The release v0.7.0 does not add practical functionality, but is an initial refactoring of the HXLMeta (#9).
The main eventual objective is be able to not only break the internal functionalities (that, in practice, would means allow external developers be able to "import HXL Datatypes", think like importing C .h headers) but also try to see some way to after have functional MVPs with new approaches, be possible to add more specialized python data classes that would have higher priority over the internal ones. (Some features like data classes require relatively new Python versions, so even if this project manager to hit v1.0 already in next months, this may affect others with stricter older python versions support)
Comparison with popular libraries like numpy/pandas and so called "Dypes"
At the moment I think can use something like a suffix called "HType". While definitely part of the problem is convert data to most efficient storage types, the bigger reason to break in several classes and try to be reusable is draft abstract concepts related do "data points" (from an individual cell value on an spreadsheet, to a row/"observation"/"record" or a column/"variable" and finally to the dataset itself).
While both drafted Sensitive/Encryption concepts on Python are not documented on the spreadsheet like all others, the fact of start to have an abstract representation of the dataset could allow to (when actually do export/import) be able of use as reference to decide things like encrypt individual columns or some specific rows with even more than one decryption key. So this type of very peculiar scenario may explain "HType" differences over "Dtypes".
Public reference tables
- EticaAI-Data_HXL-Data-Science-file-formats spreadsheet
Note: The public reference table do not have yet drafted concepts like the one about Sensitive and Encryption topic. Is possible that some parts of the implementation may not be as documented as others. Also, if eventually implementations like client-side encryption become used by more than early adopters or outsite the @HXL-CPLP community, is very pertinent that the part related to encryption have some revision, so instead of have 'implementations on several programming languages' this would be very pertinent be reviewed.