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- uses: actions/checkout@v2
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- - name: Set up Python 3.7
+ - name: Set up Python 3.8
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- python-version: 3.7
+ python-version: 3.8
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
git submodule sync --recursive
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXellipsometry-docCheck.yaml b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXellipsometry-docCheck.yaml
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-#a draft version of a NeXus application definition for ellipsometry
-# the document has the following main elements:
-# instrument used and is characteristics
-# measured data, the discription of the sample and what was measured about it
-# derived parameters: extra parameters derived in the measurement software
-# one would need a Class/ separate entry for the sample description which can link to and should contain a full description of the composition.
-# A free description as text might be not enough or unclear. Especially if one deals with many layer structured samples and optically anisotropic
-# samples, like triclinic one
-# Comments are moved to the Development_notes.md file
-category: application
-doc: |
- Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in:
- - H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic ellipsometry: principles and applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
- - R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977.
- - H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry, William Andrew, 2005.
- Open acces sources:
- - https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp
- - https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- # normal quoated text is flattened out in YAML
- doc: "Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions and important parameters"
- N_wavelength: Size of the energy / wavelength vector used
- N_variables: How many variables are saved in a measurement (e.g. Psi and Delta, Mueller matrix)
- N_angles: Number of incident angles used
- N_p1: Number of sample parameters scanned
- N_time: Number of time points measured
- # we can go on, but this is already an at least 4 dimensional data set to work with
- (NXentry):
- # exists: required -- is the default
- # The first line of this doc is a summary; second line needs the indentation
- # to be taken as an empty line, part of the doc!
- doc: |
- Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in:
- - H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic ellipsometry: principles and applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
- - R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977.
- - H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry, William Andrew, 2005.
- Open acces sources:
- - https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp
- - https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- definition:
- doc: "An application definition for ellipsometry."
- \@version:
- doc: "Version number to identify which definition of this application definition
- was used for this entry/data."
- # New approach of NIAC: version controlled application definitions.
- # taken this from ARPES
- \@url:
- doc: "URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant to
- the application definition"
- enumeration: [NXellipsometry]
- # definition:
- # doc: "FAIRmat-specific candidate proposal for an application definition
- # exemplifying ellipsometry. For example:
- # https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/nomad-lab/areab-appdef/-/blob/spectroscopic-ellipsometry-consolidation/optical_spectroscopy"
- # #exists: optional
- # \@version:
- # doc: "Ideally version with build number are commit hash of the application
- # definition. If not available a free-text description."
- # \@url:
- # doc: "URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant
- # to the application definition"
- experiment_identifier:
- doc: "Unique identifier of the experiment, such as a (globally persistent) unique identifier. i) The identifier is usually defined by the facility or principle investigator. ii) The identifier enables to link experiments to e.g. proposals."
- experiment_description:
- exists: recommended
- doc: "A free-text description of the experiment. What is the aim of the experiment?
- The general procedure."
- start_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
- doc: "Start time of the experiment. UTC offset should be specified."
- program:
- exists: optional
- doc: "Commercial or otherwise defined given name to the program that was used
- to generate the results file(s) with measured data and metadata (or a link
- to the instrument software)."
- \@version:
- doc: "Either version with build number, commit hash, or description of a
- (online) repository where the source code of the program and build
- instructions can be found so that the program can be configured in such
- a way that result files can be created ideally in a deterministic manner."
- \@url:
- doc: "Website of the software."
- operator(NXuser):
- # we want to have several possible values, but one is required
- exists: [min, 1]
- doc: "Contact information of at least the user of the instrument or the
- investigator who performed this experiment.
- Adding multiple users if relevant is recommended."
- name:
- doc: "Name of the user."
- affiliation:
- doc: "Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time when the
- experiment was performed."
- address: #CE: added doc strings
- doc: "Full address (street, street number, ZIP, city, country) of the user's affiliation."
- email:
- doc: "Email address of the user."
- orcid:
- exists: recommended
- doc: "Author ID defined by https://orcid.org/."
- telephone_number:
- exists: recommended
- doc: "Official telephone number of the user."
- (NXinstrument):
- doc: "General properties of the ellipsometry equipment"
- model:
- doc: The name of the instrument
- \@version:
- doc: "The used version of the hardware if available.
- If not a commercial instrument use date of completion of the hardware."
- company:
- exists: optional
- doc: "Name of the company which build the instrument"
- construction_year(NX_DATE_TIME):
- exists: optional
- doc: "ISO8601 date when the instrument was constructed. UTC offset should be specifiec."
- software:
- doc: "Name (e.g. commercial) of the software that was used for the measurement"
- \@version:
- doc: "Version and build number or commit hash of the software source code"
- \@url:
- doc: "Website of the software."
- light_source:
- doc: "Specify the used light source. Multiple selection possible."
- enumeration: [UV light, quartz tungsten halogen lamp, xenon arc lamp, deuterium lamp, silicon carbide globar, other]
- other_light_source:
- exists: optional
- doc: "If you specified 'other' as light source type, please write down what it is."
- focussing_probes(NX_BOOLEAN):
- doc: "Were focussing probes (lenses) used or not?"
- data_correction(NX_BOOLEAN):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Were the recorded data corrected by the window effects of the lenses or not?"
- angular_spread(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Specify the angular spread caused by the focussing probes"
- unit: NX_ANGLE
- ellipsometry_type:
- doc: "What type of ellipsometry was used? See Fujiwara Table 4.2"
- enumeration: [rotating analyzer, rotating analyzer with analyzer compensator,
- rotating analyzer with polarizer compensator,
- rotating polarizer, rotating compensator on polarizer side,
- rotating compensator on analyzer side, modulator on polarizer side,
- modulator on analyzer side, dual compensator, phase modulation,
- imaging ellipsometry, null ellipsometry]
- calibration_status(NX_DATE_TIME):
- doc: "Was a calibration done. If yes, when was it done?"
- enumeration: [calibration time provided, no calibration, within 1 hour, within 1 day, within 1 week]
- calibration(NXsubentry):
- exists: recommended
- doc: "Ellipsometers require regular calibration to adjust the hardware
- parameters for proper zero values and background light compensation."
- calibration_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
- exists: optional
- doc: "If calibtration status is 'calibration time provided', specify the ISO8601 datum when calibration was
- last performed before this measurement. UTC offset should be specified."
- calibration_data(NXsubentry):
- doc: |
- Arrays which provide the measured calibration data.
- Multiple sets are possible, e.g. Psi and delta measured on an
- e.g. silicon calibration waver, and the straight-through data.
- We
- recommend to
- provide data that is measured under the same settings
- as the measurement was performed, that is if Psi and delta are measured
- for your data, also provide Psi and delta here.
- And use the same wavelenghts as there."
- calibration_data_type:
- doc: "What data was recorded for the calibration,
- The number of variables (N_variables) have to be set to the number of
- provided data columns accordingly, e.g. psi/delta -> N_variables= 2,
- Jones vector: N_variables = 4, Mueller martix -> N_variables= 16, etc."
- enumeration: [psi/delta, tan(psi)/cos(delta), Jones matrix, Mueller matrix, not provided]
- calibration_angle_of_incidence(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "angle(s) of incidence used during the calibration measurement
- (excluding straight through mode)"
- unit: NX_ANGLE
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_calibration_angles]]
- calibration_wavelength(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "The wavelength or equivalent values (which are inter-convertible).
- The importer should convert all to one unit, and make the others accessible.
- Historically, energy is used in eV, but for visible spectroscopy wavelength
- is more common, for IR wave numbers in 1/cm units.
- Possibly use the same type of data as for the measurement!"
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_calibration_wavelength]]
- calibration_data(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Calibration is performed on a reference surface (usually
- silicon wafer with well defined oxide layer) at a number of
- angles, then in a straight through mode (transmission in air)."
- dimensions:
- rank: 3
- dim: [[3, N_calibration_angles+1], [2, N_variables], [1, N_calibration_wavelength]]
- calibration_sample(NX_CHAR):
- doc: "Free-text to describe which sample was used for calibration,
- e.g. silicon wafer with 25 nm thermal oxide layer."
- angle_of_incidence(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Incident angle of the beam vs. the normal of the bottom
- reflective (substrate) surface in the sample"
- unit: NX_ANGLE
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_angles]]
- stage(NXsubentry):
- # this needs at least a contributed class where you collect the
- # members we could generalize NXem_stage to NXstage
- # It would be nice to make it a base class
- doc: "Sample stage, holding the sample at a specific position in X,Y,Z
- (Cartesian) coordinate system and at an orientation defined
- by three Euler angles (alpha, beta, gamma).
- The stage may be motorized or manual, special for liquids or gas environment."
- enumeration: [manual stage, scanning stage, liquid stage, gas cell, cryostat]
- description:
- doc: "A free-text field to provide information about the stage."
- exists: recommended
- (NXtransformations):
- exists: recommended
- doc: "The stage coordinate system vs. the incident beam.
- The Z-axis of the stage is considered to point along the
- normal of the substrate (bottom reflecting surface) from the stage
- towards the general direction of the light source. The beam
- comes with angle of incidence towards this Z-axis, but in opposite
- direction, thus they are connected with a rotation of
- 180 - angle of incidence (in degrees).
- This transformation brings us from the NEXUS coordinates to the stage coordinates.
- Then provide the set of translations (if there are any). These all
- have a vector defining their relative direction in the current
- coordinate system. (This current coordinate system changes with
- every transformation if you set the parameter 'depends' to the
- name of the previous step.)
- Last, provide the rotations of the sample"
- alternative:
- exists: optional
- doc: "If there is no motorized stage, we should at least qualify
- where the beam hits the sample and in what direction the sample stands
- in a free-text description, e.g. 'center of sample, long edge parallel to
- plane of incidence'."
- window(NXaperture):
- exists: optional
- doc: "For environmental measurements, the environment (liquid, vapor,
- vacuum etc.) is enclosed in a cell or cryostat, which has windows
- both in the direction of the source and the detector (looking from
- the sample). These windows also add a phase shift to the light
- altering the measured signal. This shift has to be corrected based
- on measuring a known sample in the environmental cell."
- material(NX_CHAR):
- doc: The material of the window
- # add enumeration: [quartzglass, diamond, etc.]?
- thickness(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: Thickness of the window
- unit: NX_LENGTH
- orientation_angle(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Angle of the window normal (outer) vs. the substrate normal
- (similar to the angle of incidence)."
- unit: NX_ANGLE
- reference_data(NXsubentry):
- # NXdata is a view of data, here we have a set of information, use subentry
- doc: "Recorded data that can be used to calculate the window effect.
- Typically this is the substrate (e.g. silicon with thermal oxide layer)
- in air without window and in a known medium with the window."
- reference_sample:
- doc: "What sample was used to estimate the window effect."
- reference_wavelength(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Use the same wavelengths at which all other measurements are recorded"
- unit: NX_LENGTH
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_wavelength]]
- data(NX_NUMBER): #Should we make this recommended instead of required, if window calibration data
- # are not available but the user would still like to specify the window properties?
- doc: "Recorded data of a reference surface with and without window / medium."
- #can one specify the dimensions of these calibration data?
- dimensions:
- rank: 4
- dim: [[4,2], [3, N_angles], [2, N_variables], [1, N_wavelength]]
- (NXdetector):
- doc: "Which type of detector was used, and what is known about it?
- A detector can be a photomultiplier (PMT), a CCD in a camera,
- an array in a spectrometer. If so, the whole detector unit goes in here."
- detector_type:
- doc: "What kind of detector module is used, e.g. CCD-spectrometer,
- CCD camera, PMT, photodiode, etc."
- enumeration: [PMT, photodiode, avalanche diode, CCD camera, CCD spectrometer, other]
- other_detector:
- exists: optional
- doc: "If you specified 'other' as detector type, please write down what it is."
- integration_time(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Integration time for the measurement. Single number or array if it was varied."
- unit: NX_TIME
- revolution(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Define how many rotations of the rotating element were taken into
- account per spectrum."
- unit: NX_ANY
- rotating_element:
- doc: "Define which elements rotates, e.g. polarizer or analyzer."
- enumeration: [polarizer (source side), analyzer (detector side), compensator (source side), compensator (detector side)]
- fixed_revolution(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "rotation rate, if the revolution does not change during the measurement."
- variable_revolution(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Specify maximum and minimum values for the revolution."
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, 2]]
- (NXsample):
- doc: "Properties of the sample, its history, the sample environment and
- experimental conditions (e.g. surrounding medium, temperature, pressure etc.),
- along with the data (data type, wavelength array, measured data)."
- atom_types:
- doc: "Use Hill's system for listing elements of the periodic table
- which are inside or attached to the surface of the specimen
- and thus relevant from a scientific point. The purpose of this field
- is to allow materials database to parse the relevant elements without
- having to interpret the sample history or other fields."
- sample_name:
- doc: "Descriptive name of the sample"
- sample_history:
- doc: "Ideally, a reference to the location or a unique (globally persistent)
- identifier (e.g.) of e.g. another file which gives as many as possible
- details of the material, its microstructure, and its thermo-chemo-mechanical
- processing/preparation history. In the case that such a detailed
- history of the sample is not available, use this field as a free-text
- description to specify details of the sample and its preparation."
- preparation_date(NX_DATE_TIME):
- exists: recommended
- doc: "ISO 8601 date with time zone specified. UTC offset should be specifiec."
- layer_structure:
- doc: "Qualitative description of the layer structure for the sample.
- For example: Si/native oxide/thermal oxide/polymer/peptide"
- # orientation_matrix(n_comp, 3, 3): is part of the base class
- # documentation is of the original NEXUS class
- # DO we really need this mandatory, or just leave it?
- data_identifier(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "An identifier to correlate data to the experimental conditions,
- if several were used in this measurement;
- typically an index of 0 - N"
- #what about uniqueness of the identifier?
- # -- append it to the experiment identifier...
- data_type:
- doc: "Select which type of data was recorded, for example Psi and Delta
- (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsometry#Data_acquisition).
- It is possible to have multiple selections. Data types may also be converted
- to each other, e.g. a Mueller matrix contains N,C,S data as well.
- This selection defines how many columns (N_variables) are stored in the
- data array."
- enumeration: [psi / delta, tan(psi)/cos(delta), Mueller matrix, Jones matrix, N/C/S, raw data]
- # the above definition and documentation defines N_variables, we do not need this here anymore
- # number_of_variables(NX_UINT):
- # doc: "specify the number of variables stored, e.g. psi, delta and their errors are 4 (this can be also automated, based on the provided data table)"
- # #we should use maybe in the future again the concepts of symbols
- wavelength(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Wavelength value(s) used for the measurement.\n
- An array of 1 or more elements. Length defines N_wavelength"
- unit: NX_LENGTH
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_wavelength]]
- measured_data(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Resulting data from the measurement, described by data type.\n
- Minimum two columns containing Psi and delta, or for the normalized Mueller matrix,
- it may be 16 (or 15 if 1,1 is all 1)."
- dimensions:
- rank: 5
- dim: [[5, N_time], [4, N_p1], [3, N_angles], [2, N_variables], [1, N_wavelength]]
- data_error(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Specified uncertainties (errors) of the data described by data type.
- The structure is the same as for the measured data."
- exists: recommended
- dimensions:
- rank: 5
- dim: [[5, N_time], [4, N_p1], [3, N_angles], [2, N_variables], [1, N_wavelength]]
- time_points(NX_NUMBER): # can this also be shifted to varied parameters?
- exists: optional
- doc: "An array of relative time points if a time series was recorded"
- unit: NX_TIME
- medium:
- # we need this or the next one
- doc: "Describe what was the medium above or around the sample.
- The common model is built up from substrate to the medium on the
- other side. Both boundaries are assumed infinite in the model.
- Here define the name of the material (e.g. water, air, etc.)."
- medium_refractive_indices(NX_NUMBER): #CE: changed NX_COMPLEX to NX_NUMBER....
- exists: optional
- doc: "Array of pairs of complex refractive indices of the medium for
- every measured wavelength.
- Only necessary if the measurement was performed not in air, or
- something very well known, e.g. high purity water.
- Specify the complex refractive index: n + ik"
- dimensions:
- rank: 1
- dim: [[1, N_wavelength]]
- environment_conditions:
- exists: optional
- doc: "External parameters that have influenced the sample."
- number_of_runs(NX_UINT):
- exists: optional
- doc: "How many measurements were done varying the parameters?
- This forms an extra dimension beyond incident angle, time points and
- energy / wavelength (this is the length of the 4th dimension of the data).
- Defaults to 1."
- varied_parameters:
- exists: optional
- doc: "Indicates which parameter was changed. Its definition must exist below.
- The specified variable has to be number_of_runs long,
- providing the parameters for each data set."
- enumeration: [optical excitation, voltage, temperature, pH, stress, stage positions]
- optical_excitation(NXsubentry):
- exists: optional
- #is a boolean sufficient as a storage container?
- doc: "Was the sample modified using an optical source? Describe in this group
- the parameters of the optical excitation used."
- excitation_source:
- doc: "Specify the source for the external excitation"
- excitation_wavelength(NX_NUMBER):
- doc: "Wavelength value(s) or the range used for excitation.\n
- In cases of continuous laser radiation a value or a set of values
- may do but for other illumination types, such as pulsed lasers,
- or lamps, a range may describe the source better."
- unit: NX_LENGTH
- broadening(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Specify the FWHM of the excitation"
- unit: NX_LENGTH
- excitation_type:
- doc: "CW or pulsed excitation"
- enumeration: [cw, pulsed]
- pulse_length(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Duration of one laser pulse."
- unit: NX_TIME
- repetition_rate(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Repetition rate of the laser."
- excitation_duration(NX_TIME):
- exists: optional
- doc: "How long was the sample excited."
- pulse_energy(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "The integrated energy of light pulse."
- unit: NX_ENERGY
- excitation_power(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "The power of one laser pulse."
- unit: NX_ENERGY
- voltage(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Specify the voltage if the spectra were taken under bias"
- # ... continue to explain what the user should do then
- unit: NX_VOLTAGE
- temperature(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Temperature of the sample (sample holder, medium)"
- exists: optional
- doc: "pH of medium (measured or set)"
- pressure(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Pressure of the environment of the sample."
- # TO DO: stress and strain
- #
- # stress(NX_NUMBER):
- # exists: optional
- # # -- for this, we can take the original stress_field from NX_sample...
- # doc: "Mechanical stress exerted on the sample."
- # unit: NX_PRESSURE
- #
- # stress_orientation(NX_NUMBER):
- # exists: optional
- # doc: "Euler angles of stress relative to sample in the stage coordinate system,
- # see instrument/stage translation part, axes X,Y,Z."
- # unit: NX_ANGLE
- # dimensions:
- # rank: 1
- # dim: [[1, 3]]
- # UNCLEAR, which Euler angles, i.e. according to which convention how mapping to reference coordinate system,
- # why not use stress or strain tensor applied on sample?
- # derived parameters
- derived_parameters(NXprocess):
- exists: optional
- doc: "What parameters are derived from the above data."
- depolarization(NX_NUMBER):
- exists: optional
- doc: "Light loss due to depolarization as a value in [0-1]."
- plot(NXdata):
- exists: optional
- doc: "A default view of the data, in this case Psi vs. wavelength and the angles of incidence.
- If Psi does not exist, use other Müller matrix elements, such as N, C and S."
- \@axes:
- doc: "We recommend to use wavelength as a default attribute, but it can be
- replaced in the case of not full spectral ellipsometry to any suitable
- parameter along the X-axis."
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.nxdl.xml b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.nxdl.xml
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index 4e7b1fe49..000000000
--- a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.nxdl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- Test case for verifying that the parser can handle links correctly.
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.yml b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd6d5c36..000000000
--- a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/NXtest_links.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-category: base
-doc: Test case for verifying that the parser can handle links correctly.
- (NXdata):
- polar_angle(link):
- target: here1
- target_angle(link):
- target: here2
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/Ref_NXellipsometry-docCheck.nxdl.xml b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/Ref_NXellipsometry-docCheck.nxdl.xml
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- Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in: - H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic
- ellipsometry: principles and applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - R. M. A. Azzam and
- N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977. -
- H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry, William Andrew, 2005.
- Open acces sources: - https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp -
- https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions and important
- parameters
- Size of the energy / wavelength vector used
- How many variables are saved in a measurement (e.g. Psi and Delta,
- Mueller matrix)
- Number of incident angles used
- Number of sample parameters scanned
- Number of time points measured
- Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in:
- - H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic ellipsometry: principles and applications, John Wiley & Sons,
- 2007.
- - R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light, North-Holland
- Publishing Company, 1977.
- - H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry, William Andrew, 2005.
- Open acces sources:
- - https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp
- - https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- An application definition for ellipsometry.
- Version number to identify which definition of this application definition was used for
- this entry/data.
- URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant to the application
- definition
- Unique identifier of the experiment, such as a (globally persistent) unique identifier. i)
- The identifier is usually defined by the facility or principle investigator. ii) The
- identifier enables to link experiments to e.g. proposals.
- A free-text description of the experiment. What is the aim of the experiment? The general
- procedure.
- Start time of the experiment. UTC offset should be specified.
- Commercial or otherwise defined given name to the program that was used to generate the
- results file(s) with measured data and metadata (or a link to the instrument software).
- Either version with build number, commit hash, or description of a (online) repository
- where the source code of the program and build instructions can be found so that the
- program can be configured in such a way that result files can be created ideally in a
- deterministic manner.
- Website of the software.
- Contact information of at least the user of the instrument or the investigator who
- performed this experiment. Adding multiple users if relevant is recommended.
- Name of the user.
- Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time when the experiment was
- performed.
- Full address (street, street number, ZIP, city, country) of the user's affiliation.
- Email address of the user.
- Author ID defined by https://orcid.org/.
- Official telephone number of the user.
- General properties of the ellipsometry equipment
- The name of the instrument
- The used version of the hardware if available. If not a commercial instrument use date of
- completion of the hardware.
- Name of the company which build the instrument
- ISO8601 date when the instrument was constructed. UTC offset should be specifiec.
- Name (e.g. commercial) of the software that was used for the measurement
- Version and build number or commit hash of the software source code
- Website of the software.
- Specify the used light source. Multiple selection possible.
- If you specified 'other' as light source type, please write down what it is.
- Were focussing probes (lenses) used or not?
- Were the recorded data corrected by the window effects of the lenses or not?
- Specify the angular spread caused by the focussing probes
- What type of ellipsometry was used? See Fujiwara Table 4.2
- Was a calibration done. If yes, when was it done?
- Ellipsometers require regular calibration to adjust the hardware parameters for proper
- zero values and background light compensation.
- If calibtration status is 'calibration time provided', specify the ISO8601 datum when
- calibration was last performed before this measurement. UTC offset should be specified.
- Arrays which provide the measured calibration data.
- Multiple sets are possible, e.g. Psi and delta measured on an
- e.g. silicon calibration waver, and the straight-through data.
- We
- recommend to
- provide data that is measured under the same settings
- as the measurement was performed, that is if Psi and delta are measured
- for your data, also provide Psi and delta here.
- And use the same wavelenghts as there."
- What data was recorded for the calibration, The number of variables (N_variables) have to
- be set to the number of provided data columns accordingly, e.g. psi/delta -> N_variables=
- 2, Jones vector: N_variables = 4, Mueller martix -> N_variables= 16, etc.
- angle(s) of incidence used during the calibration measurement (excluding straight through
- mode)
- The wavelength or equivalent values (which are inter-convertible). The importer should
- convert all to one unit, and make the others accessible. Historically, energy is used in
- eV, but for visible spectroscopy wavelength is more common, for IR wave numbers in 1/cm
- units.
- Possibly use the same type of data as for the measurement!
- Calibration is performed on a reference surface (usually silicon wafer with well defined
- oxide layer) at a number of angles, then in a straight through mode (transmission in air).
- Free-text to describe which sample was used for calibration, e.g. silicon wafer with 25 nm
- thermal oxide layer.
- Incident angle of the beam vs. the normal of the bottom reflective (substrate) surface in
- the sample
- Sample stage, holding the sample at a specific position in X,Y,Z (Cartesian) coordinate
- system and at an orientation defined by three Euler angles (alpha, beta, gamma). The stage
- may be motorized or manual, special for liquids or gas environment.
- A free-text field to provide information about the stage.
- The stage coordinate system vs. the incident beam. The Z-axis of the stage is considered
- to point along the normal of the substrate (bottom reflecting surface) from the stage
- towards the general direction of the light source. The beam comes with angle of incidence
- towards this Z-axis, but in opposite direction, thus they are connected with a rotation of
- 180 - angle of incidence (in degrees).
- This transformation brings us from the NEXUS coordinates to the stage coordinates.
- Then provide the set of translations (if there are any). These all have a vector defining
- their relative direction in the current coordinate system. (This current coordinate system
- changes with every transformation if you set the parameter 'depends' to the name of the
- previous step.)
- Last, provide the rotations of the sample
- If there is no motorized stage, we should at least qualify where the beam hits the sample
- and in what direction the sample stands in a free-text description, e.g. 'center of
- sample, long edge parallel to plane of incidence'.
- For environmental measurements, the environment (liquid, vapor, vacuum etc.) is enclosed
- in a cell or cryostat, which has windows both in the direction of the source and the
- detector (looking from the sample). These windows also add a phase shift to the light
- altering the measured signal. This shift has to be corrected based on measuring a known
- sample in the environmental cell.
- The material of the window
- Thickness of the window
- Angle of the window normal (outer) vs. the substrate normal (similar to the angle of
- incidence).
- Recorded data that can be used to calculate the window effect. Typically this is the
- substrate (e.g. silicon with thermal oxide layer) in air without window and in a known
- medium with the window.
- What sample was used to estimate the window effect.
- Use the same wavelengths at which all other measurements are recorded
- Recorded data of a reference surface with and without window / medium.
- Which type of detector was used, and what is known about it? A detector can be a
- photomultiplier (PMT), a CCD in a camera, an array in a spectrometer. If so, the whole
- detector unit goes in here.
- What kind of detector module is used, e.g. CCD-spectrometer, CCD camera, PMT, photodiode,
- etc.
- If you specified 'other' as detector type, please write down what it is.
- Integration time for the measurement. Single number or array if it was varied.
- Define how many rotations of the rotating element were taken into account per spectrum.
- Define which elements rotates, e.g. polarizer or analyzer.
- rotation rate, if the revolution does not change during the measurement.
- Specify maximum and minimum values for the revolution.
- Properties of the sample, its history, the sample environment and experimental conditions
- (e.g. surrounding medium, temperature, pressure etc.), along with the data (data type,
- wavelength array, measured data).
- Use Hill's system for listing elements of the periodic table which are inside or attached
- to the surface of the specimen and thus relevant from a scientific point. The purpose of
- this field is to allow materials database to parse the relevant elements without having to
- interpret the sample history or other fields.
- Descriptive name of the sample
- Ideally, a reference to the location or a unique (globally persistent) identifier (e.g.)
- of e.g. another file which gives as many as possible details of the material, its
- microstructure, and its thermo-chemo-mechanical processing/preparation history. In the
- case that such a detailed history of the sample is not available, use this field as a
- free-text description to specify details of the sample and its preparation.
- ISO 8601 date with time zone specified. UTC offset should be specifiec.
- Qualitative description of the layer structure for the sample. For example: Si/native
- oxide/thermal oxide/polymer/peptide
- An identifier to correlate data to the experimental conditions, if several were used in
- this measurement; typically an index of 0 - N
- Select which type of data was recorded, for example Psi and Delta (see:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsometry#Data_acquisition). It is possible to have
- multiple selections. Data types may also be converted to each other, e.g. a Mueller matrix
- contains N,C,S data as well. This selection defines how many columns (N_variables) are
- stored in the data array.
- Wavelength value(s) used for the measurement.
- An array of 1 or more elements. Length defines N_wavelength
- Resulting data from the measurement, described by data type.
- Minimum two columns containing Psi and delta, or for the normalized Mueller matrix, it
- may be 16 (or 15 if 1,1 is all 1).
- Specified uncertainties (errors) of the data described by data type. The structure is the
- same as for the measured data.
- An array of relative time points if a time series was recorded
- Describe what was the medium above or around the sample. The common model is built up from
- substrate to the medium on the other side. Both boundaries are assumed infinite in the
- model. Here define the name of the material (e.g. water, air, etc.).
- Array of pairs of complex refractive indices of the medium for every measured wavelength.
- Only necessary if the measurement was performed not in air, or something very well known,
- e.g. high purity water. Specify the complex refractive index: n + ik
- External parameters that have influenced the sample.
- How many measurements were done varying the parameters? This forms an extra dimension
- beyond incident angle, time points and energy / wavelength (this is the length of the 4th
- dimension of the data). Defaults to 1.
- Indicates which parameter was changed. Its definition must exist below. The specified
- variable has to be number_of_runs long, providing the parameters for each data set.
- Was the sample modified using an optical source? Describe in this group the parameters of
- the optical excitation used.
- Specify the source for the external excitation
- Wavelength value(s) or the range used for excitation.
- In cases of continuous laser radiation a value or a set of values may do but for other
- illumination types, such as pulsed lasers, or lamps, a range may describe the source
- better.
- Specify the FWHM of the excitation
- CW or pulsed excitation
- Duration of one laser pulse.
- Repetition rate of the laser.
- How long was the sample excited.
- The integrated energy of light pulse.
- The power of one laser pulse.
- Specify the voltage if the spectra were taken under bias
- Temperature of the sample (sample holder, medium)
- pH of medium (measured or set)
- Pressure of the environment of the sample.
- What parameters are derived from the above data.
- Light loss due to depolarization as a value in [0-1].
- A default view of the data, in this case Psi vs. wavelength and the angles of incidence.
- If Psi does not exist, use other Müller matrix elements, such as N, C and S.
- We recommend to use wavelength as a default attribute, but it can be replaced in the case
- of not full spectral ellipsometry to any suitable parameter along the X-axis.
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl.py b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl.py
index 7bae88c1a..62156bbef 100755
--- a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl.py
+++ b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl.py
@@ -98,17 +98,25 @@ def yaml2nxdl(input_file: str, verbose: bool):
application and base are valid categories!'
assert 'doc' in yml_appdef.keys(), 'Required root-level keyword doc is missing!'
- xml_root.set('extends', 'NXobject')
xml_root.set('type', 'group')
+ if 'extends' in yml_appdef.keys():
+ xml_root.set('extends', yml_appdef['extends'])
+ del yml_appdef['extends']
+ else:
+ xml_root.set('extends', 'NXobject')
if yml_appdef['category'] == 'application':
xml_root.set('category', 'application')
- del yml_appdef['category']
xml_root.set('category', 'base')
- del yml_appdef['category']
+ del yml_appdef['category']
if 'symbols' in yml_appdef.keys():
- yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.xml_handle_symbols(xml_root, yml_appdef['symbols'])
+ yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.xml_handle_symbols(yml_appdef,
+ xml_root,
+ 'symbols',
+ yml_appdef['symbols'])
del yml_appdef['symbols']
assert isinstance(yml_appdef['doc'], str) and yml_appdef['doc'] != '', 'Doc \
@@ -119,9 +127,14 @@ def yaml2nxdl(input_file: str, verbose: bool):
del yml_appdef['doc']
- assert len(yml_appdef.keys()) == 1, 'Accepting at most keywords: category, \
+ root_keys = 0
+ for key in yml_appdef.keys():
+ if '__line__' not in key:
+ root_keys += 1
+ assert root_keys == 1, 'Accepting at most keywords: category, \
doc, symbols, and NX... at root-level!'
- keyword = list(yml_appdef.keys())[0] # which is the only one
+ keyword = list(yml_appdef.keys())[0]
assert (keyword[0:3] == '(NX' and keyword[-1:] == ')' and len(keyword) > 4), 'NX \
keyword has an invalid pattern, or is too short!'
xml_root.set('name', keyword[1:-1])
diff --git a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.py b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.py
index 4d9166be7..c98567443 100644
--- a/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.py
+++ b/nexusparser/tools/yaml2nxdl/yaml2nxdl_forward_tools.py
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
import textwrap
import yaml
+from yaml.composer import Composer
+from yaml.constructor import Constructor
+from yaml.nodes import ScalarNode
+from yaml.resolver import BaseResolver
+from yaml.loader import Loader
from nexusparser.tools import nexus
@@ -35,16 +41,55 @@
NX_TYPE_KEYS = nexus.get_nx_attribute_type()
NX_ATTR_IDNT = '\\@'
NX_UNIT_IDNT = 'unit'
-NX_UNIT_TYPS = nexus.get_nx_units()
+NX_UNIT_TYPES = nexus.get_nx_units()
+class LineLoader(Loader): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+ """
+ LineLoader parses a yaml into a python dictionary extended with extra items.
+ The new items have as keys __line__ and as values the yaml file line number
+ """
+ def compose_node(self, parent, index):
+ # the line number where the previous token has ended (plus empty lines)
+ node = Composer.compose_node(self, parent, index)
+ node.__line__ = self.line + 1
+ return node
+ def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False):
+ node_pair_lst = node.value
+ node_pair_lst_for_appending = []
+ for key_node in node_pair_lst:
+ shadow_key_node = ScalarNode(
+ tag=BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG, value='__line__' + key_node[0].value)
+ shadow_value_node = ScalarNode(
+ tag=BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG, value=key_node[0].__line__)
+ node_pair_lst_for_appending.append(
+ (shadow_key_node, shadow_value_node))
+ node.value = node_pair_lst + node_pair_lst_for_appending
+ return Constructor.construct_mapping(self, node, deep=deep)
def yml_reader(inputfile):
- Yaml module based reading of .yml file
+ This function launches the LineLoader class.
+ It parses the yaml in a dict and extends it with line tag keys for each key of the dict.
+ """
+ plain_text_yaml = open(inputfile, "r").read()
+ loader = LineLoader(plain_text_yaml)
+ return loader.get_single_data()
+def yml_reader_nolinetag(inputfile):
+ """
+ pyyaml based parsing of yaml file in python dict
with open(inputfile, 'r') as stream:
parsed_yaml = yaml.safe_load(stream)
- return parsed_yaml
+ return parsed_yaml
def nx_name_type_resolving(tmp):
@@ -103,11 +148,13 @@ def xml_handle_units(obj, value):
obj.set('units', value)
-def xml_handle_exists(obj, value):
+def xml_handle_exists(dct, obj, keyword, value):
"""This function creates an 'exists' element instance, and appends it to an existing element
- assert value is not None, 'xml_handle_exists, value must not be None!'
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ assert value is not None, f'Line {dct[line_number]}: exists argument must not be None !'
if isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) == 2 and value[0] == 'min':
obj.set('minOccurs', str(value[1]))
@@ -120,13 +167,15 @@ def xml_handle_exists(obj, value):
obj.set('maxOccurs', 'unbounded')
elif len(value) == 4 and (value[0] != 'min' or value[2] != 'max'):
- raise ValueError('exists keyword needs to go either with an optional \
-[recommended] list with two entries either [min, ] or \
-[max, ], or a list of four entries [min, , max, ] !')
+ raise ValueError(f'Line {dct[line_number]}: exists keyword'
+ f'needs to go either with an optional [recommended] list with two'
+ f'entries either [min, ] or [max, ], or a list of four'
+ f'entries [min, , max, ] !')
- raise ValueError('exists keyword needs to go either with optional, \
-recommended, a list with two entries either [min, ] or \
-[max, ], or a list of four entries [min, , max, ] !')
+ raise ValueError(f'Line {dct[line_number]}: exists keyword'
+ f'needs to go either with optional, recommended, a list with two'
+ f'entries either [min, ] or [max, ], or a list of four'
+ f'entries [min, , max, ] !')
if value == 'optional':
obj.set('optional', 'true')
@@ -150,28 +199,30 @@ def xml_handle_group(verbose, obj, value, keyword_name, keyword_type):
recursive_build(grp, value, verbose)
-def xml_handle_dimensions(obj, value: dict):
+def xml_handle_dimensions(dct, obj, keyword, value: dict):
"""This function creates a 'dimensions' element instance, and appends it to an existing element
- assert 'dim' in value.keys(), 'xml_handle_dimensions \
-rank and/or dim not keys in value dict!'
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ assert 'dim' in value.keys(), f'Line {dct[line_number]}: dim is not a key in dimensions dict !'
dims = ET.SubElement(obj, 'dimensions')
if 'rank' in value.keys():
dims.set('rank', str(value['rank']))
for element in value['dim']:
- assert isinstance(element, list), 'xml_handle_dimensions, element is not a list!'
- assert len(element) >= 2, 'xml_handle_dimensions, list element has less than two entries!'
+ line_number = f'__line__dim'
+ assert isinstance(element, list), f'Line {value[line_number]}: dim argument not a list !'
+ assert len(
+ element) >= 2, f'Line {value[line_number]}: dim list has less than two entries !'
dim = ET.SubElement(dims, 'dim')
dim.set('index', str(element[0]))
dim.set('value', str(element[1]))
if len(element) == 3:
- assert element[2] == 'optional', 'xml_handle_dimensions element is \
-a list with unexpected number of entries!'
+ assert element[2] == 'optional', f'Line {value[line_number]}: dim argument \
+is a list with unexpected number of entries!'
dim.set('required', 'false')
-def xml_handle_enumeration(obj, value, verbose):
+def xml_handle_enumeration(dct, obj, keyword, value, verbose):
"""This function creates an 'enumeration' element instance.
Two cases are handled:
@@ -180,60 +231,80 @@ def xml_handle_enumeration(obj, value, verbose):
enum = ET.SubElement(obj, 'enumeration')
- assert len(value) >= 1, 'xml_handle_enumeration, value must not be an empty list!'
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ assert value is not None, f'Line {dct[line_number]}: enumeration must \
+bear at least an argument !'
+ assert len(
+ value) >= 1, f'Line {dct[line_number]}: enumeration must not be an empty list!'
if isinstance(value, list):
for element in value:
itm = ET.SubElement(enum, 'item')
itm.set('value', str(element))
if isinstance(value, dict) and value != {}:
for element in value.keys():
- itm = ET.SubElement(enum, 'item')
- itm.set('value', str(element))
- recursive_build(itm, value[str(element)], verbose)
+ if '__line__' not in element:
+ itm = ET.SubElement(enum, 'item')
+ itm.set('value', str(element))
+ recursive_build(itm, value[str(element)], verbose)
-def xml_handle_link(obj, keyword, value):
+def xml_handle_link(dct, obj, keyword, value):
"""If we have an NXDL link we decode the name attribute from (link)[:-6]
- if len(keyword[:-6]) >= 1 and isinstance(value, dict) and 'target' in value.keys():
- if isinstance(value['target'], str) and len(value['target']) >= 1:
- lnk = ET.SubElement(obj, 'link')
- lnk.set('name', keyword[:-6])
- lnk.set('target', value['target'])
+ if '__line__' not in keyword:
+ if len(keyword[:-6]) >= 1 and \
+ isinstance(value, dict) and \
+ 'target' in value.keys():
+ if isinstance(value['target'], str) and len(value['target']) >= 1:
+ lnk = ET.SubElement(obj, 'link')
+ lnk.set('name', keyword[:-6])
+ lnk.set('target', value['target'])
+ else:
+ line_number = '__line__target'
+ raise ValueError(
+ keyword + f'Line {value[line_number]}: target argument of link is invalid !')
- raise ValueError(keyword + ' value for target member of a link is invalid !')
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ raise ValueError(
+ keyword + f'Line {dct[line_number]}: the link formatting is invalid !')
- raise ValueError(keyword + ' the formatting of what seems to be a link \
-is invalid in the yml file !')
+ pass
-def xml_handle_symbols(obj, value: dict):
+def xml_handle_symbols(dct, obj, keyword, value: dict):
"""Handle a set of NXDL symbols as a child to obj
- assert len(list(value.keys())) >= 1, 'xml_handle_symbols, symbols tables must not be empty!'
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ assert len(list(value.keys())
+ ) >= 1, f'Line {dct[line_number]}: symbols table must not be empty !'
syms = ET.SubElement(obj, 'symbols')
if 'doc' in value.keys():
doctag = ET.SubElement(syms, 'doc')
doctag.text = '\n' + textwrap.fill(value['doc'], width=70) + '\n'
for kkeyword, vvalue in value.items():
- if kkeyword != 'doc':
- assert vvalue is not None and isinstance(vvalue, str), 'Put a comment in doc string!'
+ if kkeyword != 'doc' and '__line__' not in kkeyword:
+ line_number = f'__line__{kkeyword}'
+ assert vvalue is not None and isinstance(
+ vvalue, str), f'Line {value[line_number]}: put a comment in doc string !'
sym = ET.SubElement(syms, 'symbol')
sym.set('name', kkeyword)
sym_doc = ET.SubElement(sym, 'doc')
sym_doc.text = '\n' + textwrap.fill(vvalue, width=70) + '\n'
-def check_keyword_variable(verbose, keyword_name, keyword_type, value):
+def check_keyword_variable(verbose, dct, keyword, value):
"""Check whether both keyword_name and keyword_type are empty, and complains if it is the case
+ keyword_name, keyword_type = nx_name_type_resolving(keyword)
if verbose:
- sys.stdout.write(f'{keyword_name}({keyword_type}): value type is {type(value)}\n')
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ f'{keyword_name}({keyword_type}): value type is {type(value)}\n')
if keyword_name == '' and keyword_type == '':
- raise ValueError('Found an improper YML key !')
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ raise ValueError(f'Line {dct[line_number]}: found an improper yaml key !')
def helper_keyword_type(kkeyword_type):
@@ -253,12 +324,12 @@ def verbose_flag(verbose, keyword, value):
sys.stdout.write(f' key:{keyword}; value type is {type(value)}\n')
-def second_nested_level_handle(verbose, fld, value):
+def second_nested_level_handle(verbose, dct, fld):
"""When a second dictionary is found inside a value, a new cycle of handlings is run
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- for kkeyword, vvalue in iter(value.items()):
+ if isinstance(dct, dict):
+ for kkeyword, vvalue in iter(dct.items()):
verbose_flag(verbose, kkeyword, vvalue)
if kkeyword[0:2] == NX_ATTR_IDNT:
attr = ET.SubElement(fld, 'attribute')
@@ -271,48 +342,56 @@ def second_nested_level_handle(verbose, fld, value):
typ = helper_keyword_type(kkeyword_type) or 'NX_CHAR'
attr.set('type', typ)
if isinstance(vvalue, dict):
- for kkkeyword, vvvalue in iter(vvalue.items()):
- third_nested_level_handle(verbose, attr, kkeyword, kkkeyword, vvvalue)
+ third_nested_level_handle(verbose, attr, vvalue)
elif kkeyword == 'doc':
xml_handle_doc(fld, vvalue)
elif kkeyword == NX_UNIT_IDNT:
xml_handle_units(fld, vvalue)
elif kkeyword == 'exists':
- xml_handle_exists(fld, vvalue)
+ xml_handle_exists(dct, fld, kkeyword, vvalue)
elif kkeyword == 'dimensions':
- xml_handle_dimensions(fld, vvalue)
+ xml_handle_dimensions(dct, fld, kkeyword, vvalue)
elif kkeyword == 'enumeration':
- xml_handle_enumeration(fld, vvalue, verbose)
+ xml_handle_enumeration(dct, fld, kkeyword, vvalue, verbose)
elif kkeyword == 'link':
fld.set('link', '')
+ elif '__line__' in kkeyword:
+ pass
- raise ValueError(kkeyword, ' faced unknown situation !')
+ line_number = f'__line__{kkeyword}'
+ raise ValueError(
+ kkeyword, f' Line {dct[line_number]}: faced unknown situation !')
-def third_nested_level_handle(verbose, attr, kkeyword, kkkeyword, vvvalue):
+def third_nested_level_handle(verbose, attr, vvalue_dct):
"""When a third dictionary is found inside a value, a new cycle of handlings is run
- verbose_flag(verbose, kkkeyword, vvvalue)
- if kkkeyword == 'doc':
- xml_handle_doc(attr, vvvalue)
- elif kkkeyword == 'exists':
- xml_handle_exists(attr, vvvalue)
- elif kkkeyword == 'enumeration':
- xml_handle_enumeration(attr, vvvalue, verbose)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- kkeyword, kkkeyword, ' attribute handling !')
+ for kkkeyword, vvvalue in iter(vvalue_dct.items()):
+ verbose_flag(verbose, kkkeyword, vvvalue)
+ if kkkeyword == 'doc':
+ xml_handle_doc(attr, vvvalue)
+ elif kkkeyword == 'exists':
+ xml_handle_exists(vvalue_dct, attr, kkkeyword, vvvalue)
+ elif kkkeyword == 'enumeration':
+ xml_handle_enumeration(vvalue_dct, attr, kkkeyword, vvvalue, verbose)
+ elif '__line__' in kkkeyword:
+ pass
+ else:
+ line_number = f'__line__{kkkeyword}'
+ raise ValueError(
+ kkkeyword, f' Line {vvalue_dct[line_number]}: attribute handling error !')
-def attribute_attributes_handle(verbose, obj, value, keyword_name):
+def attribute_attributes_handle(verbose, dct, obj, value, keyword):
"""Handle the attributes found connected to attribute field"""
# as an attribute identifier
+ keyword_name = nx_name_type_resolving(keyword)
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
attr = ET.SubElement(obj, 'attribute')
- attr.set('name', keyword_name[2:])
+ attr.set('name', keyword_name[0][2:])
if value is not None:
- assert isinstance(value, dict), 'the keyword is an attribute, \
-its value must be a dict!'
+ assert isinstance(value, dict), f'Line {dct[line_number]}: the attribute must be a dict!'
for kkeyword, vvalue in iter(value.items()):
verbose_flag(verbose, kkeyword, vvalue)
if kkeyword == 'name':
@@ -322,17 +401,20 @@ def attribute_attributes_handle(verbose, obj, value, keyword_name):
elif kkeyword == 'type':
attr.set('type', vvalue.upper())
elif kkeyword == 'enumeration':
- xml_handle_enumeration(attr, vvalue, verbose)
+ xml_handle_enumeration(value, attr, kkeyword, vvalue, verbose)
elif kkeyword == 'exists':
- xml_handle_exists(attr, vvalue)
+ xml_handle_exists(value, attr, kkeyword, vvalue)
+ elif '__line__' in kkeyword:
+ pass
- raise ValueError(kkeyword + ' facing an unknown situation \
-while processing attributes of an attribute ! Node tag:', obj.tag, 'Node content:', obj.attrib)
+ line_number = f'__line__{kkeyword}'
+ raise ValueError(kkeyword + f'Line {value[line_number]}: facing an unknown \
+situation while processing attributes of an attribute !')
# handle special keywords (symbols),
# assumed that you do not encounter further symbols nested inside
-def second_level_attributes_handle(fld, keyword, value):
+def second_level_attributes_handle(dct, fld, keyword, value):
"""If value is not a dictionary, this function handles the attributes of a nested field
@@ -342,13 +424,15 @@ def second_level_attributes_handle(fld, keyword, value):
elif keyword == NX_UNIT_IDNT:
xml_handle_units(fld, value)
elif keyword[0:2] == NX_ATTR_IDNT: # attribute of a field
- raise ValueError(keyword, ' unknown attribute \
- of a field case coming from no dict !')
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ raise ValueError(keyword, f' unknown attribute \
+ of a field case at line {dct[line_number]} !')
elif keyword == 'exists':
- xml_handle_exists(fld, value)
+ xml_handle_exists(dct, fld, keyword, value)
elif keyword == 'dimensions':
- raise ValueError(keyword, ' unknown dimensions \
- of a field case coming from no dict !')
+ line_number = f'__line__{keyword}'
+ raise ValueError(keyword, f' Line {dct[line_number]}: unknown dimensions \
+ of a field case !')
@@ -387,38 +471,39 @@ def recursive_build(obj, dct, verbose):
for keyword, value in iter(dct.items()):
keyword_name, keyword_type = nx_name_type_resolving(keyword)
- check_keyword_variable(verbose, keyword_name, keyword_type, value)
+ check_keyword_variable(verbose, dct, keyword, value)
if verbose:
- sys.stdout.write(f'keyword_name:{keyword_name} keyword_type {keyword_type}\n')
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ f'keyword_name:{keyword_name} keyword_type {keyword_type}\n')
if keyword[-6:] == '(link)':
- xml_handle_link(obj, keyword, value)
+ xml_handle_link(dct, obj, keyword, value)
elif keyword_type == '' and keyword_name == 'symbols':
# print(value.key(), type(value.key()), value.value(), type(value.value()))
- xml_handle_symbols(obj, value)
+ xml_handle_symbols(dct, obj, keyword, value)
- elif (keyword_type in NX_CLSS) or \
- (keyword_type not in NX_TYPE_KEYS + [''] + NX_NEW_DEFINED_CLASSES):
+ elif ((keyword_type in NX_CLSS) or (keyword_type not in
+ and '__line__' not in keyword_name:
# we can be sure we need to instantiate a new group
xml_handle_group(verbose, obj, value, keyword_name, keyword_type)
elif keyword_name[0:2] == NX_ATTR_IDNT: # check if obj qualifies
- attribute_attributes_handle(verbose, obj, value, keyword_name)
+ attribute_attributes_handle(verbose, dct, obj, value, keyword)
elif keyword == 'doc':
xml_handle_doc(obj, value)
elif keyword == 'enumeration':
- xml_handle_enumeration(obj, value, verbose)
+ xml_handle_enumeration(dct, obj, keyword, value, verbose)
elif keyword == 'dimensions':
- xml_handle_dimensions(obj, value)
+ xml_handle_dimensions(dct, obj, keyword, value)
elif keyword == 'exists':
- xml_handle_exists(obj, value)
+ xml_handle_exists(dct, obj, keyword, value)
- elif keyword_name != '':
- fld = not_empty_keyword_name_handle(obj, keyword_type, keyword_name)
- second_nested_level_handle(verbose, fld, value)
- second_level_attributes_handle(fld, keyword, value)
- else:
- pass
+ elif keyword_name != '' and '__line__' not in keyword_name:
+ fld = not_empty_keyword_name_handle(
+ obj, keyword_type, keyword_name)
+ second_nested_level_handle(verbose, value, fld)
+ second_level_attributes_handle(dct, fld, keyword, value)
diff --git a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.yml b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.yml
index 9e5061bc9..1d6dbd7e3 100644
--- a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.yml
+++ b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.yml
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ symbols:
doc: documentation no. 1
testnamesymbol: test description of symbol
category: application
+extends: my_test_extends
doc: attribute documentation
- exists: required
- #if the exists keyword is not used the default is exists optional
doc: documentation no. 2
exists: required
diff --git a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError1.yml b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError1.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b75af37ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError1.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#test case for attributes
+doc: documentation no. 0
+ doc: documentation no. 1
+ testnamesymbol: test description of symbol
+category: application
+extends: my_test_extend
+ (NXentry):
+ \@entry:
+ doc: attribute documentation
+ doc: documentation no. 2
+ experiment_identifier:
+ existsss: required
+ doc: documentation no. 3
+ experiment_description:
+ exists: required
+ start_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists: required
+ unit: NX_TIME
+ program_name:
+ doc: documentation no. 4
+ program_version:
+ doc: documentation no. 5
+ time_zone(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists: required
+ doc: documentation no. 6
+ definition_local:
+ doc: documentation no. 7
+ \@version:
diff --git a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError2.yml b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError2.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18b0d0b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError2.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#test case for attributes
+doc: documentation no. 0
+ doc: documentation no. 1
+ testnamesymbol: test description of symbol
+category: application
+extends: my_test_extend
+ (NXentry):
+ \@entry:
+ doc: attribute documentation
+ doc: documentation no. 2
+ experiment_identifier:
+ exists: required
+ doc: documentation no. 3
+ experiment_description:
+ exists: required
+ start_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists: required
+ unit: NX_TIME
+ program_name:
+ dochy: documentation no. 4
+ program_version:
+ doc: documentation no. 5
+ time_zone(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists: required
+ doc: documentation no. 6
+ definition_local:
+ doc: documentation no. 7
+ \@version:
diff --git a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError3.yml b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError3.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cf9619a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError3.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#test case for attributes
+doc: documentation no. 0
+ doc: documentation no. 1
+ testnamesymbol: test description of symbol
+category: application
+extends: my_test_extend
+ (NXentry):
+ \@entry:
+ doc: attribute documentation
+ doc: documentation no. 2
+ experiment_identifier:
+ exists: required
+ doc: documentation no. 3
+ experiment_description:
+ exists: required
+ start_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists: required
+ unit: NX_TIME
+ program_name:
+ doc: documentation no. 4
+ program_version:
+ doc: documentation no. 5
+ time_zone(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ exists:
+ doc: documentation no. 6
+ definition_local:
+ doc: documentation no. 7
+ \@version:
diff --git a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXattributes.nxdl.xml b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXattributes.nxdl.xml
index 9bd38796b..4f54dd086 100644
--- a/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXattributes.nxdl.xml
+++ b/tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXattributes.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
documentation no. 1
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
documentation no. 0
attribute documentation
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
documentation no. 2
documentation no. 3
documentation no. 4
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
documentation no. 5
documentation no. 6
diff --git a/tests/tools/yaml2nxdl/test_yml2nxdl.py b/tests/tools/yaml2nxdl/test_yml2nxdl.py
index a3f1c9bc1..7fefc87e6 100755
--- a/tests/tools/yaml2nxdl/test_yml2nxdl.py
+++ b/tests/tools/yaml2nxdl/test_yml2nxdl.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def compare_matches(ref_xml_file, test_yml_file, test_xml_file, desired_matches)
def test_links():
- """First test: check the correct parsing of links
+ """Check the correct parsing of links
ref_xml_link_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXtest_links.nxdl.xml'
@@ -151,8 +151,30 @@ def test_nxdl2yaml_doc_format():
sys.stdout.write('Test on xml -> yml doc formatting okay.\n')
+def test_fileline_error():
+ """In this test the yaml fileline in the error message is tested.
+ """
+ test_yml_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError1.yml'
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(yml2nxdl.launch_tool, ['--input-file', test_yml_file])
+ assert result.exit_code == 1
+ assert '14' in str(result.exception)
+ test_yml_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError2.yml'
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(yml2nxdl.launch_tool, ['--input-file', test_yml_file])
+ assert result.exit_code == 1
+ assert '22' in str(result.exception)
+ test_yml_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXfilelineError3.yml'
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(yml2nxdl.launch_tool, ['--input-file', test_yml_file])
+ assert result.exit_code == 1
+ assert '26' in str(result.exception)
+ sys.stdout.write('Test on xml -> yml fileline error handling okay.\n')
def test_symbols():
- """Second test: check the correct parsing of symbols
+ """Check the correct parsing of symbols
ref_xml_symbol_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXnested_symbols.nxdl.xml'
@@ -169,7 +191,7 @@ def test_symbols():
def test_attributes():
- """Third test: check the correct handling of empty attributes
+ """Check the correct handling of empty attributes
or attributes fields, e.g. doc
@@ -186,8 +208,25 @@ def test_attributes():
sys.stdout.write('Test on attributes okay.\n')
+def test_extends():
+ """Check the correct handling of extends keyword
+ ref_xml_attribute_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/Ref_NXattributes.nxdl.xml'
+ test_yml_attribute_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.yml'
+ test_xml_attribute_file = 'tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.nxdl.xml'
+ desired_matches = ['extends="my_test_extends"']
+ compare_matches(
+ ref_xml_attribute_file,
+ test_yml_attribute_file,
+ test_xml_attribute_file,
+ desired_matches)
+ os.remove('tests/data/tools/yaml2nxdl_test_data/NXattributes.nxdl.xml')
+ sys.stdout.write('Test on extends keyword okay.\n')
def test_symbols_and_enum_docs():
- """Third test: check the correct handling of empty attributes
+ """Check the correct handling of empty attributes
or attributes fields, e.g. doc