Releases: ElectronicObserverEN/ElectronicObserver
Breaking changes:
Old layouts don't work anymore, they'll need to be remade
FormIntegrate (capturing other apps into 74EO(七四式)) isn't available
Added support for day battle friend fleet
Looking up a quest from the quest view on wikiwiki will link to the quest ID now
Localization fixes
WPF Browser v3
warning: this is an experimental release intended for testing only, it's not available via auto update
Added support for day battle friend fleet
Localization fixes
WPF Browser v2
warning: this is an experimental release intended for testing only, it's not available via auto update
WPF Browser
warning: this is an experimental release intended for testing only, it's not available via auto update
Added localization for discord rpc
Fixed a bug where switching aircraft between air bases would crash the app
Fixed notification settings config loading
Added language setting.
Some settings will be reset to default with this release. This will only happen once, because in previous versions a language setting didn't exist.
- If your system language is Japanese, the language will be set to Japanese and ship name, ship type, equipment name, equipment type and other (expedition names, map names, quests) translations will be disabled.
Gadget redirect* is optional now and if your system language is Japanese it will be disabled by default.
- Gadget redirect is a feature that lets foreigners play without a VPN. If you're in Japan or use a Japanese VPN, this feature doesn't do anything.
Added support for switching aircraft between air bases (done by @Jebzou)
Localization improvement (one of the main parts was done by @michauorin)
Fixed anti-submarine power display
Fixed some localization issues
Added localization for settings and constants