A simple app for speed drills with on the fly WPM change support and backwards speed drills. Spreader determines the amount of time a word is displayed by showing a word of five characters or less based on the wpm chosen by the user. Longer words are displayed for a longer time to provide additional time to read.
Enter or copy and paste text into the text box, then press play to run the speed drill. Preferences can be changed through the preferences dialog. For more information on each interface element, mouse over the buttons.
If using the zip file, simply unzip. If using the installer, run the installer executable. Then launch the program from the start menu or installation directory.
cd to the spreader directory and run "./spreader.py"
Every setting can be changed within the program, except for the default text that appears on program startup. This text can be changed through modifying the settings.ini file. To reset the program to factory default, delete the settings.ini file.