diff --git a/.github/updateLeaderboard.js b/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
index 988d783..7c88e94 100644
--- a/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
+++ b/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
@@ -1,135 +1,127 @@
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = async ({ github, context }) => {
- const query = `query($owner:String!, $name:String!, $issue_number:Int!) {
- repository(owner:$owner, name:$name){
- issue(number:$issue_number) {
- title
- bodyText
- author {
- avatarUrl(size: 24)
- login
- url
+ try {
+ console.log('Starting leaderboard update...');
+ const query = `query($owner:String!, $name:String!, $issue_number:Int!) {
+ repository(owner:$owner, name:$name){
+ issue(number:$issue_number) {
+ title
+ bodyText
+ author {
+ avatarUrl(size: 24)
+ login
+ url
+ }
+ updatedAt
+ }
- updatedAt
+ }`;
+ const variables = {
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ name: context.repo.repo,
+ issue_number: context.issue.number,
+ };
+ const result = await github.graphql(query, variables);
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
+ const issue = result.repository.issue;
+ const nameMatch = /👤 Name:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
+ const githubLinkMatch = /🔗 GitHub Profile Link:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
+ const messageMatch = /💬 Message:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
+ const scoreMatch = /Score:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
+ const dateMatch = /Game Result Submission:\s*(.*?) - Score:/.exec(issue.title);
+ const modeMatch = /Mode:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
+ const winMatch = /Win:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
+ // Extract values or fallback to author details if null
+ const name = nameMatch ? nameMatch[1].trim() : issue.author.login;
+ const githubLink = githubLinkMatch ? githubLinkMatch[1].trim() : issue.author.url;
+ const message = messageMatch ? messageMatch[1].trim() : '';
+ const score = scoreMatch ? parseInt(scoreMatch[1].trim()) : null;
+ const date = dateMatch ? dateMatch[1].trim() : null;
+ const mode = modeMatch ? parseInt(modeMatch[1].trim()) : null;
+ const win = winMatch ? parseInt(winMatch[1].trim()) : null;
+ // Check for null values
+ if (score === null || date === null || mode === null || win === null) {
+ console.log('One or more required fields are missing. Stopping further processing.');
+ return false;
- }
- }`;
- const variables = {
- owner: context.repo.owner,
- name: context.repo.repo,
- issue_number: context.issue.number,
- };
- const result = await github.graphql(query, variables);
- console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
- const issue = result.repository.issue;
- const nameMatch = /👤 Name:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
- const githubLinkMatch = /🔗 GitHub Profile Link:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
- const messageMatch = /💬 Message:\s*(.*?)\n-/.exec(issue.bodyText);
- const scoreMatch = /Score:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
- const dateMatch = /Game Result Submission:\s*(.*?) - Score:/.exec(issue.title);
- const modeMatch = /Mode:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
- const winMatch = /Win:\s*(\d+)/.exec(issue.title);
- // Extract values or fallback to author details if null
- const name = nameMatch ? nameMatch[1].trim() : issue.author.login; // Use author's GitHub login if name not found
- const githubLink = githubLinkMatch ? githubLinkMatch[1].trim() : issue.author.url; // Use author's URL if not found
- const message = messageMatch ? messageMatch[1].trim() : ''; // Default message if not found
- const score = scoreMatch ? parseInt(scoreMatch[1].trim()) : null; // Extract score
- const date = dateMatch ? dateMatch[1].trim() : null; // Extract date
- const mode = modeMatch ? parseInt(modeMatch[1].trim()) : null; // Extract mode
- const win = winMatch ? parseInt(winMatch[1].trim()) : null; // Extract win status
- // Check if any of the extracted values are null, if so, stop processing
- if (score === null || date === null || mode === null || win === null) {
- console.log('One or more required fields are missing. Stopping further processing.');
- return; // Exit or stop further execution as needed
- }
- // Map mode values to difficulty levels
- const modeMapping = {
- 0: 'Easy',
- 1: 'Medium',
- 2: 'Hard'
- };
+ // Map mode values to difficulty levels
+ const modeMapping = {
+ 0: 'Easy',
+ 1: 'Medium',
+ 2: 'Hard'
+ };
- // Get the corresponding difficulty level or 'N/A' if not found
- const difficulty = modeMapping[mode] || '';
+ const difficulty = modeMapping[mode] || '';
+ const gameOutcome = win === 1 ? 'Win' : 'Game Over';
- // Determine game outcome based on win value
- const gameOutcome = win === 1 ? 'Win' : (win === 0 ? 'Game Over' : '');
+ const newLeaderboardItem = `| ${score} | ${difficulty} | [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ${date} |\n`;
+ const newEntry = `| ${date} | [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ${difficulty} | ${score} | ${gameOutcome} |`;
- const newLeaderboardItem = `| ${score} | ${difficulty} | [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ${date} |\n`;
+ const readmePath = 'README.md';
+ let readme = fs.readFileSync(readmePath, 'utf8');
- const newEntry = `| ${date} | [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ${difficulty} | ${score} | ${gameOutcome} |`;
+ // Update Recent Plays
+ const recentPlaysSection = /[\s\S]*?/.exec(readme);
+ if (recentPlaysSection) {
+ let recentPlaysContent = recentPlaysSection[0];
- const readmePath = 'README.md';
- let readme = fs.readFileSync(readmePath, 'utf8');
+ let recentPlaysRows = recentPlaysContent
+ .split('\n')
+ .filter(row => row.startsWith('|') && !row.includes('Date | Player | Message | Game Mode | Score | Status ') && !row.includes('|------|--------|---------|-----------|-------|--------|'));
- // Update Recent Plays
- const recentPlaysSection = /[\s\S]*?/.exec(readme);
- if (recentPlaysSection) {
- let recentPlaysContent = recentPlaysSection[0];
+ recentPlaysRows.unshift(newEntry);
+ if (recentPlaysRows.length > 20) {
+ recentPlaysRows = recentPlaysRows.slice(0, 20);
+ }
- let recentPlaysRows = recentPlaysContent
- .split('\n')
- .filter(row => row.startsWith('|') && !row.includes('Date | Player | Message | Game Mode | Score | Status ') && !row.includes('|------|--------|---------|-----------|-------|--------|'));
+ const updatedRecentPlays = `\n| Date | Player | Message | Game Mode | Score | Status |\n|------|--------|---------|-----------|-------|--------|\n${recentPlaysRows.join('\n')}\n`;
+ readme = readme.replace(recentPlaysSection[0], updatedRecentPlays);
+ }
+ // Update Leaderboard
+ const leaderboardSection = /[\s\S]*?/.exec(readme);
+ if (leaderboardSection && win === 1) {
+ let leaderboardContent = leaderboardSection[0];
- recentPlaysRows.unshift(newEntry);
+ let leaderboardRows = leaderboardContent
+ .split('\n')
+ .filter(row => row.startsWith('|') && !row.includes('Score | Game Mode | Player | Message | Date') && !row.includes('|-------|-----------|--------|---------|------|'));
- console.log("Current length of recentPlaysRows after sorting:", recentPlaysRows.length);
- if (recentPlaysRows.length > 20) {
- recentPlaysRows = recentPlaysRows.slice(0, 20);
- }
+ leaderboardRows.unshift(newLeaderboardItem);
+ leaderboardRows.sort((a, b) => {
+ const scoreA = parseInt(a.split('|')[1].trim(), 10);
+ const scoreB = parseInt(b.split('|')[1].trim(), 10);
+ const dateA = new Date(a.split('|')[5].trim());
+ const dateB = new Date(b.split('|')[5].trim());
- const updatedRecentPlays = `\n| Date | Player | Message | Game Mode | Score | Status |\n|------|--------|---------|-----------|-------|--------|\n${recentPlaysRows.join('\n')}\n`;
- readme = readme.replace(recentPlaysSection[0], updatedRecentPlays);
- }
+ return scoreB - scoreA || dateB - dateA;
+ });
- // Update Leaderboard
- const leaderboardSection = /[\s\S]*?/.exec(readme);
- if (leaderboardSection && win === 1 ) {
- let leaderboardContent = leaderboardSection[0];
- leaderboardContent = leaderboardContent.replace(//, `${newLeaderboardItem}`);
- let leaderboardRows = leaderboardContent
- .split('\n')
- .filter(row => row.startsWith('|') && !row.includes('Score | Game Mode | Player | Message | Date') && !row.includes('|-------|-----------|--------|---------|------|'));
- leaderboardRows.sort((a, b) => {
- const scoreA = a.match(/^\| (\d+) \|/);
- const scoreB = b.match(/^\| (\d+) \|/);
- const dateA = a.match(/\| (\d+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \|/)[5].trim();
- const dateB = b.match(/\| (\d+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^|]+) \|/)[5].trim();
- if (scoreB && scoreA) {
- const scoreDiff = parseInt(scoreB[1]) - parseInt(scoreA[1]);
- if (scoreDiff !== 0) {
- return scoreDiff;
- }
+ if (leaderboardRows.length > 20) {
+ leaderboardRows = leaderboardRows.slice(0, 20);
- return dateB.localeCompare(dateA);
- });
- console.log("Current length of leaderboardRows after sorting:", leaderboardRows.length);
- if (leaderboardRows.length > 20) {
- leaderboardRows = leaderboardRows.slice(0, 20);
+ const updatedLeaderboard = `\n| Score | Game Mode | Player | Message | Date |\n|-------|-----------|--------|---------|------|\n${leaderboardRows.join('\n')}\n`;
+ readme = readme.replace(leaderboardSection[0], updatedLeaderboard);
- const updatedLeaderboard = `\n| Score | Game Mode | Player | Message | Date |\n|-------|-----------|--------|---------|------|\n${leaderboardRows.join('\n')}\n`;
- readme = readme.replace(leaderboardSection[0], updatedLeaderboard);
- }
+ fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, readme, 'utf8');
+ console.log('README.md updated successfully.');
- fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, readme, 'utf8');
- console.log('README.md updated successfully.');
+ return true;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error:', error);
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update_leaderboard.yml b/.github/workflows/update_leaderboard.yml
index f80a870..ef86a0c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/update_leaderboard.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/update_leaderboard.yml
@@ -11,22 +11,28 @@ jobs:
contents: write
issues: write
+ pull-requests: write
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Update leaderboard from comments
+ - name: Run updateLeaderboard script
+ id: update_leaderboard
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const updateLeaderboard = require('./.github/updateLeaderboard.js');
- updateLeaderboard({github, context});
+ const result = await updateLeaderboard({ github, context });
+ return result;
- - name: Commit changes
- run: |
- git config --global user.name 'Github Actions'
- git config --global user.email '41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com'
- git add README.md
- git commit -m ':sparkles: Update leaderboard' || echo "No changes to commit"
- git push https://x-access-token:${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}@github.com/${{ github.repository }} HEAD:main
+ - name: Create Pull Request
+ if: steps.update_leaderboard.outputs.result == 'true'
+ uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
+ with:
+ branch: update-leaderboard
+ commit-message: ':sparkles: Update leaderboard'
+ title: 'Update Leaderboard'
+ body: |
+ This PR updates the leaderboard based on the latest game results.
+ base: main