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v0.6.5 - First versioned release

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@fititnt fititnt released this 17 Feb 04:55
· 670 commits to main since this release

This is the first versioned release of HXL-Data-Science-file-formats.

While users are recommended to use latest version, this can be used to have some reference of changes that may affect external documentations. This may be the case with the hxl2tab v1.6:, since the current version use one simple conversion table to understand the input format, while an dedicated class, HXLMeta v0.6.5 still an draft, but may eventually be used.

Minimum usable tools

  • hxl2example v2021-02-17: create your own exporter/importer
  • hxl2tab v1.6: tab format, focused for compatibility with Orange Data Mining
  • hxlquickimport v1.1: (like the hxltag), internal usage
  • hxlquickimporttab v1.0 undocumented

Unreleased tools

  • hxl2arff v1.0-draft
  • hxl2pandas v1.0-draft
  • hxlquickimport v1.0-draft
  • hxlquickmeta v0.6.5

Public reference tables