The partys.conf file is the main configuration file for docker-compose to deploy FATE. The meaning of each configuration will be described in detail here.
Name | Description | default |
user | Deploy user | fate |
dir | Deploy PATH | /data/projects/fate |
party_list | Deploy party list | (10000 9999) |
party_ip_list | FATE Partys IP | ( |
serving_ip_list | FATE-Serving Partys IP | ( |
computing | Computing engine | Eggroll |
federation | Federation engine | Eggroll |
storage | Storage engine | Eggroll |
algorithm | Algorithm | Basic |
device | Device | CPU |
compute_core | Cluster compute_core number, it is recommended to be less than the number of cpu cores | 4 |
exchangeip | Deploy exchange cluster host IP | NULL |
mysql_ip | External mysql IP | mysql |
mysql_user | External mysql user | fate |
mysql_password | External mysql password | fate_dev |
mysql_db | External mysql database | fate_flow |
name_node | External hdfs namenode | hdfs://namenode:9000 |
fateboard_username | Define fateboard login information username | admin |
fateboard_password | Define fateboard login information password | admin |
serving_admin_username | Define serving_admin login information username | admin |
serving_admin_password | Define serving_admin login information password | admin |