1.7.2 (2024-08-26)
- non-Chrome browsers now pull interface volume data properly. (01cbb58)
1.7.1 (2024-06-13)
- readded discord link (d35fc12)
1.7.0 (2024-05-24)
- the text displayed when an achievement is cloaked is now configurable in the settings. (8096016)
- verified for Foundry v12 (4756342)
- the copy-id button is now hidden if an achievement is cloaked, to prevent spoilers. (a1fa8d1)
1.6.0 (2024-03-17)
- DMs have an option to only see online actors when awarding achievements. (781a0f4), closes #63
- exported JSON is now formatted and easier to read (cd5cb0c)
- emergency hotfix for tag and new achievement issue (c5f5806)
1.5.0 (2024-03-16)
- 'Online Players' added to dropdown filter of achievements window. (7a83b28), closes #57
- added Players to the Actor dropdown filter. Selecting one will show all achievements from all characters a player has ownership of (ead3cd2)
- clipboard icon added to achievement titles for quick copying the achievement id to clipboard (47cb06b)
- new achievements have a unique id auto-generated by default (e97415d)
- player sound volume now controlled via UI volume slider (607e46f)
- renamed instances of Player to Actor to better clairfy intention (2b65a22)
- the default sound of all achievements can be set via the settings (4aea7e7)
1.4.1 (2024-03-12)
- fixed issue where sometimes tags wouldn't save properly (d3a1edc)
1.4.0 (2024-03-12)
- api: added hook for toggling visibility of achievement window. (0b8f9a5)
1.3.0 (2024-03-11)
- added support for awarding achievements to offline players (c151dcc), closes #45
- achievements may now contain newlines , bold, and italics by using special markup. See documentation. (f022ab1)
- added custom tags support (caad360)
- fixed alphabetical asc/desc sorting (e57a59f)
- custom sounds were not working after API update (b4153ba2)
- added socketlib as a dependency (f68aa849)
- players who have not selected a character are now able to see the achievements window (f3b36414)
- Translated into Brazilian Portuguese, credits to Daniel Norberto (f6293dc3)
- Added award/unward hooks. (7d5c7edb)
- Added API for external access to the plugin (adb681dc)
- Added the ability to assign/unassign an achievement to all players who have/don't have it. (1427fbc4)
- Moved all buttons to top and cleaned up interface. (bf938071)
- Added the ability to lock achievements from being edited/deleted. (8a67f584)
- Added confirmation when deleting achievements (1dc41c7d)
- Achievement details can be hidden to minimize clutter while viewing the achievements list. (87781d71)
- Fixed primary button class. This will fix Minimal-UI issues. (b0a9f785)
- Increased the default player achievement volume from 0.1 to 0.5 (fd12449f)
- Added Discord button to primary window. (c70d358c)
- Fixed achievement unlock image breaking if URL was used. (adca8f24) - Report & Diagnosis Credit to @SoulCookie
- Achievements can now have a separate image when they are cloaked. (9a043f34)
- You can now choose to show the title of an achievement if it is cloaked, on a per-achievement basis. (1ed80bdb)
- Added dialogs for achievement import/export for better browser compatibility. (fd1a1a1c)
- Added bug report & feedback buttons to achievements window (7abe91ce)
- corrected message display on achievement creation (a03b3f68)
Initial Release