Information representing a full and up-to-date history of the intellectual property owned by a person or organization resulting from, or related to, research activities.
Trademark/Trademark Title, Trademark/Trademark Status, Trademark/Application Date, Trademark/Date Issued, Trademark/End Date, Registered Copyright/Application Date, Registered Copyright/Copyright Title, Registered Copyright/Copyright Status, Registered Copyright/Date Issued, Registered Copyright/End Date, Disclosure/Disclosure Title, Disclosure/Disclosure Status, Disclosure/Application Date, Disclosure/Date Issued, Disclosure/End Date, Patent/Patent Title, Patent/Patent Number, Patent/First Listed Author, Patent/Co-authors, Patent/Application Status, Patent/Country, Patent/Date Issued, Patent/Date Requested, Patent/Date of Filing Priority, Patent/Date of Term End
csr:Outputs - Intellectual Property