ChroMapper is developed with Unity 2021.1.15f1 in C#.
This GitHub repository comes with the assets and scripts you need to easily open it up in Unity, no dependency bullshit required.
- Clone the project from GitHub to your local work folder.
- Download and install Unity Hub.
- Activate your license within Unity Hub. Most people should be eligible for a free Personal license.
- Install the Unity version (mentioned in the header of this page) from within Unity Hub in the "Installs" section. The project might not be using the latest release; in this case, you should consult the "download archive" (from within Unity Hub). The installer will take care of the required dependencies as well.
- Add the project in the "Projects" section. Select your main folder you cloned from GitHub.
- Open the project. The Unity editor should launch, and the project dependencies should download automatically.
- Select "File" -> "Build and Run" within Unity.
- It is recommended to always build with Mono; building with IL2CPP will cause issues in areas that utilize Harmony patches, including post processing and input.
- Most errors, including "Missing Project ID" and "Discord RPC error", can be ignored.
The project uses the master / development branch setup.
- The
branch is the latest stable version.- In most cases, any commits to this branch will be part of a stable version update.
- The
branch contains the latest, unstable code.- This is where most development takes place.
- Additionally, there might be some feature or bugfix branches.
Please follow the Contributing guidelines as you are making contributions to ChroMapper.