#Greetings from team VamPerl!
Who we are and what do we want?
- We're a few humble developers from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, situated in Transylvania, the fearsome land of vampires!
- Being perl developers, we're considered to be members of the Perl Counts of Transylvania - ClujPM
- We're excited about the first worldwide online hackathon and would like to be a part of it, take the challenge of competing with other talented developers from all around the world.
What technologies do we like? ######We're interested in a vast array of different technologies and in the way we combine them for a higher goal. Some of our favorite technologies being:
- Perl frameworks and modules (Dancer, Catalyst, Mojolicious, DBIx::Class etc.)
- Javascript frameworks (Backbone)
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Various APIs
- Anything old school, new and experimental!
####Good luck to everyone!