Don Resnik
May 12, 2016
##Loading and preprocessing the data ##What is mean total number of steps taken per day?
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
dataValue <- read.csv("activity.csv")
dataValueNoNA <- filter(dataValue,!$steps))
#generate histogram of steps per day
stepsPerDay <- aggregate(steps ~ date, dataValueNoNA, sum)
hist(stepsPerDay$steps, main = "Total number of steps per day", xlab = "Steps per day")
# calculate mean and median values
stepsPerDayMean <- mean(stepsPerDay$steps)
stepsPerDayMedian <- median(stepsPerDay$steps)
###Steps per day Mean: 10766 ###Steps per day Median: 10765
##What is the average daily activity pattern?
averageStepsByInterval <- tapply(dataValueNoNA$steps, dataValueNoNA$interval, FUN=mean)
averageStepsByIntervaldf <- data.frame(averageStepsByInterval)
plot(names(averageStepsByInterval), averageStepsByInterval, type = "l", xlab = "5-minute Interval",
ylab = "Average number of steps taken", main = "Avg number of steps across 5-minute interval")
# Find the index and the maximum value
maxValueAndInterval <- averageStepsByIntervaldf[which.max(averageStepsByIntervaldf$averageStepsByInterval),]
maxValue <- maxValueAndInterval[[1]]
maxInterval <- names(maxValueAndInterval)
###maxInterval 835 ###maxValue 206.1698113
##Imputing missing values
# Find NA Values
NAvalues <- filter(dataValue,$steps))
numNARows <- nrow(NAvalues)
## steps date interval
## 1 NA 2012-10-01 0
## 2 NA 2012-10-01 5
## 3 NA 2012-10-01 10
## 4 NA 2012-10-01 15
## 5 NA 2012-10-01 20
## 6 NA 2012-10-01 25
##Fill in all of the missing values in the dataset with the mean for that 5-minute interval.
for (i in 1:nrow(NAvalues)) {
NAvalues[i, 1] <- averageStepsByInterval[[toString(NAvalues[i, 3])]]
## steps date interval
## 1 1.7169811 2012-10-01 0
## 2 0.3396226 2012-10-01 5
## 3 0.1320755 2012-10-01 10
## 4 0.1509434 2012-10-01 15
## 5 0.0754717 2012-10-01 20
## 6 2.0943396 2012-10-01 25
filledInData <- dataValue
filledInData[, 1] <- NAvalues[, 1]
stepsPerDayWithFilledNA <- aggregate(steps ~ date, filledInData, sum)
hist(stepsPerDayWithFilledNA$steps, main = "Total number of steps per day with filled in NA values", xlab = "Steps per day")
# calculate mean and median values
stepsPerDayMeanWithFilledNA <- trunc(mean(stepsPerDayWithFilledNA$steps), digits=0)
stepsPerDayMedianWithFilledNA <- trunc(median(stepsPerDayWithFilledNA$steps), digits=0)
###Steps per day with filled in NA Mean: 10766 ###Steps per day with filled in NA Median: 10766
For this case, filling in the NA values did not make much difference in the mean or median number of steps per day.
##Are there differences in activity patterns between weekdays and weekends?
filledInData$day <- "weekday"
filledInData$day[weekdays(as.Date(filledInData$date), abb=T) %in% c("Sat","Sun")] <- "weekend"
meanStepsPerIntervalWithFilledInData <- aggregate(steps ~ interval + day, data=filledInData, FUN="mean")
xyplot(steps ~ interval | day, data=meanStepsPerIntervalWithFilledInData, type="l", grid=T, layout=c(1,2), ylab="Number of steps", xlab="5-min. intervals", main="Average 5-min. activity for Weekdays and Weekends")