An unofficial Dart port of quill-js-delta, originally written in TypeScript.
This package provides a Dart implementation of the Quill Delta format, which is a JSON-based data structure used to describe rich-text documents. For more details, refer to the official Quill Delta documentation.
Previously, this package was part of the flutter_quill package, but it has since been separated into its own package. It maintains the same versioning as flutter_quill
. The Flutter Quill project forked this package from quill_delta.
The following projects support or use this package:
- flutter_quill_to_pdf
- flutter_quill_delta_from_html
- flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser
- flutter_quill
- markdown_quill
- quill_markdown
- delta_markdown
- super_editor_quill
For detailed usage and API references, refer to the official Quill Delta documentation.
- The original package quill_delta.
- Delta Delta.