The 3DUSE software is Copyright of University of Lyon, 2012 - 2018.
3DUSE is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (refer to the accompanying file LICENSE-lgpl-2.1.txt or a copy at
3DUSE software is registered by Pulsalys under number L1765.
Package | License | Included headers / Notes |
ASSIMP | BSD | OSGPL an LGPL variant |
Boost libraries | Boost license 1.0 | License seems to fall within the permissive MIT license grade/category. Packages:date_time, filesystem. |
GDAL | X11/MIT style | Depends on proj.4. |
GEOS | LGPLv2.1 | For GDL. |
LASlib | LGPLv2.1 | |
OpenSceneGraph (OSG) | OSGPL (LGPL like) | Used sub-libraries: osgDB, osgGA, osgFX, osgQT, osgShadow, osgText,osgUtil osgViewer... |
Proj.4 | MIT | For GDAL. |
Qt (4 or 5) | LGPLV2.1, LGPLv3, but some modules are GPL. | Core: LGPLV2 or V3, Gui: LGPLV2 or V3, QTWidgets: FIXME UNKNOWN/UNDOCUMENTED LICENSE, refer toQTWidgets module, licenses in QT |
The code contained in src/libcitygml
sub-directory is derived from libcitygml code developed by Joachim Pouderoux when he was working in the 3D team of BRGM. The headers for BRGM's original library version were preserved and now intergrated modifications as well as extensions realized by "University of Lyon".
- 3D-USE stays away from the GPL poisened pill of some QT modules
- Reference gateway: licenses used in QT gateway.
- List of used packages within modules:
- Core module: QDebug, QDir, QDirIterator, QEvent, QFile and QFileInfo, QMutex, QPluginLoader, QPointer, QQueue, QSet, QSettings, QString, QStringList, Qtime and QTimer, QTextStream,
- Gui module (includes OpenGL): QFont, QGLWidget, QIcon, QImage and QImageReader, QInputEvent, QResizeEvent,
- Widgets module: QDialog, QFileDialog, QGridLayout, QGraphicScene and QGraphicView, QHeaderView, QLabel, QLineEdit, QListView and QListWidget, QMainWindow, QMenu, QMessageBox, QPainter, QProgressDialog, QPushButton, QTextBrowser, QTreeWidget,
- unknown module: QtGlobal, QtPlugin,
- used by osgQt: QtWebKit, QtWebKitWidgets
- Obtaining the above list of used QT modules is merely a comment of the
grep -rh include src ui | grep -i Q | grep -v CityGML | grep -v QtEvents | grep -v osgQt | sort | uniq
command (QtEvents being used byosgQt/QGraphicsViewAdapter
belonging to OSG ).
- 3DUse redistributes, without any changes and in their original versions
3.2 and 3.4, the source code of OSGQt (refer to files
- This choice was motivated by packaging reasons (their packaging depending too much on the platform/distributions respective choices)
LASlib sources are redistributed with 3DUse (because of lack of packaging on various platforms) in their original versions. Refer to the content of the 3DUse/externals/laslib
is copyrightedJohn W. Ratcliff [[email protected]]
Note: many of libCityGML library sub-dependencies could be removed
Package | License | Included headers / Notes |
ASSIMP | BSD | OSGPL an LGPL variant |
Boost libraries | Boost license 1.0 | License seems to fall within the permissive MIT license grade/category |
GLUT | Implementation dependent: MIT for FreeGLut, SGI's GLUT | For GL/glu.h |
libXml2 | MIT licence | - |
OpenGL | BSD/X/Mozilla like | License depends on harware vendor. |
OpenSceneGraph (OSG) | OSGPL (LGPL like) | Used sub-library: osgDB. |
Qt (4 or 5) | LGPLV2.1, LGPLv3, but some modules are GPL!. | QDir, QDirIterator, QFile, QString. |
Warning: grep -rih "#include" src/libcitygml | sort -rn | uniq
only tells one part of the story because it includes headers from non sub-directories like utils, DataStrcutures...
is copyrighted "2010 Joachim Pouderoux, BRGM"
- PCL extensions:
Package | License | Included headers / Notes |
PCL (Point Cloud Library) | BSD | |
Boost libraries | Boost license 1.0 | License seems to fall within the permissive MIT license grade/category. Packages:system, filesystem, thread, date_time, iostreams, serialization, chrono . |