This document discusses the motivation and propose a schema for Onvif discovery handler to manage secret data passed by Akri Agent.
Currently, our sample Onvif discovery handler does not support discovering Onvif cameras that require authentication. This makes the discovery handler less useful as in most productive systems, authentication has to be enabled. Without the capability to discover cameras that require authentication, Akri Onvif cameras cannot be used.
There are two attributes required for Onvif discovery handler to perform authenticated discovery:
- an id that can unique identify a camera
- a credential (username/password) to authenticate the access to a camera
Recently, a new field called discoveryProperties
was added in Akri Configuration, information
about credentials is specified in discoveryProperties
and Akri Agent will read and pass those data to discovery handler.
One possible approach to enable authenticated discovery in Onvif discovery handler is to leverage the discoverProperties
. We can put information about credentials for discovered cameras in discoverProperties
, when Onvif discovery handler discovers a camera, it uses the camera id to look up the credential from the credentials information in discoverProperties
and uses the credential to access the camera.
The following sections describe what is used to unique identify an Onvif camera and the schema used for organizing credential information in Akri Configuration discoverProperties
We use the address property of the Endpoint Reference [ONVIF Core Specification 7.3.1 Endpoint reference] as the device id to look up
username/password credentials. The address property in Endpoint Reference is in the Uniform Resource Name: Universally Unique Identifier (URN:UUID) format.
The same UUID can be retrieved by the GetEndpointReference
command after a camera is discovered by Probe message. Below is an example of ProbeMatch message, the address property in the Endpoint Reference is highlighted. In this example, we use the uuid (3fa1fe68-b915-4053-a3e1-ac15a21f5f91
) as the device id string for credential lookup.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope …>
<wsa:To >…</wsa:To>
<wsa:Action >…</wsa:Action>
All secret information are kept in Kubernetes Secrets, in Akri Configuration. We need to create a mapping for the secret information so Agent can read the secret information and pass it with the mapping to Onvif Discovery Handler. With the mapping and secret information, Onvif Discovery Handler can perform credential look up using device ids described in previous section.
There are 3 ways to organize secret information:
- Device credential list
- Device credential ref list
- Device credential entry
All three ways can be used in the same Akri Configuration, the order above is the order of Onvif Discovery Handler processing the secret information. If there is any secret information duplication between different groups, the latter overwrites the prior entries. If there is any duplication within the same group, it’s up to the Onvif Discovery Handler to decide which one wins when processing the entries, and it’s not guaranteed the order is always the same.
Onvif Discovery Handler first looks for a key named “device_credential_list
” and expects its value points to a string array of credential
lists in json format. The value is an array of credential list which points to a Kubernetes secret, the secret is expected in json format.
Here is an example of Device credential list.
In Akri Configuration, an entry named “device_credential_list
” is listed in discoveryProperties. The value contains an array of device secret lists. The device secret lists are entries that point to the actual Kubernetes Secret key.
- name: "device_credential_list"
value: |+
- name: "secret_list1"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "credential_list1"
optional: false
- name: "secret_list2"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "credential_list2"
optional: false
In Kubernetes Secret onvif-auth-secret
, the credential_list1
and credential_list2
contain the actual secret information for a list of devices. The entry uses the device id as key and the value is a json object with username and password. The password can be optionally encoded with base64 (with “base64encoded
” set to true).
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: onvif-auth-secret
namespace: onvif-auth-secret-namespace
type: Opaque
credential_list1: |+
"6821dc67-8438-5588-1547-4d1349048438" : { "username" : "admin", "password" : "adminpassword" },
"6a67158b-42b1-400b-8afe-1bec9a5d7919" : { "username" : "user1", "password" : "SGFwcHlEYXk=", "base64encoded": true }
credential_list2: |+
"5f5a69c2-e0ae-504f-829b-00fcdab169cc" : { "username" : "admin", "password" : "admin" }
Device credential ref list is similar to Device credential list except the device ids are listed and the credentials are references
to another entries in the Akri discoveryProperties
. The key name for device credential ref list is “device_credential_ref_list
For example, the device credential ref list below contains an array of “device id”->”credential reference” objects. The credential of device id “5f5a69c2-e0ae-504f-829b-00fcdab169cc” is referred to (username-> device1_username, password->device1_password). The device1_username and device1_password are entries in Akri discoverProperties that point to the actual secret information in Kubernetes Secrets. Note different device ids may use the same secret reference.
- name: "device_credential_ref_list"
value: |+
- name: "secret_ref_list1"
value: |+
"5f5a69c2-e0ae-504f-829b-00fcdab169cc" : { "username_ref" : "device1_username", "password_ref" : "device1_password" },
"6a67158b-42b1-400b-8afe-1bec9a5d7909": { "username_ref" : "device2_username", "password_ref" : "device2_password" }
- name: "secret_ref_list2"
value: |+
"7a67158b-42b1-400b-8afe-1bec9a5d790a": { "username_ref" : "device2_username", "password_ref" : "device2_password" }
- name: "device1_username"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera1_username"
optional: false
- name: "device1_password"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera1_password"
optional: true
- name: "device2_username"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera2_username"
optional: false
- name: "device2_password"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera2_password"
optional: true
The actual secret information is in Kubernetes Secret onvif-auth-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: onvif-auth-secret
namespace: onvif-auth-secret-namespace
type: Opaque
camera1_username: "admin"
camera1_password: "admin"
camera2_username: "cam2_user"
camera2_password: "cam2_pwd"
Device credential entry is a direct mapping from device id to its credential, using "username_<device-id>
" and "password_<device id>
as key names, note that device_id
is in uuid string format, need to convert to C_IDENTIFIER format for use it
in discoveryProperties
key name.
In addition to the "username_<device-id>
" and "password_<device-id>
" keys, Onvif Discovery Handler looks for two specific key names
" and "password_default
" that, if specified, Onvif Discovery Handler uses it as a fall back username/password value.
If Onvif Discovery Handler cannot find a match credential by looking up the device id, and "username_default
" are specified,
Onvif Discovery Handler uses the default username/password to authenticate the device discovery.
- name: "username_6a67158b_42b1_400b_8afe_1bec9a5d7909"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera1_username"
optional: false
- name: "password_6a67158b_42b1_400b_8afe_1bec9a5d7909"
name: "onvif-auth-secret"
namespace: "onvif-auth-secret-namespace"
key: "camera1_password"
optional: false
The actual secret information is in Kubernetes Secret onvif-auth-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: onvif-auth-secret
namespace: onvif-auth-secret-namespace
type: Opaque
camera1_username: "admin"
camera1_password: "admin"