diff --git a/docs/services/cs2/run.md b/docs/services/cs2/run.md
index 46b9ec3a6..4c3b297fc 100644
--- a/docs/services/cs2/run.md
+++ b/docs/services/cs2/run.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The Cerebras CS-2 Wafer-scale cluster (WSC) uses the Ultra2 system which serves
## Connecting to the cluster
-To gain access to the CS-2 WSC you need to login to the host system, Ultra2 (also called SDF-CS1). See the [documentation for Ultra2](../ultra2/run.md#login).
+To gain access to the CS-2 WSC you need to login to the host system, Ultra2. See the [documentation for Ultra2](../ultra2/run.md#login).
## Running Jobs
diff --git a/docs/services/ultra2/access.md b/docs/services/ultra2/access.md
index 8f39c78f4..ed36fd678 100644
--- a/docs/services/ultra2/access.md
+++ b/docs/services/ultra2/access.md
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
## Getting Access
-Access to the Ultra2 system (also referred to as the SDF-CS1 system) is currently by arrangement with EPCC. Please email eidf@epcc.ed.ac.uk with a short description of the work you would like to perform.
+Access to Ultra2 is currently by arrangement with EPCC. Please email eidf@epcc.ed.ac.uk with a short description of the work you would like to perform.
diff --git a/docs/services/ultra2/run.md b/docs/services/ultra2/run.md
index f181eb08a..5788d35f9 100644
--- a/docs/services/ultra2/run.md
+++ b/docs/services/ultra2/run.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Introduction
-The Ultra2 system (also called the SDF-CS1) system, is a single logical CPU system based at EPCC. It is suitable for running jobs which require large volumes of non-distributed memory (as opposed to a cluster).
+Ultra2 is a single logical CPU system based at EPCC. It is suitable for running jobs which require large volumes of non-distributed memory (as opposed to a cluster).
## Specifications
@@ -52,35 +52,12 @@ Using a terminal (the command line), set up a key pair that contains your e-mail
### Upload public part of key pair to SAFE
-You should now upload the public part of your SSH key pair to the SAFE by following the instructions at:
-[Login to SAFE](https://safe.epcc.ed.ac.uk/). Then:
- 1. Go to the Menu *Login accounts* and select the Ultra2 account you want to add the SSH key to
- 1. On the subsequent Login account details page click the *Add Credential* button
- 1. Select *SSH public key* as the Credential Type and click *Next*
- 1. Either copy and paste the public part of your SSH key into the *SSH Public key* box or use the button to select the public key file on your computer.
- 1. Click *Add* to associate the public SSH key part with your account
-Once you have done this, your SSH key will be added to your Ultra2 account.
+You should now upload the public part of your SSH key pair to the SAFE by following the [instructions from the SAFE documentation](https://epcced.github.io/safe-docs/safe-for-users/#how-to-add-an-ssh-public-key-to-your-account)
### Time-based one-time password (TOTP)
Remember, you will need to use both an SSH key and Time-based one-time password to log into Ultra2 so you will also need to [set up your TOTP](https://epcced.github.io/safe-docs/safe-for-users/#how-to-turn-on-mfa-on-your-machine-account) before you can log into Ultra2.
-!!! note "First Login"
- When you **first** log into Ultra2, you will be prompted to change your initial password. This is a three step process:
- 1. When promoted to enter your *password*: Enter the password which you [retrieve from SAFE](https://epcced.github.io/safe-docs/safe-for-users/#how-can-i-pick-up-my-password-for-the-service-machine)
- 1. When prompted to enter your new password: type in a new password
- 1. When prompted to re-enter the new password: re-enter the new password
- Your password has now been changed
- You will **not** use your password when logging on to Ultra2 after the initial logon.
### SSH Login
To login to the host system, you will need to use the SSH Key and TOTP token you registered when creating the account [SAFE](https://www.safe.epcc.ed.ac.uk), along with the SSH Key you registered when creating the account. For example, with the appropriate key loaded
`ssh @sdf-cs1.epcc.ed.ac.uk` will then prompt you, roughly once per day, for your TOTP code.
diff --git a/docs/status/index.md b/docs/status/index.md
index 1bbdd7896..e46098342 100644
--- a/docs/status/index.md
+++ b/docs/status/index.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The table below represents the broad status of each EIDF service.
| VM VDI Gateway | ![Custom badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=plastic&url=https://epcced.github.io/eidf-status/Data/vdigateway.json) |
| Virtual Desktops | ![Custom badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=plastic&url=https://epcced.github.io/eidf-status/Data/virtualmachines.json) |
| Cerebras CS-2 | ![Custom badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=plastic&url=https://epcced.github.io/eidf-status/Data/cerebras.json) |
-| SuperDome Flex (SDF-CS1 / Ultra2) | ![Custom badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=plastic&url=https://epcced.github.io/eidf-status/Data/superdome.json) |
+| Ultra2 | ![Custom badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=plastic&url=https://epcced.github.io/eidf-status/Data/superdome.json) |
## Maintenance Sessions