What is it?
- This program is a spellchecker made in python to check .md documents for spelling errors outside of code.
What is needed for this?
- Python
- Pyenchant
Why use it?
- It dosent check words inside of codeblocks.
- It can also have technical words added to the PWL exclude them from the spellcheck.
- It also dosent check the code inside of HTML tags.
How to install? * *
What is the PWL?
- PWL is the personal word list.
- It is used to store words that the dictionary would say are spelt wrong.
- to exclude a word add it to "dict.txt" which you can specify what its called as long as you change it in the config.
How to configure it?
- Go into "config.ini"
- you can change where it finds the the documents to check.
- the personal word list.
- the name of the text file it creates to tell you which files its checked.
- The name of the text file it creates to tell you which spellings are wrong.
What are the advantages of this program and why did I bother making it??
- Saves Previous score so it can be used to compare to your previous score and how well you have done.
- It dosent check words inside of codeblocks or technical words that can be specified in the PWL document.
- It can check things inside of HTML notes
What about grammar?
- Yeah... how about no.
How to use it?
- To use it run spellchecker.py in this file structure:
- keep the posts in the .md type file in the user defined space where it should be
(or whatever you set it to)
Anything else I should know?
- Keep "dict.txt" with the python files.
- if dict.txt dosent exist create a document for it.
- Add words that you dont want spellchecked in the file too.