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Document Scanning-Capture SDK IOS v2

QuickCapture Mobile Scanning SDK Specially designed for native IOS from Extrieve.

It's not "just" a scanning SDK. It's a "document" scanning/capture SDK evolved with Best Quality, Highest Possible Compression, Image Optimisation, of output document in mind.

Developer-friendly & Easy to integration SDK.

End of support Notice : QuickCapture SDK IOS V1 deprecated by June. 2023.For any further updates and support, can use V2 which having no major modifications.But with improved funcionalities,feature additions and fixes.

Other available platform options


  • Minimum IOS: QuickCapture v2 requires a minimum iOS 11.


You can download sdk as framework in .zip file from GitHub's releases page.

QuickCapture IOS SDK v

API and integration Details

Mainly the SDK will expose two classes and two supporting classes :

  1. CameraHelper - Handle the camera related operations. Basically, an activity.
  2. ImgHelper - Purpose of this class is to handle all imaging related operations.
  3. Config - Holds various configurations of SDK.
  4. ImgException - Handle all exceptions on Image related operations on ImgHelper.

Based on the requirement any one or all classes can be used. And need to import those from the SDK.

import QuickCaptureFW;
#import <QuickCaptureSDK/QuickCaptureFW.h>
#import <QuickCaptureSDK/QuickCaptureSDK-Swift.h>


This class will be implemented as an activity. This class can be initialized as normal class.

var cameraHelper = CameraHelper();
CameraHelper *camerahelper = [[CameraHelper alloc] init];
//files are stored temporarily for processing 

func cameraHelperCallback(_ImageArray:[String])->Void {
    //paths-  arrayofcapturedimagesavailablehere.
    //Use returned images
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) CaptureCallbackBlock captureCallback;
self.captureCallback = ^(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull imageArray) {
	if (imageArray.count == 0) {
	    NSLog(@"Error: no images captured");
	    ///imageArray is the Argument where you get the Array of Strings
	    ///these strings are the path of captured image saved in WorkingDirectory temporarily
	    ///Note: Don't forget to delete image files after completion of task
	    self->_CapturedImages = imageArray;

//Starts Camera Capture Activity
[cameraHelper StartCapture:self :workingDir : self.captureCallback];

Camera Helper having a supporting class with static configuration
Config.CaptureSupport : contains various configurations as follows:

  • OutputPath - To set the output directory in which the captured images will be saved. Base app should have rights to write to the provided path.

     Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath = “pass output path as string”
     CaptureSupport.OutputPath = “pass output path as string”;
  • MaxPage - To set the number of captures to do on each camera session. And this can also control whether the capture mode is single or multi i.e

    if MaxPage <= 0 / not set: means unlimited.If MaxPage >= 1: means limited.

     // MaxPage <= 0  : Unlimited Capture Mode  
     // MaxPage = 1   : Limited Single Capture  
     // MaxPage > 1   : Limited Multi Capture Mode 
     Config.CaptureSupport.MaxPage = 0
     CaptureSupport.MaxPage = 0;
  • ColorMode - To Set the capture color mode- supporting color and grayscale.

     Config.CaptureSupport.ColorMode = ColorModes.RGB
     CaptureSupport.ColorMode = ColorModesRGB
  • EnableFlash - Enable Document capture specific flash control for SDK camera.

     Config.CaptureSupport.EnableFlash  =  true;
     CaptureSupport.EnableFlash  =  true;
  • CaptureSound - To Enable camera capture sound.

     Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureSound  =  true;
     CaptureSupport.CaptureSound  =  true;
  • ShowCaptureCountAndLimit - Enable/Disable Capture count as toast at bottom while capturing from SDK camera.

     Config.CaptureSupport.ShowCaptureCountAndLimit  =  true;
     CaptureSupport.ShowCaptureCountAndLimit  =  true;
  • SDKInfo - Contains all version related information on SDK.

  • CameraToggle - Toggle camera between front and back.

     Config.CaptureSupport.CameraToggle  =  2;
     CaptureSupport.CameraToggle  =  2;
     //0-Disable camera toggle option.
     //1-Enable camera toggle option with Front camera by default.
     //2-Enable camera toggle option with Back camera  by default.
  • BuildTiff - Build .tiff file output from the list of images shared.

     	let status = try cameraHelper.BuildTiff(ImageArray: fileArray, TiffFilePath: outputTiffURL.path)
      *@param  "Image  File  path  collection  as  Array of String"
      *@return  on  failure  =  "FAILED:::REASON"  ||  on  success  =  "SUCCESS:::TIFF  file  path".
     NSString* str = [cameraHelper BuildTiff:imagePathArray :outputTiffURL.path :nil];
     *@param  "Image  File  path  collection  as  Array of String"
     *@return  on  failure  =  "FAILED:::REASON"  ||  on  success  =  "SUCCESS:::TIFF  file  path".
  • BuildPDF - Build PDF file output file from last captured set of images.

     do {
     	let status = try cameraHelper.BuildPdf(ImageArray: fileArray, PdfFilePath: outputPDFURL.path)
     catch {
     *@param  "Image  File  path  collection  as  Array of String"
     *@return  on  failure  =  "FAILED:::REASON"  ||  on  success  =  "SUCCESS:::PDF  file  path".
     NSString* str = [cameraHelper BuildPdf:imagePathArray :outputPdfURL.path :nil];
     *@param  "Image  File  path  collection  as  Array of String"
     *@return  on  failure  =  "FAILED:::REASON"  ||  on  success  =  "SUCCESS:::PDF  file  path".


    Following are the options/methods available from class ImgHelper : To instanciate this class

     let ImgHelper = ImgHelper.GetInstance()
     ImgHelper *ImgHelper = [ImgHelper GetInstance];
  • SetImageQuality - Set the Quality of the image, Document_Qualityisused.If documents are used further for any automations and OCR, use Document_Quality.

    Available Image Qualities : 1. Photo_Quality. 2. Document_Quality. 3. Compressed_Document.

     ImgHelper.shared.setImageQuality(value: ImageQuality.Document_Quality)
     ImgHelper.setImageQuality(value: ImageQuality.Document_Quality)
     [ImgHelper setImageQuality:ImageQualityDocument_Quality];
  • SetPageLayout - Set the Layout for the images generated/processed by the system.


    Available layouts : A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7,PHOTO & CUSTOM

    A4 is the most recommended layout for document capture scenarios.

  • SetDPI - Set DPI (depth per inch) for the image.


    Available DPI : DPI_150, DPI_200, DPI_300, DPI_500, DPI_600

    150 & 200 DPI is most used.And 200 DPI recommended for OCR and other image extraction prior to capture.

  • GetThumbnail - This method Will build thumbnail for the given image in custom width,height & AspectRatio.

        try UIImage thumb = ImgHelper.shared.GetThumbnail(bm: image, rHeight: 600, rWidth: 600, AspectRatio: true)
     UIImage GetThumbnail(
     	@NonNull  UIImage bm,
         int reqHeight,
         int reqWidth,
         Boolean AspectRatio )throws ImgException.
      UIImage *thumb = [ImageHelper GetThumbnail:image :600 :600 :true :&err];
      UIImage GetThumbnail(
     	@NonNull  UIImage image,
         int reqHeight,
         int reqWidth,
         Boolean AspectRatio,
         NSError err ).
  • CompressToJPEG - This method will Compress the provided bitmap image and will save to given path..

     Boolean Iscompressed = ImgHelper.shared.CompressToJPEG(image: image, outputURI: jpegURL.absoluteString)
     Boolean CompressToJPEG(UIImage image,String outputFilePath)
     	throws ImgException
     BOOL isCompressed = [ImageHelper CompressToJPEG:image :outputJPEGURL.absoluteString];
  • rotateBitmap - This method will rotate the image to preferred orientation.

    UIImage rotatedBm = ImgHelper.shared.rotateBitmap(image: img, orientation: ImageOrientation.left);
    UIimage rotateBitmapDegree(UIimage image,enum ImageOrientation)
    	throws ImgException
    Available Options for Orientation
    enum ImageOrientation :
     UIImage *rotatedImage = [ImageHelper rotateBitmap:image :ImageOrientationUp :&err];


As a part of exceptional error handling ImgException class is available.

  • Following are the possible errors and corresponding codes:
    • CREATE_FILE_ERROR= -100;
    • DELETE_FILE_ERROR= -103;

SDK Licensing

License file provided that should keep inside assets folder of main application and call UnlockImagingLibrary from ImgHelper class to unlock the SDK.

QuickCapture SDK is absolutely free to use.But for image operations on enterprise use cases, license required. Click for license details

let licenseData : String = try String(contentsOf: licenseFileURL) 
Bool IsUnlocked = ImgHelper.shared.UnlockLibrary(mainBundle: Bundle.main, licenseFile: licenseData)

Bool UnlockLibrary(Bundle.main, String licenseFileData)
	throws Exception
BOOL isUnLocked = [ImgHelper UnlockLibrary:NSBundle.mainBundle :licenseData];

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