToLongitude(X: Integer; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Double;
+ Result := X / (TileCount(Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH) * 360.0 - 180.0;
+function MapCoordToLatitude(Y: Integer; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): Double;
+ n: Extended;
+ SavePi: Extended;
+ SavePi := Pi;
+ n := SavePi - 2.0 * SavePi * Y / (TileCount(Zoom)*TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+ Result := 180.0 / SavePi * ArcTan(0.5 * (Exp(n) - Exp(-n)));
+function MapToGeoCoords(const MapPt: TPoint; Zoom: TMapZoomLevel): TPointF;
+ Result := PointF(
+ MapCoordToLongitude(MapPt.X, Zoom),
+ MapCoordToLatitude(MapPt.Y, Zoom)
+ );
+// Other
+function CalcLinDistanceInMeter(const Coord1, Coord2: TPointF): Double;
+ Phimean: Double;
+ dLambda: Double;
+ dPhi: Double;
+ Alpha: Double;
+ Rho: Double;
+ Nu: Double;
+ R: Double;
+ z: Double;
+ Temp: Double;
+ D2R: Double = 0.017453;
+ R2D: Double = 57.295781;
+ a: Double = 6378137.0;
+ b: Double = 6356752.314245;
+ e2: Double = 0.006739496742337;
+ f: Double = 0.003352810664747;
+ dLambda := (Coord1.X - Coord2.X) * D2R;
+ dPhi := (Coord1.Y - Coord2.Y) * D2R;
+ Phimean := ((Coord1.Y + Coord2.Y) / 2.0) * D2R;
+ Temp := 1 - e2 * Sqr(Sin(Phimean));
+ Rho := (a * (1 - e2)) / Power(Temp, 1.5);
+ Nu := a / (Sqrt(1 - e2 * (Sin(Phimean) * Sin(Phimean))));
+ z := Sqrt(Sqr(Sin(dPhi / 2.0)) + Cos(Coord2.Y * D2R) *
+ Cos(Coord1.Y * D2R) * Sqr(Sin(dLambda / 2.0)));
+ z := 2 * ArcSin(z);
+ Alpha := Cos(Coord2.Y * D2R) * Sin(dLambda) * 1 / Sin(z);
+ Alpha := ArcSin(Alpha);
+ R := (Rho * Nu) / (Rho * Sqr(Sin(Alpha)) + (Nu * Sqr(Cos(Alpha))));
+ Result := (z * R);
+procedure GetScaleBarParams(Zoom: TMapZoomLevel; var ScalebarWidthInPixel, ScalebarWidthInMeter: Integer; var Text: string);
+ ScalebarWidthInKm: array [TMapZoomLevel] of Double =
+ (
+ 10000,
+ 5000,
+ 3000,
+ 1000,
+ 500,
+ 300,
+ 200,
+ 100,
+ 50,
+ 30,
+ 10,
+ 5,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ 0.500,
+ 0.300,
+ 0.200,
+ 0.100,
+ 0.050,
+ 0.020
+ );
+ dblScalebarWidthInMeter: Double;
+ dblScalebarWidthInMeter := ScalebarWidthInKm[Zoom] * 1000;
+ ScalebarWidthInPixel := Round(dblScalebarWidthInMeter / TileMetersPerPixelOnEquator[Zoom]);
+ ScalebarWidthInMeter := Round(dblScalebarWidthInMeter);
+ if ScalebarWidthInMeter < 1000 then
+ Text := IntToStr(ScalebarWidthInMeter) + ' m'
+ else
+ Text := IntToStr(ScalebarWidthInMeter div 1000) + ' km'
+// Tile path
+function TileToSlippyMapFileSubURL(const Tile: TTile): string;
+ Result :=
+ IntToStr(Tile.Zoom) + '/' +
+ IntToStr(Tile.ParameterX) + '/' +
+ IntToStr(Tile.ParameterY) + '.png';
+function TileToSlippyMapFileSubPath(const Tile: TTile): string;
+ Result :=
+ IntToStr(Tile.Zoom) + PathDelim +
+ IntToStr(Tile.ParameterX) + PathDelim +
+ IntToStr(Tile.ParameterY) + '.png';
+function TileToFullSlippyMapFileURL(const Tile: TTile): string;
+ Result := MapURLPrefix + TileToSlippyMapFileSubURL(Tile) + MapURLPostfix;
diff --git a/OSM.TileStorage.pas b/OSM.TileStorage.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3ad70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSM.TileStorage.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ OSM tile images cache.
+ Stores tile images for the map, could read/save them from/to local files but
+ doesn't request them from network. See OSM.NetworkRequest unit
+unit OSM.TileStorage;
+ SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, PngImage,
+ OSM.SlippyMapUtils;
+ // Amount of bytes that a single tile bitmap occupies in memory.
+ // Bitmap consumes ~4 byte per pixel. This constant could be used to
+ // determine acceptable cache size knowing acceptable memory usage.
+ // List of cached tile bitmaps with fixed capacity organised as queue
+ TTileBitmapCache = class
+ strict private
+ type
+ TTileBitmapRec = record
+ Tile: TTile;
+ Bmp: TBitmap;
+ end;
+ PTileBitmapRec = ^TTileBitmapRec;
+ strict private
+ FCache: TList;
+ class function NewItem(const Tile: TTile; Bmp: TBitmap): PTileBitmapRec;
+ class procedure FreeItem(pItem: PTileBitmapRec);
+ public
+ constructor Create(Capacity: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Push(const Tile: TTile; Bmp: TBitmap);
+ function Find(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+ end;
+ TTileStorageOption = (
+ tsoNoFileCache, // disable all file cache operations
+ tsoReadOnlyFileCache // disable write file cache operations
+ );
+ TTileStorageOptions = set of TTileStorageOption;
+ // Class that encapsulates memory and file cache of tile images
+ TTileStorage = class
+ strict private
+ FBmpCache: TTileBitmapCache;
+ FFileCacheBaseDir: string;
+ FOptions: TTileStorageOptions;
+ function GetFromFileCache(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+ procedure StoreInFileCache(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream);
+ public
+ constructor Create(CacheSize: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetTile(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+ procedure StoreTile(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream);
+ property Options: TTileStorageOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
+ // Base path to images on disk: \ \ \ .png
+ property FileCacheBaseDir: string read FFileCacheBaseDir write FFileCacheBaseDir;
+ end;
+{$REGION 'TTileBitmapCache'}
+class function TTileBitmapCache.NewItem(const Tile: TTile; Bmp: TBitmap): PTileBitmapRec;
+ New(Result);
+ Result.Tile := Tile;
+ Result.Bmp := Bmp;
+class procedure TTileBitmapCache.FreeItem(pItem: PTileBitmapRec);
+ pItem.Bmp.Free;
+ Dispose(pItem);
+constructor TTileBitmapCache.Create(Capacity: Integer);
+ FCache := TList.Create;
+ FCache.Capacity := Capacity;
+destructor TTileBitmapCache.Destroy;
+ while FCache.Count > 0 do
+ begin
+ FreeItem(PTileBitmapRec(FCache[0]));
+ FCache.Delete(0);
+ end;
+ FreeAndNil(FCache);
+procedure TTileBitmapCache.Push(const Tile: TTile; Bmp: TBitmap);
+ if FCache.Count = FCache.Capacity then
+ begin
+ FreeItem(PTileBitmapRec(FCache[0]));
+ FCache.Delete(0);
+ end;
+ FCache.Add(NewItem(Tile, Bmp));
+function TTileBitmapCache.Find(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+var idx: Integer;
+ for idx := 0 to FCache.Count - 1 do
+ if TilesEqual(Tile, PTileBitmapRec(FCache[idx]).Tile) then
+ Exit(PTileBitmapRec(FCache[idx]).Bmp);
+ Result := nil;
+{$REGION 'TTileStorage'}
+// CacheSize - capacity of image cache.
+constructor TTileStorage.Create(CacheSize: Integer);
+ FBmpCache := TTileBitmapCache.Create(CacheSize);
+destructor TTileStorage.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FBmpCache);
+function TTileStorage.GetFromFileCache(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+ png: TPngImage;
+ Path: string;
+ Result := nil;
+ Path := FFileCacheBaseDir + TileToSlippyMapFileSubPath(Tile);
+ if FileExists(Path) then
+ begin
+ png := TPngImage.Create;
+ png.LoadFromFile(Path);
+ Result := TBitmap.Create;
+ Result.Assign(png);
+ FreeAndNil(png);
+ end;
+procedure TTileStorage.StoreInFileCache(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream);
+ Path: string;
+ Path := FFileCacheBaseDir + TileToSlippyMapFileSubPath(Tile);
+ ForceDirectories(ExtractFileDir(Path));
+ Ms.SaveToFile(Path);
+// Try to get tile bitmap, return nil if not available locally.
+// If bitmap has been loaded from file, store it in cache
+function TTileStorage.GetTile(const Tile: TTile): TBitmap;
+ // try to load from memory cache
+ Result := FBmpCache.Find(Tile);
+ if Result <> nil then
+ Exit;
+ // try to load from disk cache
+ if not (tsoNoFileCache in FOptions) then
+ begin
+ Result := GetFromFileCache(Tile);
+ if Result <> nil then
+ FBmpCache.Push(Tile, Result);
+ end;
+// Add tile PNG to memory and file cache
+procedure TTileStorage.StoreTile(const Tile: TTile; Ms: TMemoryStream);
+ png: TPngImage;
+ bmp: TBitmap;
+ SavePos: Int64;
+ png := nil;
+ try
+ SavePos := Ms.Position;
+ // Save to disk as PNG
+ if ([tsoNoFileCache, tsoReadOnlyFileCache] * FOptions = []) then
+ StoreInFileCache(Tile, Ms);
+ Ms.Position := SavePos;
+ // Convert to bitmap and store in memory cache
+ png := TPngImage.Create;
+ png.LoadFromStream(Ms);
+ Ms.Position := SavePos;
+ bmp := TBitmap.Create;
+ bmp.Assign(png);
+ FBmpCache.Push(Tile, Bmp);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(png);
+ end;
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045e05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Компонент для отображения карты OpenStreetMap и вспомогательные классы
+Демо-проект включает механизм для скачивания карты с сети
+Совместимость: Delphi XE2+, VCL, Windows (на данный момент)
+!! Версия alpha, всё может меняться произвольным образом !!
diff --git a/SynapseRequest.pas b/SynapseRequest.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf58ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SynapseRequest.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ Implements blocking HTTP request with Synapse framework.
+ based on code by Simon Kroik, 06.2018, kroiksm@gmx.de
+unit SynapseRequest;
+ SysUtils, Classes,
+ HTTPSend, SynaUtil,
+ OSM.NetworkRequest;
+// RequestProps.Additional: Boolean - SendAsMozilla flag
+function NetworkRequest(const RequestProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ const ResponseStm: TStream; out ErrMsg: string): Boolean;
+ SEMsg_HTTPErr = 'HTTP error: %d %s';
+procedure PrepareHTTPSendAsMozilla(AHTTP: THTTPSend);
+ AHTTP.UserAgent:='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0';
+ AHTTP.Headers.Add('Accept-Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3');
+ AHTTP.Headers.Add('Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8');
+//based on Synapse
+//For HTTPS-Support:
+// 1) USES ssl_openssl;
+// 2) copy libeay32.dll
+// 3) copy ssleay32.dll
+function NetworkRequest(const RequestProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ const ResponseStm: TStream; out ErrMsg: string): Boolean;
+ ErrMsg := '';
+ HTTP := THTTPSend.Create;
+ try
+ HTTP.UserName := RequestProps.HttpUserName;
+ HTTP.Password := RequestProps.HttpPassword;
+ if RequestProps.RequestType = reqPost then
+ begin
+ WriteStrToStream(HTTP.Document, RawByteString(RequestProps.POSTData));
+ HTTP.MimeType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+ end;
+ if Boolean(RequestProps.Additional) then
+ PrepareHTTPSendAsMozilla(HTTP);
+ if Assigned(RequestProps.HeaderLines) then
+ HTTP.Headers.AddStrings(RequestProps.HeaderLines);
+ if RequestProps.RequestType = reqPost then
+ Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('POST', RequestProps.URL)
+ else
+ Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', RequestProps.URL);
+ // check network error
+ if not Result then
+ begin
+ ErrMsg := HTTP.Sock.LastErrorDesc;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // check HTTP error
+ if HTTP.ResultCode <> 200 then
+ begin
+ ErrMsg := Format(SEMsg_HTTPErr, [HTTP.ResultCode, HTTP.ResultString]);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // OK
+ ResponseStm.CopyFrom(HTTP.Document, 0);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(HTTP);
+ end;
diff --git a/WinInetRequest.pas b/WinInetRequest.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb03cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WinInetRequest.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Implements blocking HTTP request with WinInet.
+unit WinInetRequest;
+ SysUtils, Classes, Windows, WinInet,
+ OSM.NetworkRequest;
+// Only GET requests. No auth fields used.
+function NetworkRequest(const RequestProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ const ResponseStm: TStream; out ErrMsg: string): Boolean;
+ SEMsg_UnsuppReqType = 'Only GET request type supported';
+function NetworkRequest(const RequestProps: THttpRequestProps;
+ const ResponseStm: TStream; out ErrMsg: string): Boolean;
+ Headers: string;
+ Buf: array[0..1024-1] of Byte;
+ read: DWORD;
+ ErrMsg := ''; Result := False; hInet := nil; hFile := nil;
+ try try
+ if RequestProps.RequestType <> reqGet then
+ raise Exception.Create(SEMsg_UnsuppReqType);
+ // Init WinInet
+ hInet := InternetOpen('Foo', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, nil, nil, 0);
+ if hInet = nil then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+ // Open address
+ if RequestProps.HeaderLines <> nil then
+ Headers := RequestProps.HeaderLines.Text;
+ hFile := InternetOpenUrl(hInet, PChar(RequestProps.URL), PChar(Headers), 0,
+ 0);
+ if hFile = nil then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+ // Read the URL
+ while InternetReadFile(hFile, @Buf, SizeOf(Buf), read) do
+ begin
+ if read = 0 then Break;
+ ResponseStm.Write(Buf, read);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ except on E: Exception do
+ ErrMsg := E.Message;
+ end;
+ finally
+ InternetCloseHandle(hFile);
+ InternetCloseHandle(hInet);
+ end;