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File metadata and controls

140 lines (107 loc) · 4.81 KB



This is a Stencil JS monorepo built according to the guidlines here.

There are currently two packages:

  1. the core library under packages/fa-icon-chooser
  2. the React integration under packages/fa-icon-chooser-react

The core library builds assets into the React integration. Each package is deployed as its own NPM package.

Separation of Concerns

Your code is the data container that drives the fa-icon-chooser and must handle network requests and must handle any needed authorization. It must configure the fa-icon-chooser using version and/or kitToken props to run against a particular version of Font Awesome.

Development Runtime

fa-icon-chooser is a web component with some props that are not scalars, such as some callback functions. So the way it's added to the DOM is by using createElement and assigning those props before adding the component to the DOM. (The React integration makes this more idiomatic, since it can handle non-scalar props.)

The index.html that is loaded on npm run start pulls in runtime.js

runtime.js fetches a development-only local.json configuration file, which must exist, and you must create yourself, and it is intentionally gitignore'd.

REQUIRED: make your own local.json

local.json should be created at packages/fa-icon-chooser/dev/local.json, and it has three top-level keys:

  1. "head" (optional) This allows for simulating the environment in which you might be mounting the fa-icon-chooser.

    For example, suppose your code is a WordPress plugin, running in a WordPress environment that would already have Font Awesome loaded in the DOM into which you'd be mounting fa-icon-chooser. The head key is where you can declare what <script> or <link> element should be added to the <head> of the document in order to simulate that environment.

    This would add a <link> tag to the <head> with attributes according to each of its subkeys.

      "head": {
        "link": {
          "href": "",
          "rel": "stylesheet",
          "integrity": "sha384-iKbFRxucmOHIcpWdX9NTZ5WETOPm0Goy0WmfyNcl52qSYtc2Buk0NCe6jU1sWWNB",
          "crossorigin": "anonymous"
      "props": {
        "version": "6.4.0"

    Regardless of what version or technology of Font Awesome is loaded in the outer DOM (via this head key or any other means), inside the fa-icon-chooser the Font Awesome SVG/JS technology will be used for rendering icons.

  2. "props" (required) Each subkey under props will become a prop assigned to the fa-icon-chooser component.

    This configuration, for example, sets only the version prop. This would result in Font Awesome Free, for this version, being loaded from the Free CDN.

      "props": {
        "version": "6.4.0"

    This configuration would cause the kit with token 24adf01c2f to be used. The version of Font Awesome that will be searched by the icon chooser will be the version for which that kit is configured to use. The icon chooser discovers that version by querying the for that kit's metadata from the Font Awesome API.

      "props": {
        "kit-token": "24adf01c2f"
      "apiToken": "DEADBEEF-0F0F-ABBA-F00D-DEADBEEF0123"
  3. "apiToken" (required when configured to use a kit) This must be a real API Token with kits_read scope, from the account that owns the kit with the configured kit token.


Create a packages/fa-icon-chooser/src/local.json file with your desired configuration as above.

$ cd packages/fa-icon-chooser
$ npm install
$ npm run start

React example

There's a create-react-app-based example app under packages/fa-icon-chooser-react/example that demonstrates how it might be using it.

Releasing a new version

  1. Update each package.json file:

    • packages/fa-icon-chooser/package.json (main component library)
    • packages/fa-icon-chooser-react/package.json (react integration library)

    Edit the following keys in each file:

     - Update the `version`
     - Add new contributors to the `contributors` section

    In fa-icon-chooser-react/package.json also update the dependency version for fa-icon-chooser, setting it equal to the exact version being released.

  2. Update the

  3. Update the contributors section

  4. git add . && git commit -m 'Release VERSION'

  5. git push

  6. Create a new release with CHANGELOG details