Symbolic links to packages in install tree can be placed to a common installation prefix using view command. This will create a directory, which can be used as SIMPATH and FAIRROOTPATH in order to build experiment-specific frameworks. View is created by following command:
[jun19] $ spack view --dependencies true symlink -i (YOUR_SIMPATH) fairroot
[jun19] $ spack view --dependencies true -e libpng -e libjpeg-turbo -e libiconv -e sqlite symlink -i (YOUR_SIMPATH) fairroot
The view creation has to be done within an activated environment.
As an alternative to the view the Spack offers the module mechanism, allowing the user to set the running environment using the load command:
[jun19] $ spack load --dependencies fairroot
This will set the corrects paths to run the environment.
This functionally is not yet fully supported.