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simonastoyanova edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 39 revisions
  1. Check you have Java 7 or 8 on your machine, and if not, download and install it from

  2. Get the EFES software: either download the ZIP from or clone from Github if you have an account already.

  3. If you downloaded the ZIP file, unpack it in a directory of your choosing.

  4. Open up your Command prompt/Terminal:

    1. Windows: navigate to your EFES folder and run the build.bat batch file; you can also run it by double clicking.

    C:\Users\myname> cd "Desktop\EFES-master\EFES"
    C:\Users\myname\Desktop\EFES-master\EFES> build.bat

    1. GNU/Linux or Mac OS X: navigate to your EFES folder and run the file (sh

    myname@-Macbook ~> cd Desktop/EFES/
    myname@-Macbook ~/D/EFES> sh

    This script will start Jetty, a lightweight web server that is pre-configured to run all of the EFES components.

  5. In your file navigator navigate to /webapps/ROOT/content/xml/epidoc/ (create the "epidoc" folder if missing). This is where you will put your EpiDoc XML files.

  6. Visit with your web browser. You’ll see a “Welcome to EFES” page.

  7. Congratulations! EFES is now all set up. You can start filling in your content.