2.1.1 (2024-03-04)
MOVED TO "Party Sheet" aka fvtt-party-sheet.
This repository/module are now depreciated in favor of the renamed version. Please search for and download it when possible.
2.1.0 (2024-02-25)
added italics and bold markup (ec4fc22)
added Star Trek Adventures template (b040948)
added Cyberpunk RED template (b4213d3)
- added templates for coriolis "yzecoriolis" by Michael Card (Emo Cthulhu)
- updated links in README
- updated alienrpg, blade-runner, fallout, starfinder, the walking dead, vaesen templates by Michael Card (Emo Cthulhu)
added the ability for users to hide support buttons in the options. (02ff424)
added Savage Worlds template by Mestre Digital (#42) (c0679ea5)
- corrected invalid property names in template_readme (2924e651)
Plugin is now system agnostic and allows any user to create templates for their favorite systems.
- Documentation in SYSTEMS.md
Added support for Forge hosting (3beb550d)
- now displays variant stats properly (6e1c94b5)
- prevent party sheet closing when opening character sheet (1f0df29c)
- rewrote template system (60dbaad3)
- rewrote actor show/hide functionality (60dbaad3)
- restyled dialogs (60dbaad3)
- added ability to click on characters and open sheet (60dbaad3)
- added ability to show either online characters or a curated list of any non-npc (5e209a14)
- changed sounds dependency from attack-roll-check-5e with midi-qol (3ef24300)
- Added Dark Mode option toggle. (91175ad4)
- added better changelog system (2b104a68)
- corrected issue where perception was showing persuasion instead (ad5e0e3b)
- cleaned up sounds (5c59228d)