- The introduction to the Higgs session, 2nd FCC-France workshop talk by P. Janot, Jan 21, 2021
- Precision Higgs physics at the CEPC Fenfen An et al 2019 Chinese Phys. C 43 043002
- Measurement of the ZH production cross section with hadronic Z decays (and the Higgs self-coupling): hadronic mass and hadronic recoil-mass resolutions
- The Higgs coupling to charm quarks: flavour tagging, vertexing (hence beam-pipe radius, tracker material etc)
- Determination of the HZγ effective coupling: photon identification, energy and angular scale
- The invisible Higgs branching fraction: hadronic mass resolution, hadronic recoil-mass resolutions, maybe b-tagging performance
- The total decay width of the Higgs boson via ZZZ* events: jet clustering algorithms, jet directions, kinematic fits (separation of H → ZZ∗ and H → WW∗ )
- The total decay width of the Higgs boson via bbnunu events: visible and missing mass resolutions
- The Higgs boson mass and σ(ZH) from the recoil mass with leptonic Z decays: lepton momentum resolution
- The Higgs boson mass from ZH -> bbqq: jet angular resolution, b-tagging
- Electron Yukawa coupling via s-channel e+e− → H production at the Higgs pole: monochromatization