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File metadata and controls

113 lines (58 loc) · 5.37 KB


This is a collection of Powershell functions that help me. Please Free to add/change anything.
Below are the functions and an explanation on how they work.


This function will download and install any missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages.


Update-VcRedist -DownloadDirectory 'C:\Temp';

This one is only to be run locally, and as an administrator.


This function will download and install MySQL Server version 5.7.27. Using the Update-VcRedist function to install pre-requisites.


Install-MySQL -dbdirectory 'C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7' -tempdownloaddirectory "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Downloads";

This function must be run locally as an administrator and does a few things to ensure we install MySQL Server correctly, they are:

  1. Securely (kinda) grabs the database password you would like to use.

  2. Makes sure the download location exists.

  3. Uses Update-VcRedist to install any pre-requisites.

  4. Make sure we are using TLS 1.2.

  5. Download and install MySQL Server 5.7.27 enabling error logging and slow logging.

  6. Add MySQL to PATH.

  7. Add a few optimisations to the My.ini file.

  8. All done! It is recommended to reboot the server to ensure MySQL is install correctly


This is a set of User Defined Functions in MySQL that I created recently for a client.


The first function CAP_FIRST is to be used as a wrapper while using FORMAT_ADDRESS i.e **CAP_FIRST(FORMAT_ADDRESS(COLUMN_NAME))**.

CAP_FIRST will capitalize the first letter of every word. Handy for time where you have street names, and suburbs that don't need to be ALL CAPS. It will make everything lowercase first so be sure that you just want the first letter of the words in CAPS.

The second function FORMAT_ADDRESS will format the address based on the street name. First we will check if there are any spaces before a comma, and remove that space. Then we will go and replace street names with their 2-3 letter acronym according to AS4590 Interchange of client information specifications.

The third function FORMAT_NT_POSTCODES will look for any postcodes that are 3 digits and add a zero to the end. Excel does a great job of removing leading zeros so this helps get rid of that issue. Postcodes need to be in a separate column by themselves for this to work.

The last function FORMAT_PO_BOXES is a unique function that probably wont see much use outside of how I used it. First it needs to have a column that has full address so something similar to PO BOX 123 MELBOURNE VIC 3000. The function will make sure there is a comma after the number i.e "123," and not "123". It will do this for PO Box, Locked Bag, Private Mail Bag, Private Bag, GPO Box addresses.

These Functions need MySQL server version 8 and above.



This document has just one function FORMAT_PHONE_NUMBERS that takes two inputs. The first input is a column that contains phone numbers. They can be mobile, landline, or 1300 numbers (haven't done 1800 numbers yet but should be easy to do).

The second input is a column that contains a state for each of these numbers i.e "VIC", "QLD", "TAS" etc...

The function will first remove any spaces from the data. Then it will look for numbers that are only eight digits long. Then it will prepend the correct area code to the landline number. So if it was an eight digit landline number and the state was "VIC" then we would prepend "03".

Once we've done that we will then format the landline numbers like so "00 0000 0000" and the 1300 numbers like so "1300 000 000".

I'm a MySQL newbie so any feedback or pull requests are much appreciated!


This function will use Sysinternals PSExec to enable Windows Remote Management on an any computer that is on the same network and you have administrator credentials for. Requires Powershell 5.1 because it uses the CredentialManager Module which uses classes from System.Web.dll which is not available to .Net Core see Here.

Usage Enable-Remoting -Computer DC1

You will then be asked for Credentials i.e dc1\Administrator Password01!.

Once the credentials hae been entered, the script will check if the CredentialManager module exists, if not then download and install.

Then we check to see if we can call PSExec.exe. If not, download and add Sysinternals to path (add to path twice to make doubly sure).

Once we can call PSExec.exe, we then make calls to the remote computer/s and work to enable WinRM, PSremoting, and change Execution Policy to Bypass (Probably not good to do in production ey).

Once that's done, we lastly Test-Man to make sure we have a successful connection.

Let me know if you think this should be changed, I'd love to hear your words!

Things ToDo


  • Add the ability to do this update remotely and on more then one computer.


  • Make it better

  • Add the ability to remotely install and on more than one computer.

  • Optimise the Optimisation (Too many Set-Content's)

  • Allow user to choose any MySQL version