enami is an animation-on-scroll library, similar to libraries like aos or wow.js but with a few differences.
This library uses IntersectionObserver API, to check the visibility of the element, allowing to trigger css animations on horizontal scrolls, when using a smooth-scroll library or inside a slider/carousel.
Parent triggering: You can specify a parent element, so you can trigger all the animated elements inside it.
Staggering: Adds a delay between all the children animations to make a domino effect.
- Include script and css
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/enami.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/enami.min.css">
- Add your animation attribute data-enami="fade-up" on the HTML element you want to animate
<h1 data-enami="fade-up">Hello world!</h1>
- Init the script
var myEnami = new enami();
var myEnami = new enami({
selector: null, // parent element containing your animations, if null document will be used (useful when having multiple instances), usage: '#myElement'
delay: null, // set delay to all animations, usage: '1s'
duration: null, // set duration to all animations, usage: '1s'
once: true, // if repeat the animations every time they appear on viewport or just once
disableOnMobile: false, // if detect mobile, every animation will be on final state
offset: '0px 0px 0px 0px', // intersection observer rootMargin, useful for offseting the viewport functioning
threshold: 0, // intersection observer thershold property
root: null, // intersection observer root to be used a viewport
reset: false // i have no idea
// Single element usage:
data-enami="fade-up" // define the animation to be applied to this element
data-enami-delay=".2s" // define the delay to be applied to this element (css time format)
data-enami-duration=".2s" // define the delay to be applied to this element (css time format)
data-enami-once // future feature
data-enami-reset // future feature
// Multiple elements usage:
data-enami-children=".my-box" // define the children animations of this parent
data-enami-animation="fade-up" // define the animation to be applied to all the childrens
data-enami-stagger=".2s" // define the staggering time to be applied to all the childrens
// Added by the library
data-enami-in // when the element is on viewport
data-enami-out // when the element is out of viewport
Method | What it does |
Disconnect all observers. State can be null, 'initial' or 'final' depending on the final state you want your animations to be when destroyed |
var myEnamiElement = document.getElementById('myElement')
// When the element is on viewport
myEnamiElement.addEventListener('enami:animate-in', function (e) {
console.log('Element in viewport')
// When the element is out viewport
myEnamiElement.addEventListener('enami:animate-out', function (e) {
console.log('Element out of viewport')
// When an instance is destroy
document.addEventListener('enami:destroy', function (e) {
console.log('An enami has been destroyed')
console.log('Selector:', e.detail.target)
// When an new instance is initiated
document.addEventListener('enami:init', function (e) {
console.log('An enami has been initialized')
console.log('Selector:', e.detail.target)
[data-enami="my-animation"][data-enami-in] {
animation: 2s fadeUp forwards cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1);
@keyframes myAnimation {
from {
transform: translate3d(0, 40px, 0) rotate(0.02deg);
opacity: 0;
to {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotate(0deg);
opacity: 1;
This library is meant to work as a simple way to animate elements on your site, if you intend to do some heavy animations you are probably looking for libraries like anime.js or gsap