Arch-Swap is a smart contract developed on the Arch Network. It facilitates Rune & Rune, Rune & Inscription swaps, and liquidity pools using smart contracts on the Arch Network.
- Rune Swap
- Rune & Inscription Swap
- Liquidity Pool Management
To create a new project, use the arch-cli
command line tool:
arch-cli create project --name example --network testnet --rpc-url http://localhost:9002
You can get program Id after deploy Smart Contract. All assets (Rune, Inscription, BTC) should be saved on this account. You can create it with the following command:
arch-cli create account --name ArchAccount --program-id xxx --rpc-url http://localhost:9002 --network testnet
In your file:
pub fn process_instruction(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
match instruction_data[0] {
0 => {
// Rune Swap
msg!("Rune Swap");
rune_swap(accounts, program_id, instruction_data)
_ => {
msg!("Invalid argument provided!");
return Err(ProgramError::InvalidArgument);
In the file:
for (i, txid) in params.rune_txids.iter().enumerate() {
let vout = params.rune_vouts.get(i).unwrap(); // Safely get vout corresponding to txid
user_swap_tx.input.push(TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: Txid::from_str(txid).unwrap(),
vout: *vout as u32,
script_sig: ScriptBuf::new(),
sequence: Sequence::MAX,
witness: Witness::new(),
let tx_to_sign = TransactionToSign {
tx_bytes: &bitcoin::consensus::serialize(&user_swap_tx),
inputs_to_sign: &inputs_to_sign,
set_transaction_to_sign(accounts, tx_to_sign)
arch-cli deploy --network testnet --rpc-url http://localhost:9002
After serialize all data, sign it using the Arch Account, and send it to the smart contract, follow this example:
const messageHash = MessageUtil.hash(messageObj);
const { signature } = await createSignature(
const signatureBuffer = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(signature));
const tx = {
version: 16,
signatures: [signatureBuffer],
message: messageObj,
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_RETRIES; i++) {
try {
const result = await client.sendTransaction(tx);
return result;
} catch (error) {
if (i === MAX_RETRIES - 1) throw error;
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
If you do not sign use Arch Program account use Arch Account, program will reject request.
- Rust
- TypeScript
- Node.js
I welcome contributions! Please submit issues and pull requests to help improve Arch-Swap.