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A list of variables you can use in custom commands and autoresponders for Dyno |
You can use variables in your autoresponders and custom commands to make them powerful!
You can use these in autoresponders and custom commands.
: The user calling the command. Eg: Hello{user}!
: The server name{channel}
: The channel name{@user}
: Mention a user by their username (not nickname), replace user with username. Eg: -{@Nooblance}
: Mention a role by name, replace role with the role name. Eg: -{&Gamers}, We're streaming now!
: A channel link, replace channel with the name of the channel you want to link. Eg: Use -{#testing} for all bot testing.
These variables are more complex, and only work in custom commands.
: User's id{}
: User's nickname including the discrim{user.username}
: User's username{user.discriminator}
: User's discriminator{user.nick}
: User's nickname excluding the discrim{}
: User's current game (if nothing, gets the last played game){user.avatar}
: User's avatar{user.mention}
: Mentions the user{user.createdAt}
: User's registeration date{user.joinedAt}
: User's join date
: Server's id{}
: Server's name{server.icon}
: Server's icon{server.memberCount}
: Amount of members on the server{server.ownerID}
: Owner's id{server.createdAt}
: Server's creation date{server.region}
: Server region
: Channel id{}
: Channel name{channel.mention}
: Channel mention
Note: This will be in EST unless you set the time zone in the Premium dashboard.
: Current 24 hour time{time12}
: Current 12 hour time{date}
: Current date{datetime}
: Current date with the 24 hour time{datetime12}
: Current date with the 12 hour time
Note: Most of these must be on separate lines
: Disables@everyone
in command{prefix}
: Output command prefix for server{delete}
: Delete command trigger after, example: -{delete} I am Dyno
: Silents the bot's default response to a command used, example: -{silent} {!role {user} Humans}
- returns a command argument, example:You chose $1
- returns a command argument and all the arguments after that, example:You chose $1+
: execute a bot command, example: -{!role $1 Regulars}
: Set required roles or serverMod to use command, example: -{require:Accomplices} or -
: Set required channel to use command in, example:-{require:#batcave} This is the batcave.
: Blacklist Role from using command, example:-{not:Lost Privileges}
: Blacklist from being able to use command in said channel, example:-{not:#general}
: Set the channel the command responds in, example: -{respond:#announcements} Announcements woo!
: DM the bot response, example: -{dm} I just DMed you!
: DMs the bot response to a specified user, example: -{dm:Nooblance} I just DMed the mighty Lance!
: List of items to randomize, example: -{choose:pie;cake;icecream;ban hammer}
: Placement for{choose}
variable, example:{My favorite desert is {choice}
This list was copied from the Dyno Premium dashboard, then formatted and edited by DCC.