This document provides a guide on how to run the ROS_IST given the image topic published as sensor_msgs/Image.msg
by a camera sensor.
First, make sure that the Anaconda environment where the ROS_IST is installed is initialized prior to running the scripts below.
Next, check that ROS master is running or run the following command to start the ROS master in a terminal:
Next, create a new terminal and run the following command to start the ROS node that will subscribe to the camera image topic:
python src/ --input_topic /image_topic
Please specify the ROS topic of the image in --input_topic
. Additionally, you can use --camera_param
to input a resized or cropped image to the model to speed up the process.
A blank Tkinter window for GUI will pop up.
Next, to initialize the GUI for target selection, initialize the rosservice in another terminal:
rosservice call /init_segmentation "{}"
The target selection GUI will appear. Please select the targets by following this workflow. For detailed instructions on using the GUI, please refer to
- Select one target at a time using the following operations:
- Draw a bounding box around the object by clicking and dragging the mouse.
- Right-click on the object to specify it as foreground or background. You can change the mode using button.
- Click the "Generate Masks" button to display and register the masked image.
- If you are not satisfied with the results, use the "Reselect" or "Clear All" button to remove them.
- Repeat steps 1-2 for each object you want to track.
- After selecting all targets, click the "Start Tracking" button to initiate the tracking process.
Once tracking starts, masks and their positions will be published via /masks and /tracked_targets topics. You can check the output by checking in terminal, i.e.:
rostopic echo /masks
rostopic echo /tracked_targets
We provide two ways to visualize the results: masked images and images with points indicating the pixel positions (2D) of the tracked targets.
Run the following command in a new terminal to start the ROS node that subscribes to the results from
and visualizes them:
python src/ --input_topic /image_topic
You can visualize the images in two ways by specifying command-line arguments:
- Masked image (default)
- This is the default visualization mode. To disable it, add the
argument when
- Image with points
- You can visualize the positions of the tracked targets by adding the
argument when
. This mode displays points at the tracked target positions.
For example, to run the visualizer with point mode enabled in addition to mask mode, use the following command:
python src/ --point_mode
To view the visualized image, run the following command in another terminal:
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view