- Added support to pass instance url on the login page(#1wuu9z4) by @disha1202 in hotwax#23
- Implemented: use bopis app as shopify embedded app (#1x633b0) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#24
- Improved: code to get and use api key from environment variables (#1x633b0) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#26
- Improved install page logo and content (#1x64ce8) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#27
- Added: stock store in the vuex modules and used the getters to display the inventory count(#1x640rx) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#25
- Improved: set md mode and fixed build errors (#1x633b0) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#29
- Replaced: toast to console error statement(#1x640rx) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#30
- Improved: code to prepare loader on app mounted and assign it to null on dismiss(#1x640rx) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#31
- Improved: code to display the time delta and solve the issue of payload not properly prepared for searchProducts API(#1x640rx) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#33
- Implemented static UI for Catalog page(#1uvvbc4) by @Utkarshkaraiya in hotwax#32
- Removed some references of the reroute scenario(#1xhkqjh) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#36
- Updated: orders action to empty orders properly and updated en.json file(#1xhkqjh) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#37
- Improved card styling for desktop view of orders page (#1xx2g9h) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#38
- Implemented code to display current OMS information on settings page(#1y2ract) by @disha1202 in hotwax#39
- Made some minor improvements in the UI (#1ye5r94) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#40
- Updated: the order label to Order from Shopify order(#1ye5r94) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#41
- @disha1202 made their first contribution in hotwax#23
- @adityasharma7 made their first contribution in hotwax#24
- @azkyakhan made their first contribution in hotwax#27
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/bopis/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1
- Added Ionic SDK Content(#7hnh57) by @NamanTech in hotwax#2
- Added Settings page(#7q6ud7) by @NamanTech in hotwax#3
- Implemented: Tab navigation #7q6u0r by @NamanTech in hotwax#4
- Created the Static UI for the Ionic-Bopis App under the Orders Sections for open an packed segments. (#1tz5k7e) by @bashu22tiwari in hotwax#6
- Created Static UI for OrderDetail Page (#95032y) by @Utkarshkaraiya in hotwax#8
- Improved the orders flow functionality by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#13
- Implemented flow to get order using API and show in Orders tab(#1uvt6dd) by @bashu22tiwari in hotwax#11
- Implement logic to populate data on Order details modal (#1vd027x) by @Utkarshkaraiya in hotwax#12
- @NamanTech made their first contribution in hotwax#2
- @bashu22tiwari made their first contribution in hotwax#6
- @Utkarshkaraiya made their first contribution in hotwax#8
- @ymaheshwari1 made their first contribution in hotwax#15
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/bopis/commits/1.0.0