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Contribution Guidelines

JenniBee edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 5 revisions
  • General Requirements
  • Licence Requirements

General Requirements

This is an open, community developed project, but it's also a project that we'd like to see become the best it can be.

Placeholder contributions are definitely welcome, so don't be afraid to contribute something that may not be suitable for a final game so long as you're comfortable with the idea of it being improved on/replaced down the track by others (or yourself!).

Likewise, any contribution made by a contributor should be made with the expectation that it may be worked on/improved by others. Don't be afraid to double up on something if you believe you have something of value to share, but also take the time to read/comment in relevant issue tickets/discussion and understand what others have worked on.

Please understand that during the initial phase of this project, we're trying to keep a narrow focus and our scope in check. We are mostly aiming to reproduce the Patrick's prototype vision according to the game design notes he shared with us. Anything that doesn't fit within that should be added to the Longer Term Ideas page to be addressed once we have achieved our early goals.

When committing, please be descriptive in commit messages!

Licence Requirements

Justin has passed on some requests with regards to how should be licenced.

From these requirements (below), CC BY-NC seems the best match. Please read and understand these. If you're not comfortable with this licencing, please avoid contributing directly to the project (by all means offer feedback and participate in discussion though!).

This means we will have to be doubly careful to avoid using externally sourced assets or code which have incompatible licences, and clearly label anything that that is sourced externally along with its own specific licence details.

Hey everyone, this sounds awesome! Just to set some ground(s keeping) rules, let’s treat anything that results from this effort as creative commons so it can be distributed freely on a non-commercial basis. We can’t brand it as a DF product either because it’s not an official project and Double Fine must reserve all other rights so that Patrick is free to pitch Bad Golf 3 next year - because we all know how much we’re looking forward to that!

Ok, enough business talk - have fun!

We also make use of several assets and libraries sourced from outside our contributing community which use alternative licences which allow us to include them in the game and distribute them as a part of this source repository. Details of these can currently be found here