From c5e579f777230caecbdc5f9e58cef39d61aa78f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zippo-Wang <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:37:22 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] feat(AOM): import AOM service discovery rule resource and add
unit test and document.
docs/resources/ | 147 +++++++++++++++
...eengine_aom_service_discovery_rule_test.go | 173 ++++++++++++++++++
flexibleengine/provider.go | 4 +-
3 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 docs/resources/
create mode 100644 flexibleengine/acceptance/resource_flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule_test.go
diff --git a/docs/resources/ b/docs/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23f59a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+subcategory: "Application Operations Management (AOM)"
+# flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule
+Manages an AOM service discovery rule resource within FlexibleEngineCloud.
+## Example Usage
+### Basic example
+resource "flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule" "discovery_rule" {
+ name = "test-rule"
+ priority = 9999
+ detect_log_enabled = "true"
+ discovery_rule_enabled = "true"
+ is_default_rule = "false"
+ log_file_suffix = ["log"]
+ service_type = "Java"
+ discovery_rules {
+ check_content = ["java"]
+ check_mode = "contain"
+ check_type = "cmdLine"
+ }
+ log_path_rules {
+ name_type = "cmdLineHash"
+ args = ["java"]
+ value = ["/tmp/log"]
+ }
+ name_rules {
+ service_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["java"]
+ }
+ application_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["java"]
+ }
+ }
+## Argument Reference
+The following arguments are supported:
+* `region` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The region in which to create the service discovery rule resource. If omitted,
+ the provider-level region will be used. Changing this creates a new resource.
+* `name` - (Required, String) Specifies the rule name, which contains 4 to 63 characters. It must start
+ with a lowercase letter but cannot end with a hyphen (-). Only digits, lowercase letters, and hyphens are allowed.
+* `service_type` - (Required, String) Specifies the service type, which is used only for rule classification and UI display.
+ You can enter any field. For example, enter Java or Python by technology stack, or enter collector or database by function.
+* `discovery_rules` - (Required, List) Specifies the discovery rule. If the array contains multiple conditions, only the
+ processes that meet all the conditions will be matched. If the value of `check_type` is **cmdLine**, set the value of
+ `check_mode` to **contain**. `check_content` is in the format of ["xxx"], indicating that the process must contain
+ the xxx parameter. If the value of `check_type` is **env**, set the value of `check_mode` to **contain**.
+ `check_content` is in the format of ["k1","v1"], indicating that the process must contain the environment variable
+ whose name is k1 and value is v1. If the value of `check_type` is **scope**, set the value of `check_mode`
+ to **equals**. `check_content` is in the format of ["hostId1","hostId2"], indicating that the rule takes effect only
+ on specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, the rule applies to all nodes of the project.
+ + `check_type` - (Required, String) Specifies the match type. The values can be **cmdLine**, **env** and **scope**.
+ + `check_mode` - (Required, String) Specifies the match condition. The values can be **contain** and **equals**.
+ + `check_content` - (Required, List) Specifies the matched value. This is a list of strings.
+* `name_rules` - (Required, List) Specifies the naming rules for discovered services and applications.
+ The [object](#name_rules_object) structure is documented below.
+* `log_file_suffix` - (Required, List) Specifies the log file suffix. This is a list of strings.
+ The values can be: **log**, **trace**, and **out**.
+* `detect_log_enabled` - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether to enable log collection. The default value is true.
+* `priority` - (Optional, Int) Specifies the rule priority. Value range: 1 to 9999. The default value is 9999.
+* `discovery_rule_enabled` - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the rule is enabled. The default value is true.
+* `is_default_rule` - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the rule is the default one. The default value is false.
+* `log_path_rules` - (Optional, List) Specifies the log path configuration rule. If cmdLineHash is a fixed string,
+ logs in the specified log path or log file are collected. Otherwise, only the files whose names end with
+ .log or .trace are collected. If the value of `name_type` is **cmdLineHash**, args is in the format of ["00001"] and
+ value is in the format of ["/xxx/xx.log"], indicating that the log path is /xxx/xx.log when the startup command is 00001.
+ + `name_type` - (Required, String) Specifies the value type, which can be **cmdLineHash**.
+ + `args` - (Required, List) Specifies the command. This is a list of strings.
+ + `value` - (Required, List) Specifies the log path. This is a list of strings.
+The `name_rules` block supports:
+* `service_name_rule` - (Required, List) Specifies the service name rule. If there are multiple objects in the array,
+ the character strings extracted from these objects constitute the service name. If the value of `name_type` is
+ **cmdLine**, `args` is in the format of ["start", "end"], indicating that the characters between start and end
+ in the command are extracted. If the value of `name_type` is **env**, `args` is in the format of ["aa"],
+ indicating that the environment variable named aa is extracted. If the value of `name_type` is **str**, `args` is in the
+ format of ["fix"], indicating that the service name is suffixed with fix. If the value of `name_type` is
+ **cmdLineHash**, `args` is in the format of ["0001"] and `value` is in the format of ["ser"], indicating that the
+ service name is ser when the startup command is 0001. The [object](#basic_name_rule_object) structure is
+ documented below.
+* `application_name_rule` - (Required, List) Specifies the application name rule. If the value of `name_type` is
+ **cmdLine**, `args` is in the format of ["start", "end"], indicating that the characters between start and end in
+ the command are extracted. If the value of `name_type` is **env**, `args` is in the format of ["aa"], indicating that
+ the environment variable named aa is extracted. If the value of `name_type` is **str**, `args` is in the format of
+ ["fix"], indicating that the application name is suffixed with fix. If the value of `name_type` is **cmdLineHash**,
+ `args` is in the format of ["0001"] and `value` is in the format of ["ser"], indicating that the application name is
+ ser when the startup command is 0001. The [object](#basic_name_rule_object) structure is documented below.
+The `service_name_rule` block and `application_name_rule` block support:
+* `name_type` - (Required, String) Specifies the value type. The value can be **cmdLineHash**, **cmdLine**, **env**
+and **str**.
+* `args` - (Required, List) Specifies the input value.
+* `value` - (Optional, List) Specifies the application name, which is mandatory only when the value of
+`name_type` is **cmdLineHash**.
+## Attribute Reference
+In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
+* `id` - Indicates the resource ID of the service discovery rule. The value is the rule name.
+* `rule_id` - The rule ID in uuid format.
+## Timeouts
+This resource provides the following timeouts configuration options:
+* `create` - Default is 5 minutes.
+* `update` - Default is 5 minutes.
+* `delete` - Default is 5 minutes.
+## Import
+AOM service discovery rules can be imported using the `name`, e.g.
+$ terraform import flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule.alarm_rule rule_name
diff --git a/flexibleengine/acceptance/resource_flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule_test.go b/flexibleengine/acceptance/resource_flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1b950d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flexibleengine/acceptance/resource_flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package acceptance
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ aomservice ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ aom ""
+func getServiceDiscoveryRuleResourceFunc(conf *config.Config, state *terraform.ResourceState) (interface{}, error) {
+ c, err := conf.HcAomV2Client(OS_REGION_NAME)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating AOM client: %s", err)
+ }
+ // wait 30 seconds before listing the rule, to avoid error
+ // lintignore:R018
+ time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
+ response, err := c.ListServiceDiscoveryRules(&aom.ListServiceDiscoveryRulesRequest{})
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving AOM service discovery rule: %s", state.Primary.ID)
+ }
+ allRules := *response.AppRules
+ return aomservice.FilterRules(allRules, state.Primary.ID)
+func TestAccAOMServiceDiscoveryRule_basic(t *testing.T) {
+ var ar aom.QueryAlarmResult
+ rName := acceptance.RandomAccResourceNameWithDash()
+ rNameUpdate := rName + "-update"
+ resourceName := "flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule.test"
+ rc := acceptance.InitResourceCheck(
+ resourceName,
+ &ar,
+ getServiceDiscoveryRuleResourceFunc,
+ )
+ resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{
+ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
+ ProviderFactories: TestAccProviderFactories,
+ CheckDestroy: rc.CheckResourceDestroy(),
+ Steps: []resource.TestStep{
+ {
+ Config: testAOMServiceDiscoveryRule_basic(rName),
+ Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
+ rc.CheckResourceExists(),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "name", rName),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "priority", "9999"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "detect_log_enabled", "true"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "discovery_rule_enabled", "true"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "is_default_rule", "true"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "log_file_suffix.0", "log"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "service_type", "Python"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "discovery_rules.0.check_content.0", "python"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "log_path_rules.0.args.0", "python"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(
+ resourceName, "name_rules.0.service_name_rule.0.args.0", "python"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(
+ resourceName, "name_rules.0.application_name_rule.0.args.0", "python"),
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ ResourceName: resourceName,
+ ImportState: true,
+ ImportStateVerify: true,
+ },
+ {
+ Config: testAOMServiceDiscoveryRule_update(rNameUpdate),
+ Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "name", rNameUpdate),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "priority", "9998"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "detect_log_enabled", "false"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "discovery_rule_enabled", "false"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "is_default_rule", "false"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "log_file_suffix.0", "trace"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "service_type", "Java"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "discovery_rules.0.check_content.0", "java"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, "log_path_rules.0.args.0", "java"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(
+ resourceName, "name_rules.0.service_name_rule.0.args.0", "java"),
+ resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(
+ resourceName, "name_rules.0.application_name_rule.0.args.0", "java"),
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ })
+func testAOMServiceDiscoveryRule_basic(rName string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`
+resource "flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule" "test" {
+ name = "%s"
+ priority = 9999
+ detect_log_enabled = true
+ discovery_rule_enabled = true
+ is_default_rule = true
+ log_file_suffix = ["log"]
+ service_type = "Python"
+ discovery_rules {
+ check_content = ["python"]
+ check_mode = "contain"
+ check_type = "cmdLine"
+ }
+ log_path_rules {
+ name_type = "cmdLineHash"
+ args = ["python"]
+ value = ["/tmp/log"]
+ }
+ name_rules {
+ service_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["python"]
+ }
+ application_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["python"]
+ }
+ }
+`, rName)
+func testAOMServiceDiscoveryRule_update(rName string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`
+resource "flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule" "test" {
+ name = "%s"
+ priority = 9998
+ detect_log_enabled = false
+ discovery_rule_enabled = false
+ is_default_rule = false
+ log_file_suffix = ["trace"]
+ service_type = "Java"
+ discovery_rules {
+ check_content = ["java"]
+ check_mode = "contain"
+ check_type = "cmdLine"
+ }
+ log_path_rules {
+ name_type = "cmdLineHash"
+ args = ["java"]
+ value = ["/tmp/log"]
+ }
+ name_rules {
+ service_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["java"]
+ }
+ application_name_rule {
+ name_type = "str"
+ args = ["java"]
+ }
+ }
+`, rName)
diff --git a/flexibleengine/provider.go b/flexibleengine/provider.go
index 989b7a00..759977b2 100644
--- a/flexibleengine/provider.go
+++ b/flexibleengine/provider.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
+ ""
@@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ func Provider() *schema.Provider {
"flexibleengine_dli_queue": ResourceDliQueueV1(),
// importing new resource
+ "flexibleengine_aom_service_discovery_rule": aom.ResourceServiceDiscoveryRule(),
"flexibleengine_apig_api": apig.ResourceApigAPIV2(),
"flexibleengine_apig_api_publishment": apig.ResourceApigApiPublishment(),
"flexibleengine_apig_instance": apig.ResourceApigInstanceV2(),