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File metadata and controls

215 lines (167 loc) · 9.93 KB


Table of contents

  1. Preface
  2. Code structure
    1. domain
    2. syntax
  3. Problems
  4. Possible solutions to problems
  5. How to run it


Unfortunately, I couldn't finish everything this project needs just in time. However, I hope the following explanations of existing code and ideas on how I wanted to implement missing things will convince in my ability to finish this assignment. My main issue, I suppose, is the lack of knowledge on architectural decisions.

Code structure

├── build.sbt
├── data
│   ├── checkmate.txt
│   ├── sample-moves-invalid.txt
│   └── sample-moves.txt
├── lib
│   └── userinput.jar
├── project
│   └──
└── src
    └── main
        └── scala
            └── whchess
                ├── domain
                │   ├── Board.scala
                │   ├── Color.scala
                │   ├── Direction.scala
                │   ├── File.scala
                │   ├── Move.scala
                │   ├── Piece.scala
                │   ├── PieceType.scala
                │   ├── Player.scala
                │   ├── Rank.scala
                │   └── Square.scala
                ├── MoveParser.scala
                └── syntax
                    ├── board.scala
                    ├── piece.scala
                    └── square.scala
  1. data folder contains samples of move data provided with the task
  2. lib folder contains a single Java library provided with the task and used to read moves from files
  3. build.sbt contains 3 depencdencies, enumeratum, cats, and ScalaCheck (however the last one is redundant in the current state of this project)
  4. wchess package contains 2 subpackages, and MoveParser:
    1. MoveParser is a custom wrapper around the UserInputFile class to provide myself a safe and eased access to the outer world with samples of move data
    2. Subpackages are considered in their own sections


This package contains almost everything I needed to represent a "little chess world". As they say "make illegal state unrepresentable", so I made this hierarchy closed in itself. Among other cool things, this way I made the compiler assist me as much as he could (particularly in pattern matching on these structures). Every abstract class or trait here contains just enumerated values and overriden toString method, except Piece and Square which contain some additional helper vals or defs. Move is the simplest structure here, which just captures two Squares to move between, it doesn't validate it or anything.

Board represent a world where Square and Piece hierarchies come together. This is a central part of this codebase. By the way, the reason to implement so many custom toStrings is because I used Scala REPL from sbt to visually validate everything I wrote (also, I used REPL to generate the copypasta for Square and others).


There are 2 pillars of this codebase, namely Square and Piece models, and Board is lying on top of them. To keep all of these models simple and "dumb", I used syntax pattern I saw in "Scala with Cats" book. So, every operation I considered to be usefull in the further development or redundant in original models, I put here.

piece is the most boring among these, it just contains an extension method to retrieve initial squares for each particular Piece. I'm still not sure whether it should be here, I just thought Pieces shouldn't be aware of the existence of Squares directly.

square contains extension methods mostly to ease the proccess of retrieving the information about the situation in Squares around some particular one. You'll see my intensions to make use of it later.

board contains just two things (the other is not implemented), an ASCII rendered for the board and a method to apply moves to board. Rendered board looks like this:

  A B C D E F G H
8 r n b q k b n r 8
7 p p p p p p p p 7
6                 6
5                 5
4                 4
3                 3
2 P P P P P P P P 2
1 R N B Q K B N R 1
  A B C D E F G H

And the board with E2E4 move applied looks like this:

  A B C D E F G H
8 r n b q k b n r 8
7 p p p p p p p p 7
6                 6
5                 5
4         P       4
3                 3
2 P P P P   P P P 2
1 R N B Q K B N R 1
  A B C D E F G H

mkMove, which applies the moves, returns a Writer with the log and the board. Log is used to make the end user aware if his move was successful, otherwise why it failed. For instance, if Player.White attempts to make E7E5 move on the beginning of the game (when E7 is clearly occupied with black pawn), he'll find the following message in the log:

E7 -> E5 is invalid, Black Pawn is not yours. You're still in charge

mkMove is supposed to be used as an entry poin in game. However, it lacks certain things, which are considered in the next section.


First of all, the project is incomplete. In the final version I would use mkMoves as the main entry point to apply all the moves retrieved from MoveParser at once. Also, it would probably involve changing the signature of this method to Writer[List[String], List[Board] to keep track of all the states of the board. Current one can only log messages and keep the last state of the board. I would implement this method in terms of applying mkMove to all the moves provided, concatenating logs, and preventing every other move following some invalid one from being applied (same kind of logic I used in line 65 in MoveParser).

There are problems with mkMove itself. This method validates every Move internally, and in current state of the code it doesn't fail if there're obstacles between the squares, if certain Piece is allowed to make such a Move, and if Player is in check. But I have an opaque idea on how would I do this, it's discussed below.

Also, this codebase is closed on itself in terms on supplying the data for moves. Right now, in order to provide other moves, you have to either change the contents of the hardcoded files, or hardcode new files.

Possible solutions to problems

Last thing I mentioned in the previous section concerns the supplied data. I guess it could be implemented by parsing the data folder, gathering information about the presence (or abscence) of the files there, and then allowing the user to pick a specific file listing them as options when user starts an app calling sbt run.

The other thing is validation Moves depending on the kind of a particular Piece. In my opinion, this could be implemented i.e. for Rook as this:

  1. Take a Square where this Rook is located
  2. Take straight Squares from nonEmptySurroundings (probably would be a good idea to make them accessible by calling separate val)
  3. For each Square in resulted set of data filter from Square.values only those which fall under isOnSameRow and isOnSameColumn predicates, and store them in something like Map[Direction, Vector[Square]]
  4. Take the destination Square from Move, find the corresponding Direction in that Map, and take the corresponding Vector[Square] (it doesn't sound like an efficient operation right now, but I guess I could a better solution if I put some thought in it)
  5. Check if there's no obstacles between Move.from and by turning Vector[Square] in Vector[Option[Piece]] via board.current map, and checking if all of them are empty

For Queen or Bishop I could take diagonal nonEmptySurroundings and stack them a couple of times on top of each other until they reach the board's edges to form a matrix of possible moves, and then apply same filtering logic as for the Rook.

There's a problem with defining if player is in check, and I'm not sure how to solve it yet. Probably by attaching some Boolean flag to the Board or something.

From what I can see these are the only problems in code right now.

How to run it

As I said, the code is incomplete but you can take a look at how it works anyway. So, to do this unzip the archive, open terminal and pass to it these lines:

sbt console

Then in Scala REPL:

  1. Import neccessary things
import whchess._, domain._, syntax._, square._, piece._, board._

  1. Set up a board and create a Move
val initBoard = Board.initial
val e2e4 = Move(Square.E2, Square.E4)
  1. Apply the move and extract log and new board state
val (log, newBoard) = initBoard.mkMove(e2e4).run
  1. To render the board and display log message run

and you should see the following result:

White Pawn goes from E2 to E4. Black player is in charge
  A B C D E F G H
8 r n b q k b n r 8
7 p p p p p p p p 7
6                 6
5                 5
4         P       4
3                 3
2 P P P P   P P P 2
1 R N B Q K B N R 1
  A B C D E F G H

You can play by manually creating Moves and applying them in this fashion to the board or you can copypaste this method:

def applyAndRenderMoves(board: Board)(moves: Vector[Move]): Unit = {
  def helper(writer: Writer[List[String], Board])(moves: Vector[Move]): Unit = {
    val (log, board) =
    if (moves.isEmpty) {
    else {
      val (newLog, newBoard) = board.mkMove(moves.head).run
      helper(Writer(newLog, newBoard))(moves.tail)
  helper(Writer(List.empty, board))(moves)

and then actually play valid moves provided with the assignment with these lines:

val validMoves =