class ODMetrics:
+ """
+ ODMetrics class.
+ Compute the Mean-Average-Precision (mAP) and Mean-Average-Recall (mAR)
+ for Object Detection.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ iou_thresholds: (float | list[float] | np.ndarray |
+ type[_Missing]) = _Missing,
+ recall_thresholds: (float | list[float] | np.ndarray |
+ type[_Missing]) = _Missing,
+ max_detection_thresholds: (int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None |
+ type[_Missing]) = _Missing,
+ area_ranges: (dict[str, list[float] | np.ndarray] | None |
+ type[_Missing]) = _Missing,
+ class_metrics: bool = False,
+ box_format: Literal["xyxy", "xywh", "cxcywh"] = "xywh",
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialize.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ iou_thresholds : float | list[float] | np.ndarray \
+ | type[_Missing], optional
+ IoU thresholds.
+ If not specified (`_Missing`), the default (COCO) is used and
+ corresponds to the stepped range `[0.5,...,0.95]` with step
+ `0.05` (`10` values).
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ recall_thresholds : float | list[float] | np.ndarray \
+ | type[_Missing], optional
+ Recall thresholds.
+ If not specified (`_Missing`), the default (COCO) is used and
+ corresponds to the stepped range `[0,...,1]` with step
+ `0.01` (`101` values).
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ max_detection_thresholds : int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None \
+ | type[_Missing], optional
+ Thresholds on maximum detections per image.
+ If not specified (`_Missing`), the default (COCO) is used and
+ corresponds to the list `[1, 10, 100]`.
+ If `None`, no limit to detections per image will be set.
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ area_ranges : dict[str, list[float] | np.ndarray] \
+ | None | type[_Missing], optional
+ Area ranges.
+ If not specified, the default (COCO) is used and corresponds to:
+ <br>
+ `{
+ "all": [0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],
+ "small": [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2],
+ "medium": [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2],
+ "large": [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]
+ }`
+ If `None`, no area range limits will be set.
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ class_metrics : bool, optional
+ Option to enable per-class metrics (See `compute()` method).
+ Has a performance impact.
+ The default is `False`.
+ box_format: Literal["xyxy", "xywh", "cxcywh"], optional
+ Bounding box format.
+ Supported formats are:<br>
+ - `"xyxy"`: boxes are represented via corners,
+ x1, y1 being top left and x2, y2
+ being bottom right.<br>
+ - `"xywh"`: boxes are represented via corner,
+ width and height, x1, y2 being top
+ left, w, h being width and height.
+ This is the default format; all
+ input formats will be converted
+ to this.<br>
+ - `"cxcywh"`: boxes are represented via centre,
+ width and height, cx, cy being
+ center of box, w, h being width
+ and height.<br>
+ The default is `"xywh"`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
+ """
+ constructor_model = ConstructorModel.model_validate(
+ {
+ "iou_thresholds": iou_thresholds,
+ "recall_thresholds": recall_thresholds,
+ "max_detection_thresholds": max_detection_thresholds,
+ "area_ranges": area_ranges,
+ "class_metrics": class_metrics,
+ "box_format": box_format,
+ },
+ context={"default_value": DEFAULT_COCO, "default_flag": _Missing}
+ )
+ self.iou_thresholds: np.ndarray = constructor_model.iou_thresholds
+ self.recall_thresholds: np.ndarray = (
+ constructor_model.recall_thresholds)
+ self.max_detection_thresholds: np.ndarray = (
+ constructor_model.max_detection_thresholds)
+ self.area_ranges: dict[str | None, list[float]] = (
+ constructor_model.area_ranges)
+ self.class_metrics: bool = constructor_model.class_metrics
+ self.box_format: Literal["xyxy", "xywh", "cxcywh"] = (
+ constructor_model.box_format)
+ def compute(
+ self,
+ y_true: list[dict],
+ y_pred: list[dict],
+ extended_summary: bool = False,
+ ) -> dict[str, float | int | list[int]
+ | dict | np.ndarray | partial]:
+ """
+ Compute metrics.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ y_true : list[dict]
+ A list consisting of dictionaries each containing
+ the key-values: each dictionary corresponds to the ground truth
+ of a single image.
+ Parameters that should be provided per dict:
+ boxes : list[list[float]] | np.ndarray
+ List of floats lists or `np.ndarray`; the length of the
+ list/array correspond to the number of boxes and each
+ list/array is 4-float specifying the box coordinates in
+ the format specified in the constructor.
+ labels : list[int] | np.ndarray
+ List of integers or `np.ndarray` specifying the ground
+ truth classes for the boxes: the length corresponds to
+ the number of boxes.
+ iscrowd : list[bool | Literal[0, 1]] | np.ndarray
+ List of integers or `np.ndarray` specifying crowd regions:
+ the length corresponds to the number of boxes.
+ The values can be `bool` or `0`/`1` indicating whether the
+ bounding box indicates a crowd of objects.
+ Value is optional, and if not provided it will
+ automatically be set to `False`.
+ area : list[float] | np.ndarray
+ A list of `float` or `np.ndarray` specifying the area of
+ the objects: the length corresponds to the number of
+ boxes.
+ Value is optional, and if not provided will
+ be automatically calculated based on
+ the bounding box provided.
+ Only affects which samples contribute the specific
+ area range.
+ y_pred : list[dict]
+ A list consisting of dictionaries each containing
+ the key-values: each dictionary corresponds to the predictions
+ of a single image.
+ Parameters that should be provided per dict:
+ boxes : list[list[float]] | np.ndarray
+ List of float lists or `np.ndarray`; the length of the
+ list/array correspond to the number of boxes and each
+ list/array is 4-float specifying the box coordinates in
+ the format specified in the constructor.
+ scores : list[float] | np.ndarray
+ List of floats or `np.ndarray` specifying the score for
+ the boxes: the length corresponds to the number of boxes.
+ labels : list[int] | np.ndarray
+ List of integers or `np.ndarray` specifying the ground
+ truth classes for the boxes: the length corresponds to
+ the number of boxes.
+ extended_summary : bool, optional
+ Option to enable extended summary with additional metrics
+ including `IoU`, `AP` (Average Precision), `AR` (Average Recall)
+ and `mean_evaluator` (`Callable`).
+ The output dictionary will contain the following extra key-values:
+ IoU : dict[tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]
+ A dictionary containing the IoU values for every
+ image/class combination e.g. `IoU[(0,0)]`
+ would contain the IoU for image `0` and class `0`.
+ Each value is a `np.ndarray` with shape `(n, m)`
+ where `n` is the number of detections and `m` is
+ the number of ground truth boxes for that image/class
+ combination.
+ AP : np.ndarray
+ Average precision: a `np.ndarray` of shape
+ `(T, R, K, A, M)` containing the precision values.
+ Here:
+ - `T` is the number of IoU thresholds
+ - `R` is the number of recall thresholds
+ - `K` is the number of classes
+ - `A` is the number of areas
+ - `M` is the number of max detections per image
+ AR : np.ndarray
+ A `np.ndarray` of shape `(T, K, A, M)` containing the
+ averag recall values.
+ Here:
+ - `T` is the number of IoU thresholds
+ - `K` is the number of classes
+ - `A` is the number of areas
+ - `M` is the number of max detections per image
+ mean_evaluator : Callable
+ Mean evaluator function.
+ Parameters are:
+ iou_threshold : (float | list[float] | np.ndarray
+ | None), optional
+ IoU threshold on which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `float`, a list of floats, `np.ndarray`
+ or `None`; all values must be inlcuded in the
+ constructor argument `iou_thresholds`.
+ If `None`, all input `iou_thresholds` will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ area_range_key : (str | list[str] | np.ndarray
+ | None), optional
+ Area range key on which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `str`, a list of strings, `np.ndarray`,
+ or `None`; all values must be included in the
+ constructor argument `area_ranges`.
+ If `None`, all input `area_ranges` keys will be
+ used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ max_detection_threshold : (int | list[int] |
+ np.ndarray | None), optional
+ Threshold on maxiumum detections per image on
+ which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `int`, a list of integers, `np.ndarray`
+ or `None`; all values must be inlcuded in the
+ constructor argument `max_detection_thresholds`.
+ If `None`, all input `max_detection_thresholds`
+ will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ label_id : (int | list[int] | np.ndarray
+ | None), optional
+ Label ids on which calculate the mean.
+ If `class_metrics` is `True`, `label_id` must be
+ included in the label ids of the provided `y_true`.
+ If `class_metrics` is `False`, `label_id` must be
+ `-1` (in this case equivalent to `None`).
+ If `None`, all labels will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ metrics : (Literal["AP", "AR"]
+ | list[Literal["AP", "AR"]] | None),
+ optional
+ Metrics on which calculate the mean.
+ If `None`, both `"AP"` and `"AR"` will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ include_spec : bool, optional
+ Whether to include mean settings specification.
+ The default is `False`.
+ prefix : str, optional
+ Prefix to add to metrics keys.
+ The default is `m`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict[str, float | int | list[int] | dict | np.ndarray | partial]
+ The format of the output string metric ids is defined as:
+ `{metric}@[{iou_thresholds} | {area_ranges}
+ | {max_detection_thresholds}]`
+ If a field is `None`, the corresponding string field will be emtpy,
+ e.g., `{metric}@[{iou_thresholds} | {area_ranges}]`
+ indicate metrics calculated without limit to detections per image,
+ i.e. `max_detections_thresholds` set to `None`.
+ Assuming that the parameters passed to the constructor
+ are the default ones (COCO), the output dictionary will
+ contain the following key-values: <br>
+ `mAP@[.5 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAP@[.75 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.75 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | all | 1]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | all | 10]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAP@[.5:.95 | all | 100]` <br>
+ `mAP@[.5:.95 | large | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | large | 100]` <br>
+ `mAP@[.5:.95 | medium | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | medium | 100]` <br>
+ `mAP@[.5:.95 | small | 100]` <br>
+ `mAR@[.5:.95 | small | 100]` <br>
+ If `class_metrics` is `True`, the output dictionary will contain
+ the additional key `class_metrics`, a dictionary with class as key
+ and value each of the above metrics.
+ If `extended_summary` is `True`, the output dictionary will contain
+ the additional keys `IoU`, `AP`, `AR` and `mean_evaluator`.
+ (See `extended_summary`)
+ """
+ # Image ids
+ images_ids = list(range(len(y_true)))
+ # Parse Annotations
+ compute_model = ComputeModel.model_validate(
+ {
+ "y_true": y_true,
+ "y_pred": y_pred,
+ "extended_summary": extended_summary,
+ },
+ context={"box_format": self.box_format}
+ )
+ y_true = [y_true_.dict() for y_true_ in compute_model.y_true]
+ y_pred = [y_pred_.dict() for y_pred_ in compute_model.y_pred]
+ extended_summary = compute_model.extended_summary
+ # Get label_ids from y_true
+ label_ids = np.unique([_annotation["label_id"]
+ for _annotation in y_true]).tolist()
+ _label_ids = label_ids if self.class_metrics else [-1]
+ # y_true, y_pred --> default_dict (keys: (image_id, label_id))
+ y_true_ddict = defaultdict(
+ list,
+ [(k, list(v)) for k, v in groupby(
+ sorted(y_true, key=lambda x: (x["image_id"], x["label_id"])),
+ key=lambda x: (x["image_id"], x["label_id"]))]
+ )
+ y_pred_ddict = defaultdict(
+ list,
+ [(k, list(v)) for k, v in groupby(
+ sorted(y_pred, key=lambda x: (x["image_id"], x["label_id"])),
+ key=lambda x: (x["image_id"], x["label_id"]))]
+ )
+ # Compute IoU
+ ious = {(image_id, label_id): self._compute_iou(
+ y_true=y_true_ddict,
+ y_pred=y_pred_ddict,
+ image_id=image_id,
+ label_id=label_id,
+ label_ids=label_ids,
+ ) for image_id, label_id in product(images_ids, _label_ids)
+ }
+ # Evaluate each image
+ images_results = [self._evaluate_image(
+ y_true=y_true_ddict,
+ y_pred=y_pred_ddict,
+ image_id=image_id,
+ label_id=label_id,
+ label_ids=label_ids,
+ area_range=_area_range,
+ ious=ious
+ ) for label_id, _area_range, image_id in
+ product(_label_ids, self.area_ranges.values(), images_ids)
+ ]
+ # Aggregate results
+ results = self._aggregate(
+ label_ids=_label_ids,
+ images_ids=images_ids,
+ images_results=images_results,
+ )
+ # Mean evaluator
+ mean_evaluator = partial(
+ self._get_mean,
+ results=results,
+ label_ids=_label_ids
+ )
+ # Get standard output values (globally)
+ standard_results = self._get_standard(
+ mean_evaluator=mean_evaluator,
+ label_id=None,
+ prefix="m",
+ )
+ # Prepare output
+ output: dict[str, float | int | list[int]
+ | dict | np.ndarray | partial] = {}
+ output |= standard_results
+ # Class metrics
+ if self.class_metrics:
+ output |= {
+ "class_metrics": {
+ label_id: self._get_standard(
+ mean_evaluator=mean_evaluator,
+ label_id=label_id,
+ prefix="",
+ ) for label_id in _label_ids
+ }
+ }
+ # Add metadata
+ output |= {
+ "classes": label_ids,
+ "n_images": len(images_ids)
+ }
+ if extended_summary:
+ output |= ({k: v for k, v in results.items() if k in ["AP", "AR"]}
+ | {
+ "IoU": ious,
+ "mean_evaluator": mean_evaluator,
+ }
+ )
+ return output
+ def _compute_iou(
+ self,
+ y_true: defaultdict,
+ y_pred: defaultdict,
+ image_id: int,
+ label_id: int,
+ label_ids: list[int],
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Compute IoU.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ y_true : defaultdict
+ Ground truths.
+ y_pred : defaultdict
+ Predictions.
+ image_id : int
+ Image id.
+ label_id : int
+ Label id.
+ label_ids : list[int]
+ Overall label ids.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ np.ndarray
+ `np.ndarray` containing IoU values between `y_true` and `y_pred`.
+ """
+ if self.class_metrics:
+ y_true_ = y_true[image_id, label_id]
+ y_pred_ = y_pred[image_id, label_id]
+ else:
+ y_true_ = reduce(
+ lambda x, y: x+y,
+ [y_true[image_id, label_id] for label_id in label_ids],
+ [],
+ )
+ y_pred_ = reduce(
+ lambda x, y: x+y,
+ [y_pred[image_id, label_id] for label_id in label_ids],
+ [],
+ )
+ if not y_pred_ and not y_true_:
+ return np.array([])
+ # Sort predictions highest score first and cut off to
+ # max_detection_thresholds
+ y_pred_ = sorted(
+ y_pred_,
+ key=operator.itemgetter("score"),
+ reverse=True
+ )[: self.max_detection_thresholds[-1]]
+ y_true_boxes = [yt["bbox"] for yt in y_true_]
+ y_pred_boxes = [yp["bbox"] for yp in y_pred_]
+ iscrowd = [yt["iscrowd"] for yt in y_true_]
+ # Compute IoU between each prediction and ground truth region
+ ious = iou(
+ y_true=y_true_boxes,
+ y_pred=y_pred_boxes,
+ iscrowd=iscrowd
+ )
+ return ious
+ def _evaluate_image( # pylint: disable=R0912
+ self,
+ y_true: defaultdict,
+ y_pred: defaultdict,
+ image_id: int,
+ label_id: int,
+ label_ids: list[int],
+ area_range: list[float],
+ ious: dict,
+ ) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
+ """
+ Evaluate metrics for a single image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ y_true : defaultdict
+ Ground truths.
+ y_pred : defaultdict
+ Predictions.
+ image_id : int
+ Image id.
+ label_id : int
+ Label id.
+ label_ids : list[int]
+ Overall label ids.
+ area_range : list[float]
+ Area range.
+ ious : dict
+ IoU dictionary.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict[str, Any] | None
+ Dictionary containing results given image and label.
+ `None` if there is no ground-truths and detections for that
+ specific `image_id` and `label_id`.
+ """
+ if self.class_metrics:
+ y_true_ = y_true[image_id, label_id]
+ y_pred_ = y_pred[image_id, label_id]
+ else:
+ y_true_ = reduce(
+ lambda x, y: x+y,
+ [y_true[image_id, label_id] for label_id in label_ids],
+ [],
+ )
+ y_pred_ = reduce(
+ lambda x, y: x+y,
+ [y_pred[image_id, label_id] for label_id in label_ids],
+ [],
+ )
+ if not y_true_ and not y_pred_:
+ return None
+ # Assign _ignore if ignore or outside area range.
+ for yt_ in y_true_:
+ if (
+ yt_["ignore"] or (yt_["area"] < area_range[0]
+ or yt_["area"] > area_range[1])
+ ):
+ yt_["_ignore"] = 1
+ else:
+ yt_["_ignore"] = 0
+ # Sort y_true ignore last
+ if len(y_true_) == 0:
+ y_true_indexes = ()
+ else:
+ y_true_indexes, y_true_ = zip(*sorted(
+ enumerate(y_true_), key=lambda x: x[1]["_ignore"]))
+ iscrowd = [int(yt["iscrowd"]) for yt in y_true_]
+ # Sort y_pred highest score first and cut off y_pred to
+ # max detection threshold.
+ y_pred_ = sorted(y_pred_, key=operator.itemgetter("score"),
+ reverse=True)[: self.max_detection_thresholds[-1]]
+ # Load computed ious
+ ious = (ious[image_id, label_id][:, y_true_indexes]
+ if len(ious[image_id, label_id]) > 0
+ else ious[image_id, label_id]
+ )
+ iou_thresholds_len = len(self.iou_thresholds)
+ y_true_len = len(y_true_)
+ y_pred_len = len(y_pred_)
+ # y_true_matches and y_pred_matches will contain ids of
+ # matched prediction and ground truths respectively.
+ y_true_matches = np.zeros((iou_thresholds_len, y_true_len))
+ y_pred_matches = np.zeros((iou_thresholds_len, y_pred_len))
+ y_true_ignore = np.array([yt["_ignore"] for yt in y_true_])
+ y_pred_ignore = np.zeros((iou_thresholds_len, y_pred_len))
+ if not len(ious) == 0:
+ for iou_threshold_index, iou_threshold in enumerate(
+ self.iou_thresholds):
+ for yp_index, yp_ in enumerate(y_pred_):
+ iou_ = min([iou_threshold, 1-1e-10])
+ # Information about best match so far
+ # match=-1 -> Unmatched
+ match_ = -1
+ for yt_index, yt_ in enumerate(y_true_):
+ # If this yt already matched, and not a crowd, continue
+ if (y_true_matches[iou_threshold_index, yt_index] > 0
+ and not iscrowd[yt_index]):
+ continue
+ # If yp matched to a previous gt (not ignore) and
+ # the new is ingore, stop
+ if (match_ > -1 and y_true_ignore[match_] == 0
+ and y_true_ignore[yt_index] == 1):
+ break
+ # If iou between yp and yt < iou threshold, continue
+ if ious[yp_index, yt_index] < iou_:
+ continue
+ # If match successful and best so far,
+ # store appropriately
+ iou_ = ious[yp_index, yt_index]
+ match_ = yt_index
+ if match_ == -1:
+ continue
+ # If match made store id of match for both dt and gt
+ y_pred_ignore[iou_threshold_index, yp_index] = (
+ y_true_ignore[match_])
+ y_pred_matches[iou_threshold_index, yp_index] = (
+ y_true_[match_]["id"])
+ y_true_matches[iou_threshold_index, match_] = yp_["id"]
+ # set unmatched detections outside of area range to ignore
+ out_area = np.array(
+ [yp["area"] < area_range[0] or yp["area"] > area_range[1]
+ for yp in y_pred_]).reshape((1, len(y_pred_)))
+ y_pred_ignore = np.logical_or(
+ y_pred_ignore,
+ np.logical_and(y_pred_matches == 0,
+ np.repeat(out_area, iou_thresholds_len, 0))
+ )
+ # store results for given image and label
+ return {
+ "image_id": image_id,
+ "label_id": label_id,
+ "area_range": area_range,
+ "max_detection_threshold": self.max_detection_thresholds[-1],
+ "y_pred_indexes": [yp["id"] for yp in y_pred_],
+ "y_true_indexes": [yt["id"] for yt in y_true_],
+ "y_pred_matches": y_pred_matches,
+ "y_true_matches": y_true_matches,
+ "y_pred_scores": [yp["score"] for yp in y_pred_],
+ "y_true_ignore": y_true_ignore,
+ "y_pred_ignore": y_pred_ignore,
+ }
+ def _aggregate( # pylint: disable=R0915
+ self,
+ label_ids: list[int],
+ images_ids: list[int],
+ images_results: list[dict[str, Any] | None]
+ ) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+ """
+ Aggregate images results.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ label_ids : list[int]
+ Overall label ids.
+ images_ids : list[int]
+ Overall image ids.
+ images_results : list[dict[str, Any] | None]
+ List of dictionaries containing images results.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict[str, np.ndarray]
+ Aggregated results.
+ """
+ # Settings
+ iou_thresholds_len = len(self.iou_thresholds)
+ recall_thresholds_len = len(self.recall_thresholds)
+ label_ids_len = len(label_ids)
+ area_range_len = len(self.area_ranges)
+ max_detection_thresholds_len = len(self.max_detection_thresholds)
+ images_ids_len = len(images_ids)
+ # Initialize
+ average_precision = -np.ones((
+ iou_thresholds_len,
+ recall_thresholds_len,
+ label_ids_len,
+ area_range_len,
+ max_detection_thresholds_len
+ )
+ )
+ average_recall = -np.ones((
+ iou_thresholds_len,
+ label_ids_len,
+ area_range_len,
+ max_detection_thresholds_len
+ )
+ )
+ scores = -np.ones((
+ iou_thresholds_len,
+ recall_thresholds_len,
+ label_ids_len,
+ area_range_len,
+ max_detection_thresholds_len
+ )
+ )
+ # Retrieve images_results at each label, area range,
+ # and max number of detections
+ for label_id_index, _ in enumerate(label_ids): # pylint: disable=R1702
+ n_label = label_id_index*area_range_len*images_ids_len
+ for area_range_index, _ in enumerate(self.area_ranges):
+ n_area_range = area_range_index*images_ids_len
+ for max_det_index, max_det in enumerate(
+ self.max_detection_thresholds):
+ images_results_full = [
+ images_results[n_label + n_area_range + i]
+ for i, _ in enumerate(images_ids)
+ ]
+ images_results_ = [e for e in images_results_full
+ if e is not None]
+ if len(images_results_) == 0:
+ continue
+ y_pred_scores = np.concatenate(
+ [e["y_pred_scores"][:max_det]
+ for e in images_results_]
+ )
+ if len(y_pred_scores) == 0:
+ indexes = ()
+ y_pred_scores_sorted = y_pred_scores
+ else:
+ indexes, y_pred_scores_sorted = zip(*sorted(
+ enumerate(y_pred_scores),
+ key=lambda x: x[1],
+ reverse=True)
+ )
+ y_pred_matches = np.concatenate(
+ [e["y_pred_matches"][:, :max_det]
+ for e in images_results_],
+ axis=1
+ )[:, indexes]
+ y_pred_ignore = np.concatenate(
+ [e["y_pred_ignore"][:, :max_det]
+ for e in images_results_],
+ axis=1
+ )[:, indexes]
+ y_true_ignore = np.concatenate(
+ [e["y_true_ignore"] for e in images_results_])
+ not_ignore = np.count_nonzero(y_true_ignore == 0)
+ if not_ignore == 0:
+ continue
+ tps = np.logical_and(
+ y_pred_matches,
+ np.logical_not(y_pred_ignore)
+ )
+ fps = np.logical_and(
+ np.logical_not(y_pred_matches),
+ np.logical_not(y_pred_ignore)
+ )
+ tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1)\
+ .astype(dtype=float)
+ fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1)\
+ .astype(dtype=float)
+ for iou_threshold_index, (tp_, fp_) in enumerate(
+ zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)):
+ tp_ = np.array(tp_)
+ fp_ = np.array(fp_)
+ n_d = len(tp_)
+ recall = tp_ / not_ignore
+ precision = tp_ / (fp_+tp_+np.spacing(1))
+ qty = np.zeros((recall_thresholds_len,))
+ ss_ = np.zeros((recall_thresholds_len,))
+ if n_d:
+ average_recall[
+ iou_threshold_index,
+ label_id_index,
+ area_range_index,
+ max_det_index
+ ] = recall[-1]
+ else:
+ average_recall[
+ iou_threshold_index,
+ label_id_index,
+ area_range_index,
+ max_det_index
+ ] = 0
+ # Interpolation P-R Curve
+ interpolated_precision = np.maximum.accumulate(
+ precision[::-1])[::-1]
+ indexes_ = np.searchsorted(
+ recall,
+ self.recall_thresholds,
+ side="left"
+ )
+ try:
+ for ri_, pi_ in enumerate(indexes_):
+ qty[ri_] = interpolated_precision[pi_]
+ ss_[ri_] = y_pred_scores_sorted[pi_]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ average_precision[
+ iou_threshold_index,
+ :,
+ label_id_index,
+ area_range_index,
+ max_det_index
+ ] = np.array(qty)
+ scores[
+ iou_threshold_index,
+ :,
+ label_id_index,
+ area_range_index,
+ max_det_index
+ ] = np.array(ss_)
+ return {
+ "AP": average_precision,
+ "AR": average_recall
+ }
+ def _get_mean(
+ self,
+ iou_threshold: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None = None,
+ area_range_key: str | list[str] | np.ndarray | None = None,
+ max_detection_threshold: (int | list[int] | np.ndarray
+ | None) = None,
+ label_id: int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None,
+ metrics: (Literal["AP", "AR"] | list[Literal["AP", "AR"]]
+ | None) = None,
+ include_spec: bool = False,
+ prefix: str = "m",
+ results: dict[str, Any] | type[_Missing] = _Missing,
+ label_ids: list[int] | np.ndarray | type[_Missing] = _Missing,
+ ) -> dict[str, float | dict[str, list]]:
+ """
+ Calculate mean for Average-Precision (mAP) and Average-Recall (mAR).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ iou_threshold : float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None, optional
+ IoU threshold on which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `float`, a list of floats, `np.ndarray`
+ or `None`; all values must be inlcuded in the
+ constructor argument `iou_thresholds`.
+ If `None`, all input `iou_thresholds` will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ area_range_key : str | list[str] | np.ndarray | None, optional
+ Area range key on which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `str`, a list of strings, `np.ndarray`,
+ or `None`; all values must be included in the
+ constructor argument `area_ranges`.
+ If `None`, all input `area_ranges` keys will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ max_detection_threshold : int | list[int] |
+ np.ndarray | None), optional
+ Threshold on maximum detections per image on
+ which calculate the mean.
+ It can be a `int`, a list of integers, `np.ndarray`
+ or `None`; all values must be inlcuded in the
+ constructor argument `max_detection_thresholds`.
+ If `None`, all input `max_detection_thresholds`
+ will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ label_id : int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None, optional
+ Label ids on which calculate the mean.
+ If `class_metrics` is `True`, `label_id` must be
+ included in the label ids of the provided `y_true`.
+ If `class_metrics` is `False`, `label_id` must be `-1`
+ (in this case equivalent to `None`).
+ If `None`, all labels will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ metrics : Literal["AP", "AR"] | list[Literal["AP", "AR"]] | None,
+ optional
+ Metrics on which calculate the mean.
+ If `None`, both `"AP"` and `"AR"` will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ include_spec : bool, optional
+ Whether to include mean settings specification.
+ The default is `False`.
+ prefix : str, optional
+ Prefix to add to metrics keys.
+ The default is `m`.
+ results : dict[str, Any] | type[_Missing], optional
+ Dictionary containing aggregated images results.
+ If `_Missing` an error will be raised.
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ label_ids : list[int] | np.ndarray | type[_Missing], optional
+ All label ids found in `y_true`.
+ If `_Missing` an error will be raised.
+ The default is `_Missing`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict[str, float | dict[str, list]]
+ Dictionary containing the values of precision and recall.
+ If `include_spec` input parameters info will be added.
+ """
+ # Sanity check
+ # results
+ if results is _Missing:
+ raise TypeError("`results` must be provided.")
+ results_ = cast(dict[str, Any], results)
+ # label_ids
+ if label_ids is _Missing:
+ raise TypeError("`label_ids` must be passed.")
+ # Default
+ default_value = {
+ "iou_threshold": self.iou_thresholds,
+ "label_id": np.array(label_ids),
+ "area_range_key": np.array(list(self.area_ranges.keys())),
+ "max_detection_threshold": self.max_detection_thresholds,
+ }
+ mean_model = MeanModel.model_validate(
+ {
+ "iou_threshold": iou_threshold,
+ "area_range_key": area_range_key,
+ "max_detection_threshold": max_detection_threshold,
+ "label_id": label_id,
+ "metrics": metrics,
+ "include_spec": include_spec,
+ "prefix": prefix
+ },
+ context={"default_value": default_value, "default_flag": None}
+ )
+ metrics = mean_model.metrics
+ include_spec = mean_model.include_spec
+ prefix = mean_model.prefix
+ mean_params = {
+ "iou_threshold": mean_model.iou_threshold,
+ "label_id": mean_model.label_id,
+ "area_range_key": mean_model.area_range_key,
+ "max_detection_threshold": mean_model.max_detection_threshold,
+ }
+ # Indexes
+ indexes = {
+ key: get_indexes(default_value[key], value)
+ for key, value in mean_params.items()
+ }
+ # Sanity check
+ for key, value in mean_params.items():
+ if len(value) != len(indexes[key]):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Input parameter {key}: {value} not found "
+ f"in initial settings which includes {default_value[key]}."
+ )
+ # Assigns slice(None) if the indices match the entire dimension
+ # of results array.
+ indexes_ = {
+ key: (
+ np.array([slice(None)]) if np.equal(
+ indexes[key],
+ np.arange(len(default_value[key]))
+ ).all() else indexes[key])
+ for key in indexes.keys()
+ }
+ combinations_indexes = [
+ dict(zip(indexes_.keys(), values))
+ for values in product(*(indexes_[key] for key in indexes_.keys()))
+ ]
+ output: dict[str, float | dict[str, list]] = {}
+ suffix = get_suffix(
+ iou_threshold=mean_params["iou_threshold"],
+ area_range_key=mean_params["area_range_key"],
+ max_detection_threshold=mean_params["max_detection_threshold"]
+ )
+ for metric in metrics:
+ slices: list[tuple]
+ if metric == "AP":
+ slices = [(
+ index["iou_threshold"],
+ slice(None),
+ index["label_id"],
+ index["area_range_key"],
+ index["max_detection_threshold"],
+ ) for index in combinations_indexes]
+ elif metric == "AR":
+ slices = [(
+ index["iou_threshold"],
+ index["label_id"],
+ index["area_range_key"],
+ index["max_detection_threshold"],
+ ) for index in combinations_indexes]
+ values = np.stack([results_[metric][slice_] for slice_ in slices])
+ values = values[values > -1]
+ mean_values = -1 if len(values) == 0 else np.mean(values)
+ output[f"{prefix}{metric}{suffix}"] = float(mean_values)
+ if include_spec:
+ output |= {
+ "spec": {key: value.tolist()
+ for key, value in mean_params.items()}
+ }
+ return output
+ def _get_standard(
+ self,
+ mean_evaluator: Callable,
+ label_id: int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None,
+ prefix: str,
+ ) -> dict[str, float | dict[str, list]]:
+ """
+ Get standard metrics output.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mean_evaluator : Callable
+ Mean evaluator function.
+ label_id : int | list[int] | np.ndarray | None
+ Label ids.
+ If `None`, all labels will be used.
+ The default is `None`.
+ prefix : str
+ Prefix to add to metrics keys.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict[str, float | dict[str, list]]
+ Dictionary with metrics output.
+ """
+ standard_params = []
+ for combination in copy.deepcopy(_STANDARD_OUTPUT):
+ if (combination["iou_threshold"] is not None) and (
+ combination["iou_threshold"] not in self.iou_thresholds):
+ combination["iou_threshold"] = None
+ if combination["area_range_key"] not in self.area_ranges.keys():
+ combination["area_range_key"] = None
+ if (combination["max_detection_threshold"] not in
+ self.max_detection_thresholds):
+ combination["max_detection_threshold"] = None
+ standard_params.append(combination)
+ output: dict[str, float | dict[str, list]] = {}
+ for _param in standard_params:
+ output |= mean_evaluator(
+ **_param,
+ include_spec=False,
+ label_id=label_id,
+ prefix=prefix,
+ )
+ output = dict(sorted(output.items()))
+ return output