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Some performance considerations

We should now have a functioning, if simple, GPU program which moves some data to and from the device and executes a kernel.

We can now ask the question: what factors can influence the performance of such a program?


Amdahl's law states that the parallel performance of a program is limited by the fraction of code that is serial.

In the GPU context, this has two manifestations:

  1. Kernel code is potentially parallel
  2. Host code is definitely serial (including host-device transfers)

This may mean that additional work is required to expose parallelism, or eliminate host operations in favour of device operations.


Potentially, the GPU has a lot of SMs/cores that can be used. Having very many blocks of work available at an one time is said to favour high occupancy.

This may be thought of simply as having a very high degree of thread parallelism. However, the degree is much higher than would be expected on the basis of a threaded CPU program (where threads is usually the number of cores).

Typically, a GPU kernel wants at least O(10^5) or O(10^6) threads to be effective. That is, the problem space should have this number of elements.

If the problem does not have this natural degree of (data) parallelism, there may be little benefit in using a GPU.

Two dimensional example

Consider a two-dimensional loop:

   int NX = 512;
   int NY = 512;
   for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < NY; j++) {
       /* ... work for element (i, j) ... */

If we parallelised the inner loop only, we would have work for at most 512 threads. This would be two blocks if we were using, e.g., 256 threads per blocks.

This would clearly be poor occupancy.

If we parallelised both loops, we would have 512 x 512 = 262,144 threads (1024 blocks). This is much better. We now have a chance to employ many SMs.

Memory usage

CPU: caching behaviour

A given thread in a CPU code favours consecutive memory accesses. E.g., in C, recall that it is the right-most index that runs fastest in memory.

   for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < NY; j++) {
       a[i][j] = 0.0;

Such an order displays favourable cache behaviour. A single thread makes contiguous memory accesses.

GPU: coalescing behaviour

For GPU global memory, the opposite is true. The hardware wants to have warps of consecutive threads load consecutive memory locations in a contiguous block.

Consider a one-dimensional example:

  int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  a_output[i] = a_input[i];

Here, there is no issue, consecutive threads (those with consecutive x-index) access consecutive memory locations.

Two dimensions again

Consider first:

  int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  for (int j = 0; j < NY; j++) {
    a_output[i][j] = a_input[i][j];

Here, a given thread makes NY consecutive accesses to the arrays. This does not favour coalesced access.

We want consecutive threads to have consecutive accesses, e.g.,

  int j = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++) {
    a_output[i][j] = a_input[i][j];

This is the favoured pattern. In other words, coalescing favours a given thread making a strided memory access.

Exercise (30 minutes)

The following exercise will examine the issue of parallelism and occupancy. The current directory is a template in which you are asked to implement a kernel which computes the following matrix operation:

  A_ij := A_ij + alpha x_i y_j

for a matrix A with m rows and n columns, a vector x of length m, a vector y of length n, and constant alpha. The data type is double in all cases.

For the matrix a we will adopt a flattened one-dimensional indexing for which element row i and column j is addressed as a[i*ncol + j].

As this is partly a performance issue (a correct answer is also required!) we will implement some simple profiling by adding nvprof to the submission script.

nvprof gives some basic text-based profile information for routines involving the GPU at the end of execution. Try to keep a note of the time taken by the kernel at each stage (reported in either milliseconds, ms, or micro seconds, us by nvprof).

A suggested procedure is:

  1. Check the template to see that the matrix and vectors have been established in device memory. Note that the template uses the CUDA API call

       cudaError_t cudaMemset(void * dptr, int value, size_t sz);

    to initialise all the device matrix elements to zero directly. The template should compile and run, but will not compute the correct answer as the kernel stub supplied does nothing.

  2. Implement the most simple kernel in which the update is entirely serialised. E.g.,

    int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (tid == 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < mrow; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < ncol; j++) {
           a[ncol*i + j] = a[ncol*i + j] + alpha*x[i]*y[j];

    Check the execution configuration and run the code to ensure it reports the correct answer.

  3. Eliminate the i-loop and re-check the kernel launch parameters to provide parallelism over rows of the matrix. Remember to allow that the problem size is not a whole number of blocks.

  4. In addition, eliminate the j-loop to have parallelism over both rows and columns. You will need to introduce two dimensions in the abstract description, e.g., via

    int j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    and make an appropriate adjustment to the kernel launch parameters. Hint: keep the same total number of threads per block; but the block must become two-dimensional.

  5. Is your resultant code getting the coalescing right? Consecutive threads, that is, threads with consecutive x-index, should access consecutive memory location.


If we had not used cudaMemset() to initialise the device values for the matrix, what other options to initialise these values on the device are available to us? (cudaMemset() is limited in that it can only be used to initialise array values to zero, but not to other, non-zero, values.

For your best effort for the kernel, what is the overhead of the actual kernel launch (cudaLaunchKernel in the profile) compared with the time taken for the kernel itself?

What's the overhead for the host-device transfers?