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File metadata and controls

777 lines (635 loc) · 15.8 KB

Flow DSL

Flow DSL is designed to mimic haxe language syntax and remove some Xml syntax weirdness.


Lets's begin first by summarizing why we want to have an alternative to xml protocol:

  • Xml uses a tree hierarchy to define informations hierarchy, but hexMachina final grammar uses a flat hierarchy. So, Xml nodes structure (parent/children) brings more complexity than real advantages.
  • Xml is verbose. To describe a simple information, like a primitive value assignment, you have to write tons of useless informations.
  • Xml is hard to read by its node redundancy structure, and as well, for the reasons I listed above.
  • Xml is not the best protocol to express complex engineering structures/informations. Let's take a common example: Class definition.

Comparisons beetween both DSL: Flow and Xml

Now, let me add a few quick comparisons beetween the both DSL formats (Xml and Flow).

Simple anonymous Object

Xml first:
<test id="age" type="Int" value="45"/>
And now, the Flow version:
age = 45;

Simple hashmap

Xml first:
<serviceLocator id="serviceLocator" type="hex.collection.HashMap<Class<Dynamic>, Class<Dynamic>">
        <key type="Class" value="mock.IMockService"/> 
        <value type="Class" value="mock.MockService"/>
        <key type="Class" value="mock.IAnotherMockService"/> 
        <value type="Class" value="mock.AnotherMockService"/>
And now, the Flow version:
serviceLocator = new hex.collection.HashMap<Class<IService>, Class<IService>>
    mock.IMockService => mock.MockService, 
    mock.IAnotherMockService => mock.AnotherMockService 

Use the basic Flow compiler

Defining context
@context( name = 'myContextName' )
    myString = 'hello world';
File compilation
var assembler = BasicFlowCompiler.compile( "context/flow/testBuildingString.flow" );
Locate ID
factory = assembler.getApplicationContext( "myContextName", ApplicationContext ).getCoreFactory();
var myString = factory.locate( 'myString' );

More Flow examples

Primitive value assignment

Null value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	value = null;
Boolean value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	b = true;
String value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	s = 'hello';
Int value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	i = -3;
UInt value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	i = 3;
Hexadecimal value assignment to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	i = 0xFFFFFF;

Instanciation and references

Anonymous object
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	obj = { name: "Francis", age: 44, height: 1.75, isWorking: true, isSleeping: false };
Simple class instance
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	instance = new hex.mock.MockClassWithoutArgument();
Simple class instance with primitive arguments passed to the constructor
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	size = new hex.structures.Size( 10, 20 );
Building an instance with primitive references passed to its constructor
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	x = 1;
	y = 2;
	position = new hex.structures.Point( x, y );
Building multiple instances and pass some of them as constructor arguments
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	rect = new hex.mock.MockRectangle( rectPosition.x, rectPosition.y );
	rect.size = rectSize;
	rectSize = new hex.structures.Point( 30, 40 );
	rectPosition = new hex.structures.Point();
	rectPosition.x = 10;
	rectPosition.y = 20;
Building instances with multiple references passed to the constructor
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	chat 			= new hex.mock.MockChat();
	receiver 		= new hex.mock.MockReceiver();
	proxyChat 		= new hex.mock.MockProxy( chat, chat.onTranslation );
	proxyReceiver 	= new hex.mock.MockProxy( receiver, receiver.onMessage );
Array filled with references
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	fruits = new Array<hex.mock.MockFruitVO>( fruit0, fruit1, fruit2 );
	empty = [];
	text = [ "hello", "world" ];
	fruit0 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "orange" );
	fruit1 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "apple" );
	fruit2 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "banana" );
Assign class reference to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	RectangleClass = hex.mock.MockRectangle;
	classContainer = { AnotherRectangleClass: RectangleClass };
Hashmap filled with references
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	fruits = new hex.collection.HashMap<Dynamic, hex.mock.MockFruitVO>
		"0" => fruit0,
		1 => fruit1,
		stubKey => fruit2
	fruit0 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "orange" );
	fruit1 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "apple" );
	fruit2 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "banana" );
	stubKey = new hex.structures.Point();
Get instance from static method
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	gateway = "http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php";
	service = hex.mock.MockServiceProvider.getInstance();
	service.setGateway( gateway );
Get instance from static method with arguments
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	rect = hex.mock.MockRectangleFactory.getRectangle( 10, 20, 30, 40 );
Get instance from object's method call returned by static method
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	point = hex.mock.MockPointFactory.getInstance().getPoint( 10, 20 );
Building multiple instances with arguments
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	rect = new hex.mock.MockRectangle( 10, 20, 30, 40 );
	size = new hex.structures.Size( 15, 25 );
	position = new hex.structures.Point( 35, 45 );

Injection and mapping

Inject into an instance
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	@inject_into instance = new hex.mock.MockClassWithInjectedProperty();
Class instance with its abstract type mapped to context's injector
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	@map_type( 'hex.mock.IMockInterface' ) instance = new hex.mock.MockClass();
Class instance mapped to 2 abstract types in context's injector
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	@map_type( 	'hex.mock.IMockInterface',
				'hex.mock.IAnotherMockInterface' ) 
		instance = new hex.mock.MockClass();
HashMap with mapped type
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	@map_type( 'hex.collection.HashMap<String, hex.mock.MockFruitVO>' ) 
	fruits = new hex.collection.HashMap<Dynamic, hex.mock.MockFruitVO>
		"0" => fruit0,
		"1" => fruit1
	fruit0 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "orange" );
	fruit1 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "apple" );
Array instanciation mapped to abstract types thorugh context's injector
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	@map_type( 'Array<Int>', 'Array<UInt>' ) intCollection = new Array<Int>();
	@map_type( 'Array<String>' ) stringCollection = new Array<String>();
Instances mapped to abstract types with type params
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	i = 3;
	@map_type( 	'hex.mock.IMockInterfaceWithGeneric<Int>', 
				'hex.mock.IMockInterfaceWithGeneric<UInt>' ) 
		intInstance = new hex.mock.MockClassWithIntGeneric( i );
	@map_type( 'hex.mock.IMockInterfaceWithGeneric<String>' ) 
		stringInstance = new hex.mock.MockClassWithStringGeneric( 's' );


Properties assignment
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	rect = new hex.mock.MockRectangle();
	rect.size = size;
	size = new hex.structures.Point();
	size.x = width;
	size.y = height;
	width = 10;
	height = 20;
Assign class reference and static variable as object's property
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	object = { property: hex.mock.MockClass.MESSAGE_TYPE };
	object2 = { property: hex.mock.MockClass };
	instance = new hex.mock.ClassWithConstantConstantArgument
		( hex.mock.MockClass.MESSAGE_TYPE );

Method call

Simple method call on an instance
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	caller = new hex.mock.MockCaller(); "hello", "world" );
Method call with argument typed from class with type paramemeters
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	fruitsInterfaces = new Array<hex.mock.IMockFruit>( fruit0, fruit1, fruit2 );
	fruit0 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "orange" );
	fruit1 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "apple" );
	fruit2 = new hex.mock.MockFruitVO( "banana" );
	caller = new hex.mock.MockCaller();
	caller.callArray( fruitsInterfaces );
Building multiple instances and call methods on them
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	rect = new hex.mock.MockRectangle();
	rect.size = rectSize;
	rect.offsetPoint( rectPosition );
	rectSize = new hex.structures.Point( 30, 40 );
	rectPosition = new hex.structures.Point();
	rectPosition.x = 10;
	rectPosition.y = 20;
	anotherRect = new hex.mock.MockRectangle();
	anotherRect.size = rectSize;

Static variable

Assign static variable to an ID
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	constant = hex.mock.MockClass.MESSAGE_TYPE;
Pass static variable as a constructor argument
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	instance = new hex.mock.ClassWithConstantConstantArgument
		( hex.mock.MockClass.MESSAGE_TYPE );
Pass a static variable as a method call argument
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	instance = new hex.mock.MockMethodCaller(); hex.mock.MockMethodCaller.staticVar );


Example with DSL preprocessing
@context( ${context} )
Parse and make Xml object
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	fruits = Xml.parse
Parse Xml with custom parser and make custom instance
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	fruits = Xml.parse
Conditional parsing
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	#if ( test || release )
	message = "hello debug";
	#elseif production
	message = "hello production";
	message = "hello message";
Use a custom application context class
			name = 'applicationContext', 
			type = hex.ioc.parser.xml.context.mock.MockApplicationContext )
	test = 'Hola Mundo';
Instantiate mapping configuration
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	config = new hex.di.mapping.MappingConfiguration
		hex.mock.IMockInterface => hex.mock.MockClass,
		hex.mock.IAnotherMockInterface => instance
	instance = new hex.mock.AnotherMockClass();
Import another context to a parent one
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	childContext = new Context( 'context/flow/static/childcontext.flow' );
Import another context to a parent one with passed references
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	childContext = new Context( 'context/flow/static/message.flow', {message: message, to: name} );
	message = "hello";
	name = "world";
Import another context to a parent one with passed parameters
@context( 	name = 'applicationContext'
			params 	= {x: Float, y:Float} )
	width = sizeContext.size.width;
	height = sizeContext.size.height;
	sizeContext = new Context( 'context/flow/static/childcontext.flow', {xParameter: x, yParameter: y} );
Import two contexts with passed references from one to another
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	childContext2 = new Context( 'context/flow/static/childContext.flow', {message: childContext1.message, to:} );
	childContext1 = new Context( 'context/flow/static/anotherChildcontext.flow' );
Import xml context in flow context
@context( 	name = 'applicationContext'
			params 	= {x: Float, y:Float} )
	childContext = new Context( 'context/xml/static/childContext.xml', {xParameter: x, yParameter: y} );
Call a method in a child context with other children context references as arguments
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	childContext3.o.owner.setCollection( a );
	childContext3 = new Context( 'context/flow/static/importedCollectionOwner.flow' );
	a = hex.mock.MockUtil.concat( childContext1.o.p, childContext2.o.p );
	childContext1 = new Context( 'context/flow/static/beImportedArrayProperty.flow', { value: 3 } );
	childContext2 = new Context( 'context/flow/static/beImportedArrayProperty.flow', { value: 4 } );
Use children context references as a parent's instance arguments
@context( 	name = 'applicationContext'
			params 	= {x: Float, y:Float} )
	size = new hex.structures.Size( xContext.x, yContext.y );
	xContext = new Context( 'context/flow/static/childContext1.flow', {xParameter: x} );
	yContext = new Context( 'context/flow/static/childContext2.flow', {yParameter: y} );
Composite runtime parameters structure
@context( 	name = 'applicationContext',
			params = 	{
							p:{x:Float, y:Float}, test:{p: hex.mock.IMockInterface}
						} )
	size = new hex.structures.Size( p.x, p.y );
	alias = test.p;
Use parser metadata on the fly to define new `sum` keyword
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
@parser( package.MyCustomSumParser )
	s = sum( "hello", space, "world", space, "!" );
	space =  " ";
	i = sum( 6, five );
	five = 5;
	p = sum( p1, new hex.structures.Point( 3, 4 ), p2 );
	p1 = new hex.structures.Point( 5, 5 );
	p2 = new hex.structures.Point( 3, 4 );