Backstage hosts the data in a PostgreSQL database. By default, the Operator creates and manages a local instance of PostgreSQL in the same namespace as the Backstage deployment but it also allows to switch this off and configure an external database server instead. Usually, external connection requires more security, so, this instruction includes steps to configure SSL/TLS.
As a prerequisite, you have to know:
- db-host - your PostgreSQL instance DNS or IP address
- db-port - your PostgreSQL instance port number (usually 5432)
- username - to connect to your PostgreSQL instance
- password - to connect to your PostgreSQL instance
NOTE: By default, Backstage uses databases for each plugin and automatically creates them if none are found, so in addition to PSQL Database level privileges, the user may need Create Database privilege.
In addition, to get your database connection secured with SSL/TLS, you also need certificates in the form of PEM file.
You can find configuration guidelines for:
cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <your-namespace> create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <cred-secret-name>
type: Opaque
POSTGRES_PORT: <db-port>
POSTGRES_USER: <username>
POSTGRES_HOST: <db-host>
PGSSLMODE: require # for TLS connection
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: <abs-path-to-pem-file> # for TLS connection, e.g. /opt/app-root/src/postgres-crt.pem
(omit this step if you do not need TLS connection, maybe for testing purpose)
cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <your-namespace> create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <crt-secret>
type: Opaque
postgres-crt.pem: |-
- disable creating local PostgreSQL instance with spec.database.enableLocalDb: false
- add to spec.application.extraFiles.secrets, so, as for example below postgres-crt.pem file will be mounted to Backstage container at spec.application.extraFiles.mountPath directory:
- add to spec.application.extraEnvs.secrets, so all the data's entries will be injected to Backstage container as environment variables.
NOTE: environment variables listed in file work with default Operator configuration. If it is changed on default or raw configuration, you have to re-configure it accordingly.
cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <your-namespace> create -f -
kind: Backstage
name: <backstage-instance-name>
enableLocalDb: false
mountPath: <path> # e g /opt/app-root/src
- name: <crt-secret>
key: postgres-crt.pem # key name as in <crt-secret> Secret
- name: <cred-secret>
(Tested on PGSQL 15)
- An AWS account with an active subscription and a PostgreSQL instance on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
- (Optionally) Pgsql client installed to check your database connections
- (Optionally) Check your Database connection:
psql -h <db-host> -p <db-port> -U <username>
- Enter the and output should be something like:
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
(type ‘\q’ to quit from psql CLI)
TIP: The most probable reason for an unsuccessful connection is not properly configured Security Group inbound rule. Make sure you have one enabled for external connection.
- Download a certificate bundle Certificate bundles for all AWS Regions or Certificate bundles for specific AWS Region.
NOTE: AWS RDS enforces connecting your client applications using Transport Layer Security (TLS) starting from PGSQL v 15 . You can disable it adding Parameter Group and setting rds.force-ssl=0
- Use this PEM file (postgres-crt.pem) as a data for the Secret above.
(Tested on PGSQL 15)
- An Azure account with an active subscription and Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server instance.
- (Optionally) Pgsql client installed to check your database connections
- (Optionally) Check your Database connection:
psql -h <db-host> -p <db-port> -U <username>
Enter the and output should be something like:
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
(type ‘\q’ to quit from psql CLI)
TIP: The most probable reason for an unsuccessful connection is not appropriate for public access Firewall rules.
- Download Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017 and DigiCert Global Root CA certificates from the URIs provided here
NOTE: Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server enforces connecting your client applications using Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Convert .crt files you downloaded to .pem format as suggested using
openssl x509 -in DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt -out DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem -outform PEM
openssl x509 -in "Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt" -out "Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt.pem" -outform PEM
- Combine them according to this suggestion, like:
cat DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem "Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt.pem" > postgres-crt.pem