Information representing a full and up-to-date history of other services contributed that are not of a research or scholarly nature and not directly related to the research activities of a person.
Non-research Presentation/Co-presenters, Non-research Presentation/Competitive?, Non-research Presentation/Conference-Event, Non-research Presentation/Conference-Event Location, Non-research Presentation/Invited?, Non-research Presentation/Keynote?, Non-research Presentation/Organization Presented to, Non-research Presentation/Presentation Date, Non-research Presentation/Title, Committee Membership/Committee Name, Committee Membership/Committee Role, Committee Membership/End Date, Committee Membership/Institution, Committee Membership/Membership Type, Committee Membership/Start Date, Office Held/End Date, Office Held/Institution, Office Held/Office Held Type, Office Held/Office Name, Office Held/Other Organization, Office Held/Start Date, Event Administration/Activity End Date, Event Administration/Activity Start Date, Event Administration/Administrative Role, Event Administration/Event Description, Event Administration/Event End Date, Event Administration/Event Start Date, Event Administration/Event Type, Event Administration/Primary Event Organizaer, Editorial/End Date, Editorial/Publication, Editorial/Start Date, Editorial/Type, Community Service/Description of Duties, Community Service/End Date, Community Service/Organization, Community Service/Service Role, Community Service/Service Type, Community Service/Start Date, Event Participation/Event Date, Event Participation/Event Description, Event Participation/Event Type, Membership/Membership End Date, Membership/Membership Start Date, Membership/Society-Other Organization, Course Taught/Academic Session, Course Taught/Co-Instructors, Course Taught/Course Code, Course Taught/Course Level, Course Taught/Course Title, Course Taught/End Date, Course Taught/Lab Hours (per week), Course Taught/Lecture Hours (per week), Course Taught/Name of Institution, Course Taught/Number of Credits, Course Taught/Number of Students, Course Taught/Other Contact Hours (per week), Course Taught/Section, Course Taught/Start Date, Course Taught/Tutorial Hours (per week), Course Developed/Co-Developers, Course Developed/Course Title, Course Developed/Date First Taught, Course Developed/Institutions Using Course, Course Developed/Organization, Program Developed/Date First Taught, Program Developed/Degree Level, Program Developed/Degree Type, Program Developed/Organization, Program Developed/Partner Organizations, Program Developed/Program Title, Program Developed/Unique or Innovative Characteristics, Course-based Degree Supervision/Academic Institution, Course-based Degree Supervision/Co-supervisors, Course-based Degree Supervision/Consent Obtained for Name Release?, Course-based Degree Supervision/Date Degree Received-Expected, Course-based Degree Supervision/Degree Status, Course-based Degree Supervision/Degree Subject, Course-based Degree Supervision/Degree Type, Course-based Degree Supervision/End Date, Course-based Degree Supervision/Output Title, Course-based Degree Supervision/Present Position of Former Student, Course-based Degree Supervision/Start Date, Course-based Degree Supervision/Student First Name, Course-based Degree Supervision/Student Identifier, Course-based Degree Supervision/Student Last Name, Course-based Degree Supervision/Supervisory Role, Employee Supervision/Co-supervisors, Employee Supervision/Consent Obtained for Name Release?, Employee Supervision/Degree Subject, Employee Supervision/Employee First Name, Employee Supervision/Employee Last Name, Employee Supervision/Employee Type, Employee Supervision/End Date, Employee Supervision/Institution, Employee Supervision/Start Date, Employee Supervision/Supervisory Role, Spin Off Company/Number of Employees
csr:Services - Other