diff --git a/dist/community-toolbox.js b/dist/community-toolbox.js
index f441cfae..f51f1a3c 100644
--- a/dist/community-toolbox.js
+++ b/dist/community-toolbox.js
@@ -26696,7 +26696,7 @@ module.exports={
"_args": [
- "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox"
+ "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox"
"_development": true,
@@ -26722,7 +26722,7 @@ module.exports={
"_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/elliptic/-/elliptic-6.4.1.tgz",
"_spec": "6.4.1",
- "_where": "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox",
+ "_where": "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox",
"author": {
"name": "Fedor Indutny",
"email": "fedor@indutny.com"
@@ -27566,7 +27566,7 @@ module.exports={
"_args": [
- "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox"
+ "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox"
"_development": true,
@@ -27589,7 +27589,7 @@ module.exports={
"_resolved": "git://github.com/jywarren/github-api-simple.git#cb5b7f778ea9c8b65641b64b8c02f43cedf6672e",
"_spec": "git://github.com/jywarren/github-api-simple.git#patch-2",
- "_where": "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox",
+ "_where": "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox",
"author": {
"name": "Michiel van der Velde",
"email": "michiel@michielvdvelde.nl"
@@ -77488,7 +77488,7 @@ module.exports={
"_args": [
- "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox"
+ "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox"
"_development": true,
@@ -77509,11 +77509,13 @@ module.exports={
"fetchSpec": "2.4.3"
"_requiredBy": [
- "/request"
+ "/jsdom",
+ "/request",
+ "/request-promise-native"
"_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/tough-cookie/-/tough-cookie-2.4.3.tgz",
"_spec": "2.4.3",
- "_where": "/home/rishabh570/community-toolbox",
+ "_where": "C:\\Projects\\OSS\\community-toolbox",
"author": {
"name": "Jeremy Stashewsky",
"email": "jstash@gmail.com"
@@ -81616,1601 +81618,1590 @@ function extend() {
-var insertContributorsExec = false;
-function insertContributors(AllContributors){
- // This removes the spinner icon as soon as contributors list is loaded
- document.getElementById("spinner-icon").style.display = "none";
- let totalContributors = 0;
- var usernames = AllContributors.map(function getContributorUsername(c) {
- return `@${c.login}`;
- });
- var avatars = AllContributors.map(function getContributorAvatarURL(c) {
- return ``;
- });
- totalContributors += AllContributors.length;
- if(insertContributorsExec) $('.contributors > .usernames').append(', ');
- $('.contributors-head').html('Contributors ('+totalContributors+'+)');
- $('.contributors > .usernames').append(usernames.join(', '));
- $('.contributors > .avatars').append(avatars.join(''));
- insertContributorsExec=true;
- }
-module.exports = {
- insertContributors: insertContributors,
+var insertContributorsExec = false;
+function insertContributors(AllContributors){
+ // This removes the spinner icon as soon as contributors list is loaded
+ document.getElementById("spinner-icon").style.display = "none";
+ let totalContributors = 0;
+ var usernames = AllContributors.map(function getContributorUsername(c) {
+ return `@${c.login}`;
+ });
+ var avatars = AllContributors.map(function getContributorAvatarURL(c) {
+ return ``;
+ });
+ totalContributors += AllContributors.length;
+ if(insertContributorsExec) $('.contributors > .usernames').append(', ');
+ $('.contributors-head').html('Contributors ('+totalContributors+'+)');
+ $('.contributors > .usernames').append(usernames.join(', '));
+ $('.contributors > .avatars').append(avatars.join(''));
+ insertContributorsExec=true;
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ insertContributors: insertContributors,
-function insertFtoIssueAuthor(issueSet) {
- let avatars=[];
- for(let [key, value] of Object.entries(issueSet)) {
- avatars.push(``);
- }
- $('.fto-authors').append(avatars.join(' '));
- }
-module.exports = {
- insertFtoIssueAuthor: insertFtoIssueAuthor
+function insertFtoIssueAuthor(issueSet) {
+ let avatars=[];
+ for(let [key, value] of Object.entries(issueSet)) {
+ avatars.push(``);
+ }
+ $('.fto-authors').append(avatars.join(' '));
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ insertFtoIssueAuthor: insertFtoIssueAuthor
-var moment = require('moment');
-function generateIssueHtml(title, body, githubUrl, repo) {
- var repoName = githubUrl.split('/')[4],
- repoUrl = githubUrl.split('/').slice(0, 5).join('/'),
- html = '
- ' + body + '\
- return html;
- }
-function insertIssue(issue, el) {
- var body = "";
- body += ""
- issue.labels.forEach(function(label) {
- body += "
" + label.name + " ";
- });
- body += "
- body += "#" + issue.number + " opened " + moment(issue.updated_at).fromNow() + " ";
- body += "by " + issue.user.login + "";
- body += " " + issue.comments;
- $(el).append(generateIssueHtml(issue.title, body, issue.html_url, issue));
-function insertStale(issues, selector) {
- let issuesLen = issues.length;
- $('#stale-head').html('Stale Issues ('+issuesLen+'+)');
- issues.forEach(function (issue) {
- insertIssue(issue, selector);
- })
-module.exports = {
- generateIssueHtml: generateIssueHtml,
- insertIssue: insertIssue,
- insertStale: insertStale
+var moment = require('moment');
+function generateIssueHtml(title, body, githubUrl, repo) {
+ var repoName = githubUrl.split('/')[4],
+ repoUrl = githubUrl.split('/').slice(0, 5).join('/'),
+ html = '\
+ ' + body + '\
+ return html;
+ }
+function insertIssue(issue, el) {
+ var body = "";
+ body += ""
+ issue.labels.forEach(function(label) {
+ body += "
" + label.name + " ";
+ });
+ body += "
+ body += "#" + issue.number + " opened " + moment(issue.updated_at).fromNow() + " ";
+ body += "by " + issue.user.login + "";
+ body += " " + issue.comments;
+ $(el).append(generateIssueHtml(issue.title, body, issue.html_url, issue));
+function insertStale(issues, selector) {
+ let issuesLen = issues.length;
+ $('#stale-head').html('Stale Issues ('+issuesLen+'+)');
+ issues.forEach(function (issue) {
+ insertIssue(issue, selector);
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ generateIssueHtml: generateIssueHtml,
+ insertIssue: insertIssue,
+ insertStale: insertStale
-var insertRecentContributorsExec = false;
-let filterUniqueUtil = require('../utils/filterUniqueContribs')
-function insertRecentContributors(AllContributors){
- let usernames, avatars;
- let recentContributors = 0;
- if(AllContributors instanceof Map) {
- AllContributors = [ ...AllContributors.entries() ];
- usernames = AllContributors.map((userArray, i) => {
- return `@${userArray[0]}`;
- })
- avatars = AllContributors.map((userArray, i) => {
- return ``;
- })
- }
- else {
- // Removes duplicate data in the recent contributors list
- AllContributors = filterUniqueUtil.filterUniqueContribs(AllContributors);
- usernames = AllContributors.map((commit, i) => {
- return `@${commit.author.login}`;
- })
- avatars = AllContributors.map((commit, i) => {
- return ``;
- })
- }
- recentContributors += AllContributors.length;
- if(insertRecentContributorsExec) $('.recent-contributors > .usernames').append(', ');
- $('.recent-contributors-head').html('Recent Contributors ('+recentContributors+'+)');
- $('.recent-contributors-body > .recent-contrib-content-box > .usernames').html(usernames.join(', '));
- $('.recent-contributors-body > .recent-contrib-content-box > .avatars').html(avatars.join(''));
- insertRecentContributorsExec=true;
- }
-module.exports = {
- insertRecentContributors: insertRecentContributors,
+var insertRecentContributorsExec = false;
+let filterUniqueUtil = require('../utils/filterUniqueContribs')
+function insertRecentContributors(AllContributors){
+ let usernames, avatars;
+ let recentContributors = 0;
+ if(AllContributors instanceof Map) {
+ AllContributors = [ ...AllContributors.entries() ];
+ usernames = AllContributors.map((userArray, i) => {
+ return `@${userArray[0]}`;
+ })
+ avatars = AllContributors.map((userArray, i) => {
+ return ``;
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ // Removes duplicate data in the recent contributors list
+ AllContributors = filterUniqueUtil.filterUniqueContribs(AllContributors);
+ usernames = AllContributors.map((commit, i) => {
+ return `@${commit.author.login}`;
+ })
+ avatars = AllContributors.map((commit, i) => {
+ return ``;
+ })
+ }
+ recentContributors += AllContributors.length;
+ if(insertRecentContributorsExec) $('.recent-contributors > .usernames').append(', ');
+ $('.recent-contributors-head').html('Recent Contributors ('+recentContributors+'+)');
+ $('.recent-contributors-body > .recent-contrib-content-box > .usernames').html(usernames.join(', '));
+ $('.recent-contributors-body > .recent-contrib-content-box > .avatars').html(avatars.join(''));
+ insertRecentContributorsExec=true;
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ insertRecentContributors: insertRecentContributors,
-let db;
-let init = require('../models/initialize')
-function populateDb() {
- return init.dbInit().then((response) => {
- db = response;
- return;
- });
-// Stores items to the database
-function saveContentToDb(queryKey, queryContent) {
- // Start a database transaction and get the toolbox object store
- let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readwrite');
- let store = tx.objectStore('toolbox');
- // Put the data into the object store
- let temp = { keys: queryKey, content: queryContent };
- store.add(temp);
- // Wait for the database transaction to complete
- tx.oncomplete = function() {
- console.log("Entry added to store successfully!");
- return;
- }
- tx.onerror = function(event) {
- console.log('error storing content');
- return;
- }
-// Fetches items from the database
-function getContentFromDb(query) {
- let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readonly');
- let store = tx.objectStore("toolbox");
- let index = store.index("keys");
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let request = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(query));
- request.onsuccess = function(e) {
- let cursor = e.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- // Called for each matching record.
- resolve(cursor.value.content);
- } else {
- // This null is very important, because we have a check for null
- // in the functions of community-toolbox.js
- resolve(null);
- }
- }
- })
-// Deletes items from the database
-function deleteItemFromDb(query) {
- let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readwrite');
- let store = tx.objectStore("toolbox");
- let index = store.index("keys");
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let request = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(query));
- request.onsuccess = function(e) {
- let cursor = e.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- // Called for each matching record.
- store.delete(cursor.key);
- // Wait for the database transaction to complete
- tx.oncomplete = function() {
- console.log("Entry deleted from store successfully!");
- resolve(true);
- }
- tx.onerror = function(event) {
- console.log('error deleting content: ' + event.target);
- reject(false);
- }
- } else {
- // No more matching records.
- console.log("No matching entry found to be deleted :(");
- resolve(null);
- }
- }
- })
-module.exports.saveContentToDb = saveContentToDb;
-module.exports.getContentFromDb = getContentFromDb;
-module.exports.deleteItemFromDb = deleteItemFromDb;
-module.exports.populateDb = populateDb;
+let db;
+let init = require('../models/initialize')
+function populateDb() {
+ return init.dbInit().then((response) => {
+ db = response;
+ return;
+ });
+// Stores items to the database
+function saveContentToDb(queryKey, queryContent) {
+ // Start a database transaction and get the toolbox object store
+ let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readwrite');
+ let store = tx.objectStore('toolbox');
+ // Put the data into the object store
+ let temp = { keys: queryKey, content: queryContent };
+ store.add(temp);
+ // Wait for the database transaction to complete
+ tx.oncomplete = function() {
+ console.log("Entry added to store successfully!");
+ return;
+ }
+ tx.onerror = function(event) {
+ console.log('error storing content');
+ return;
+ }
+// Fetches items from the database
+function getContentFromDb(query) {
+ let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readonly');
+ let store = tx.objectStore("toolbox");
+ let index = store.index("keys");
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let request = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(query));
+ request.onsuccess = function(e) {
+ let cursor = e.target.result;
+ if (cursor) {
+ // Called for each matching record.
+ resolve(cursor.value.content);
+ } else {
+ // This null is very important, because we have a check for null
+ // in the functions of community-toolbox.js
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+// Deletes items from the database
+function deleteItemFromDb(query) {
+ let tx = db.transaction(["toolbox"], 'readwrite');
+ let store = tx.objectStore("toolbox");
+ let index = store.index("keys");
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let request = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(query));
+ request.onsuccess = function(e) {
+ let cursor = e.target.result;
+ if (cursor) {
+ // Called for each matching record.
+ store.delete(cursor.key);
+ // Wait for the database transaction to complete
+ tx.oncomplete = function() {
+ console.log("Entry deleted from store successfully!");
+ resolve(true);
+ }
+ tx.onerror = function(event) {
+ console.log('error deleting content: ' + event.target);
+ reject(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No more matching records.
+ console.log("No matching entry found to be deleted :(");
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+module.exports.saveContentToDb = saveContentToDb;
+module.exports.getContentFromDb = getContentFromDb;
+module.exports.deleteItemFromDb = deleteItemFromDb;
+module.exports.populateDb = populateDb;
-// This function is responsible for setting up the database
-function dbInit() {
- let db;
- let dbReq = indexedDB.open('publiclabDB');
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // Fires when upgrade needed
- dbReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
- // Set the db variable to our database so we can use it
- db = event.target.result;
- // Create an object store named toolbox, or retrieve it if it already exists.
- // Object stores in databases are where data are stored.
- let toolbox;
- if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('toolbox')) {
- toolbox = db.createObjectStore('toolbox', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: "keys"});
- } else {
- toolbox = db.transaction("toolbox", "readwrite").objectStore("toolbox");
- }
- // If there isn't already a KEY index, make one so we can query toolbox
- // by their KEY
- if (!toolbox.indexNames.contains('keys')) {
- toolbox.createIndex('keys', 'keys', { unique: true });
- }else {
- console.log("KEY index is already created");
- }
- // If there isn't already a CONTENT index, make one so we can query toolbox
- // by their CONTENT
- if (!toolbox.indexNames.contains('content')) {
- toolbox.createIndex('content', 'content', { unique: false });
- } else {
- console.log("content index is already created");
- }
- }
- // Fires once the database is opened (and onupgradeneeded completes, if
- // onupgradeneeded was called)
- dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
- // Set the db variable to our database so we can use it
- db = event.target.result;
- resolve(db);
- }
- // Fires when we can't open the database
- dbReq.onerror = function(event) {
- console.log('error opening database');
- resolve(null);
- }
- })
-module.exports = {
- dbInit: dbInit,
+// This function is responsible for setting up the database
+function dbInit() {
+ let db;
+ let dbReq = indexedDB.open('publiclabDB');
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ // Fires when upgrade needed
+ dbReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
+ // Set the db variable to our database so we can use it
+ db = event.target.result;
+ // Create an object store named toolbox, or retrieve it if it already exists.
+ // Object stores in databases are where data are stored.
+ let toolbox;
+ if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('toolbox')) {
+ toolbox = db.createObjectStore('toolbox', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: "keys"});
+ } else {
+ toolbox = db.transaction("toolbox", "readwrite").objectStore("toolbox");
+ }
+ // If there isn't already a KEY index, make one so we can query toolbox
+ // by their KEY
+ if (!toolbox.indexNames.contains('keys')) {
+ toolbox.createIndex('keys', 'keys', { unique: true });
+ }else {
+ console.log("KEY index is already created");
+ }
+ // If there isn't already a CONTENT index, make one so we can query toolbox
+ // by their CONTENT
+ if (!toolbox.indexNames.contains('content')) {
+ toolbox.createIndex('content', 'content', { unique: false });
+ } else {
+ console.log("content index is already created");
+ }
+ }
+ // Fires once the database is opened (and onupgradeneeded completes, if
+ // onupgradeneeded was called)
+ dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
+ // Set the db variable to our database so we can use it
+ db = event.target.result;
+ resolve(db);
+ }
+ // Fires when we can't open the database
+ dbReq.onerror = function(event) {
+ console.log('error opening database');
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ dbInit: dbInit,
-var model = require('./crud');
-function setItem(queryKey, queryContent) {
- model.saveContentToDb(queryKey, queryContent);
- return;
-function getItem(query) {
- return model.getContentFromDb(query).then((result) => {
- return result;
- });
-function deleteItem(query) {
- return model.deleteItemFromDb(query).then(() => {
- return;
- })
-module.exports.setItem = setItem;
-module.exports.getItem = getItem;
-module.exports.deleteItem = deleteItem;
+var model = require('./crud');
+function setItem(queryKey, queryContent) {
+ model.saveContentToDb(queryKey, queryContent);
+ return;
+function getItem(query) {
+ return model.getContentFromDb(query).then((result) => {
+ return result;
+ });
+function deleteItem(query) {
+ return model.deleteItemFromDb(query).then(() => {
+ return;
+ })
+module.exports.setItem = setItem;
+module.exports.getItem = getItem;
+module.exports.deleteItem = deleteItem;
-// view-source:http://www.chartjs.org/samples/latest/charts/bar/vertical.html
-function generateChart(args) {
- args = args || {};
- args.data = args.data || [];
- args.label = args.label || "";
- args.title = args.title || "";
- var colors = {
- "blue": "rgb(54, 162, 235)",
- "red": "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
- "green": "rgb(75, 192, 192)",
- "grey": "rgb(201, 203, 207)",
- "orange": "rgb(255, 159, 64)",
- "purple": "rgb(153, 102, 255)",
- "yellow": "rgb(255, 205, 86)"
- }
- var colorNames = Object.keys(colors);
- var barChartData = {
- // labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
- datasets: [{
- label: args.label,
- backgroundColor: colors['red'],
- borderColor: colors['red'],
- borderWidth: 1,
- data: args.data
- }]
- }
- var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
- var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'bar',
- data: barChartData,
- options: {
- responsive: true,
- legend: {
- position: 'top',
- },
- title: {
- display: true,
- text: args.title
- }
- }
- });
- return chart;
-module.exports = generateChart;
+// view-source:http://www.chartjs.org/samples/latest/charts/bar/vertical.html
+function generateChart(args) {
+ args = args || {};
+ args.data = args.data || [];
+ args.label = args.label || "";
+ args.title = args.title || "";
+ var colors = {
+ "blue": "rgb(54, 162, 235)",
+ "red": "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
+ "green": "rgb(75, 192, 192)",
+ "grey": "rgb(201, 203, 207)",
+ "orange": "rgb(255, 159, 64)",
+ "purple": "rgb(153, 102, 255)",
+ "yellow": "rgb(255, 205, 86)"
+ }
+ var colorNames = Object.keys(colors);
+ var barChartData = {
+ // labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
+ datasets: [{
+ label: args.label,
+ backgroundColor: colors['red'],
+ borderColor: colors['red'],
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ data: args.data
+ }]
+ }
+ var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
+ var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
+ type: 'bar',
+ data: barChartData,
+ options: {
+ responsive: true,
+ legend: {
+ position: 'top',
+ },
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ text: args.title
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return chart;
+module.exports = generateChart;
-CommunityToolbox = function CommunityToolbox(org, repo) {
- var SimpleApi = require('github-api-simple')
- var api = new SimpleApi();
- var crud = require('../models/crud')
- var issuesUI = require('../UI/issuesUI')
- var model_utils = require('../models/utils')
- var fetchReposUtil = require('../utils/repoUtil/fetchRepoUtil')
- var contributorsUI = require('../UI/contributorsUI')
- var contributorsUtil = require('../utils/contribsUtil/main')
- var recentContributorsUI = require('../UI/recentContributorsUI')
- var navDropdownUtil = require('../utils/navDropdown.js')
- var ftoAuthorsUI = require('../UI/ftoAuthorsUI')
- var issuesUtil = require('../utils/staleIssuesUtil')
- var recentContribsUtil = require('../utils/recentContribsUtil/main')
- var filterUtil = require('../utils/filterUtil')
- const requestP = require('request-promise')
- var parse = require('parse-link-header')
- var chart = require('./chart');
- var options = {
- 'qs': {
- 'sort': 'pushed',
- 'direction': 'desc', // optional, GitHub API uses 'desc' by default for 'pushed'
- 'per_page': 100
- }
- }
- // these are essentially examples for now; we could wrap them
- // in externally available methods for convenience but at the
- // moment they're not quite complex enough to merit it.
- function getIssuesForRepo(callback, _options) {
- _options = _options || options;
- api.Issues
- .getIssuesForRepo(org, repo, _options)
- .then(callback);
- }
- function getIssuesForOrg(_org, _options) {
- _options = _options || options;
- var _url = "https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=is%3Aopen+org%3A" + _org + "+label%3A" + _options.qs.labels;
- return requestP({ uri: _url });
- }
- function getCommitsForRepo(callback, _options) {
- _options = _options || options;
- api.Repositories
- .getRepoCommits(org, repo, _options)
- .then(callback);
- }
- function initialize(org, repo) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- return crud.populateDb()
- .then((res) => {
- return true;
- })
- .then((dummy) => {
- return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((response) => {
- if(response==null || response==undefined) {
- // Fetches and stores the list of repositories when the page loads
- return fetchReposUtil.getAllRepos(org)
- .then((resp) => {
- resolve(true);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
- })
- }
- resolve(true);
- });
- })
- });
- }
- function dropdownInit() {
- return model_utils.getItem('repos')
- .then((res) => {
- if(res!=null && res!=undefined) {
- navDropdownUtil.populateNavDropdown(res);
- }else {
- console.log("not working");
- }
- })
- }
- // This function is responsible for showing contributors
- // on a multi-repository view
- function showAllContributors(org) {
- return contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
- .then((allContributors) => {
- // If the stored data is not undefined or null, execution goes here
- if(allContributors!=null && allContributors!=undefined && allContributors.length>0) {
- // Flushes contributors list from the database after every single day
- let timeNow = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.getItem('allContributorsExpiry')
- .then((allContributorsExpiry) => {
- if (allContributorsExpiry!=null && ((timeNow-allContributorsExpiry)/1000) >= 86400) {
- return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem('allContributors'), model_utils.deleteItem('allContributorsExpiry')])
- .then(()=> {
- return true;
- })
- }
- })
- .then(()=> {
- // Looking for contributors list in the database
- model_utils.getItem('allContributors').then((AllContributors) => {
- // If the data is not in the database, it gets fetched from storeAllContributorsInDatabase function
- if(AllContributors == null || AllContributors == undefined || AllContributors.length==0) {
- contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
- .then(function gotAllContributors(AllContributors) {
- // Provides fetched contributors list to UI function for rendering it
- // to the user
- contributorsUI.insertContributors(AllContributors);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- // If stored data is not null and undefined, process it
- else {
- contributorsUI.insertContributors(AllContributors);
- }
- })
- })
- }
- // If execution goes here, it means that there's probably something wrong
- // in the storeAllContributorsInDatabase function
- else {
- console.log("Something went wrong while fetching all contributors :(");
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
- })
- }
- // This function is responsible for showing all the contributors for a particular repository
- function showRepoContributors(org, repo) {
- return contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
- .then((allContributors) => {
- // If the stored data is not undefined or null, execution goes here
- if(allContributors != null && allContributors!=undefined && allContributors.length>0) {
- // Flushes repoContributors from the database after every single day
- let timeNow = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.getItem(`${repo}Expiry`)
- .then((lifespan) => {
- if (lifespan!=null && ((timeNow-lifespan)/1000) >= 86400) {
- return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`${repo}`), model_utils.deleteItem(`${repo}Expiry`)])
- .then(()=>{
- return true;
- })
- }
- })
- .then(()=>{
- // Looking for repo Contributors list in the database
- model_utils.getItem(repo).then((repoContributors) => {
- // If we don't have repoContributors in the database, we fetch them from Github
- if (repoContributors == null || repoContributors == undefined) {
- contributorsUtil.repoContribsUtil(org, repo)
- .then(function gotRepoContributorsInStorage (contributors) {
- contributorsUI.insertContributors(contributors);
- return;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- // If we have repoContributors in the database, we save a network call :)
- else {
- contributorsUI.insertContributors(repoContributors);
- return;
- }
- })
- })
- } else {
- // Execution goes here, it means that data for this repo is not available
- // in the database
- console.log(`Something went wrong while getting ${repo} contributors :(`);
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
- })
- }
- // Function for fetching and showing recent contributors
- function showRecentContributors(org, repo, recencyLabel, forMonths=6) {
- return recentContribsUtil.fetchAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo).then((result)=>{
- if(recencyLabel==="month") {
- return recentContribsUtil.fetchContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths)
- .then(function gotMonthlyContribs(monthContribs) {
- // Stores the CURRENTLY ACTIVE recent contribs data which is utilized by filter
- model_utils.deleteItem('recent-contribs-data').then((res)=> {
- model_utils.setItem('recent-contribs-data', monthContribs);
- })
- // Push data to UI
- recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(monthContribs);
- return;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- } else {
- return recentContribsUtil.fetchContribsLastWeek(org, repo)
- .then((weekly_contribs) => {
- // Stores the CURRENTLY ACTIVE recent contribs data which is utilized by filter
- model_utils.deleteItem('recent-contribs-data').then((res)=> {
- model_utils.setItem('recent-contribs-data', weekly_contribs);
- })
- // Push data to UI
- recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(weekly_contribs);
- return;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
- })
- }
- function filter(org, type) {
- model_utils.getItem('recent-contribs-data')
- .then(function gotData(response) {
- if(response!=null && response!=undefined) {
- newResponse = filterUtil.showFilteredData(org, type, response);
- recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(newResponse);
- }else {
- console.log("recent-contribs-data not present in DB! Nothing is filtered!!!");
- }
- })
- }
- function displayIssuesForRepo(org, repo, label, selector) {
- toolbox.api.Issues
- .getIssuesForRepo(org, repo, { qs: { labels: label } })
- .then(function onGotIssues(issues) {
- issues.forEach(function(issue) {
- toolbox.issuesUI.insertIssue(issue, selector);
- });
- })
- }
- function showStaleIssues(org, repo) {
- return issuesUtil.getStaleIssues(org, repo)
- .then((data) => {
- if(data!=null && data!=undefined) {
- issuesUI.insertStale(data, '.stale');
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
- })
- }
- // externally available API
- return {
- api: api,
- issuesUI: issuesUI,
- contributorsUI: contributorsUI,
- recentContributorsUI: recentContributorsUI,
- parse: parse,
- chart: chart,
- options: options,
- getIssuesForRepo: getIssuesForRepo,
- getIssuesForOrg: getIssuesForOrg,
- showRecentContributors: showRecentContributors,
- getCommitsForRepo: getCommitsForRepo,
- showAllContributors: showAllContributors,
- showRepoContributors: showRepoContributors,
- displayIssuesForRepo: displayIssuesForRepo,
- initialize: initialize,
- dropdownInit: dropdownInit,
- ftoAuthorsUI: ftoAuthorsUI,
- showStaleIssues: showStaleIssues,
- filter: filter
- }
-module.exports = CommunityToolbox;
+CommunityToolbox = function CommunityToolbox(org, repo) {
+ var SimpleApi = require('github-api-simple')
+ var api = new SimpleApi();
+ var crud = require('../models/crud')
+ var issuesUI = require('../UI/issuesUI')
+ var model_utils = require('../models/utils')
+ var fetchReposUtil = require('../utils/repoUtil/fetchRepoUtil')
+ var contributorsUI = require('../UI/contributorsUI')
+ var contributorsUtil = require('../utils/contribsUtil/main')
+ var recentContributorsUI = require('../UI/recentContributorsUI')
+ var navDropdownUtil = require('../utils/navDropdown.js')
+ var ftoAuthorsUI = require('../UI/ftoAuthorsUI')
+ var issuesUtil = require('../utils/staleIssuesUtil')
+ var recentContribsUtil = require('../utils/recentContribsUtil/main')
+ var filterUtil = require('../utils/filterUtil')
+ const requestP = require('request-promise')
+ var parse = require('parse-link-header')
+ var chart = require('./chart');
+ var options = {
+ 'qs': {
+ 'sort': 'pushed',
+ 'direction': 'desc', // optional, GitHub API uses 'desc' by default for 'pushed'
+ 'per_page': 100
+ }
+ }
+ // these are essentially examples for now; we could wrap them
+ // in externally available methods for convenience but at the
+ // moment they're not quite complex enough to merit it.
+ function getIssuesForRepo(callback, _options) {
+ _options = _options || options;
+ api.Issues
+ .getIssuesForRepo(org, repo, _options)
+ .then(callback);
+ }
+ function getIssuesForOrg(_org, _options) {
+ _options = _options || options;
+ var _url = "https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=is%3Aopen+org%3A" + _org + "+label%3A" + _options.qs.labels;
+ return requestP({ uri: _url });
+ }
+ function getCommitsForRepo(callback, _options) {
+ _options = _options || options;
+ api.Repositories
+ .getRepoCommits(org, repo, _options)
+ .then(callback);
+ }
+ function initialize(org, repo) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ return crud.populateDb()
+ .then((res) => {
+ return true;
+ })
+ .then((dummy) => {
+ return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((response) => {
+ if(response==null || response==undefined) {
+ // Fetches and stores the list of repositories when the page loads
+ return fetchReposUtil.getAllRepos(org)
+ .then((resp) => {
+ resolve(true);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
+ })
+ }
+ resolve(true);
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ function dropdownInit() {
+ return model_utils.getItem('repos')
+ .then((res) => {
+ if(res!=null && res!=undefined) {
+ navDropdownUtil.populateNavDropdown(res);
+ }else {
+ console.log("not working");
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // This function is responsible for showing contributors
+ // on a multi-repository view
+ function showAllContributors(org) {
+ return contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
+ .then((allContributors) => {
+ // If the stored data is not undefined or null, execution goes here
+ if(allContributors!=null && allContributors!=undefined && allContributors.length>0) {
+ // Flushes contributors list from the database after every single day
+ let timeNow = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.getItem('allContributorsExpiry')
+ .then((allContributorsExpiry) => {
+ if (allContributorsExpiry!=null && ((timeNow-allContributorsExpiry)/1000) >= 86400) {
+ return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem('allContributors'), model_utils.deleteItem('allContributorsExpiry')])
+ .then(()=> {
+ return true;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .then(()=> {
+ // Looking for contributors list in the database
+ model_utils.getItem('allContributors').then((AllContributors) => {
+ // If the data is not in the database, it gets fetched from storeAllContributorsInDatabase function
+ if(AllContributors == null || AllContributors == undefined || AllContributors.length==0) {
+ contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
+ .then(function gotAllContributors(AllContributors) {
+ // Provides fetched contributors list to UI function for rendering it
+ // to the user
+ contributorsUI.insertContributors(AllContributors);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ // If stored data is not null and undefined, process it
+ else {
+ contributorsUI.insertContributors(AllContributors);
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ // If execution goes here, it means that there's probably something wrong
+ // in the storeAllContributorsInDatabase function
+ else {
+ console.log("Something went wrong while fetching all contributors :(");
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
+ })
+ }
+ // This function is responsible for showing all the contributors for a particular repository
+ function showRepoContributors(org, repo) {
+ return contributorsUtil.fetchAllContribsInDb(org)
+ .then((allContributors) => {
+ // If the stored data is not undefined or null, execution goes here
+ if(allContributors != null && allContributors!=undefined && allContributors.length>0) {
+ // Flushes repoContributors from the database after every single day
+ let timeNow = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.getItem(`${repo}Expiry`)
+ .then((lifespan) => {
+ if (lifespan!=null && ((timeNow-lifespan)/1000) >= 86400) {
+ return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`${repo}`), model_utils.deleteItem(`${repo}Expiry`)])
+ .then(()=>{
+ return true;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .then(()=>{
+ // Looking for repo Contributors list in the database
+ model_utils.getItem(repo).then((repoContributors) => {
+ // If we don't have repoContributors in the database, we fetch them from Github
+ if (repoContributors == null || repoContributors == undefined) {
+ contributorsUtil.repoContribsUtil(org, repo)
+ .then(function gotRepoContributorsInStorage (contributors) {
+ contributorsUI.insertContributors(contributors);
+ return;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ // If we have repoContributors in the database, we save a network call :)
+ else {
+ contributorsUI.insertContributors(repoContributors);
+ return;
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ } else {
+ // Execution goes here, it means that data for this repo is not available
+ // in the database
+ console.log(`Something went wrong while getting ${repo} contributors :(`);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
+ })
+ }
+ // Function for fetching and showing recent contributors
+ function showRecentContributors(org, repo, recencyLabel, forMonths=6) {
+ return recentContribsUtil.fetchAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo).then((result)=>{
+ if(recencyLabel==="month") {
+ return recentContribsUtil.fetchContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths)
+ .then(function gotMonthlyContribs(monthContribs) {
+ // Stores the CURRENTLY ACTIVE recent contribs data which is utilized by filter
+ model_utils.deleteItem('recent-contribs-data').then((res)=> {
+ model_utils.setItem('recent-contribs-data', monthContribs);
+ })
+ // Push data to UI
+ recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(monthContribs);
+ return;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ } else {
+ return recentContribsUtil.fetchContribsLastWeek(org, repo)
+ .then((weekly_contribs) => {
+ // Stores the CURRENTLY ACTIVE recent contribs data which is utilized by filter
+ model_utils.deleteItem('recent-contribs-data').then((res)=> {
+ model_utils.setItem('recent-contribs-data', weekly_contribs);
+ })
+ // Push data to UI
+ recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(weekly_contribs);
+ return;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
+ })
+ }
+ function filter(org, type) {
+ model_utils.getItem('recent-contribs-data')
+ .then(function gotData(response) {
+ if(response!=null && response!=undefined) {
+ newResponse = filterUtil.showFilteredData(org, type, response);
+ recentContributorsUI.insertRecentContributors(newResponse);
+ }else {
+ console.log("recent-contribs-data not present in DB! Nothing is filtered!!!");
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function showStaleIssues(org, repo) {
+ return issuesUtil.getStaleIssues(org, repo)
+ .then((data) => {
+ if(data!=null && data!=undefined) {
+ issuesUI.insertStale(data, '.stale');
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Snackbar.show({pos: 'top-right', text: err, textColor: "red" , showAction: false});
+ })
+ }
+ // externally available API
+ return {
+ api: api,
+ issuesUI: issuesUI,
+ contributorsUI: contributorsUI,
+ recentContributorsUI: recentContributorsUI,
+ parse: parse,
+ chart: chart,
+ options: options,
+ getIssuesForRepo: getIssuesForRepo,
+ getIssuesForOrg: getIssuesForOrg,
+ showRecentContributors: showRecentContributors,
+ getCommitsForRepo: getCommitsForRepo,
+ showAllContributors: showAllContributors,
+ showRepoContributors: showRepoContributors,
+ displayIssuesForRepo: displayIssuesForRepo,
+ initialize: initialize,
+ dropdownInit: dropdownInit,
+ ftoAuthorsUI: ftoAuthorsUI,
+ showStaleIssues: showStaleIssues,
+ filter: filter
+ }
+module.exports = CommunityToolbox;
-let SimpleApi = require("github-api-simple")
-let api = new SimpleApi()
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-let parse = require('parse-link-header')
-// This utility helps us in getting all the contributors for a particular repository
-function fetchAllRepoContribs(org, repo) {
- // This array is used to store the contributors from all of the repositories
- let contributorsArray = [];
- return api.Repositories
- .getRepoContributors(org, repo, {method: "HEAD", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100 } })
- .then(function gotContribData(contribData) {
- var headers = contribData;
- if (headers.hasOwnProperty("link")) {
- var parsed = parse(headers['link']);
- if(parsed.last.page!=undefined) {
- totalPages = parseInt(parsed.last.page);
- }
- } else {
- totalPages = 1;
- }
- return totalPages;
- })
- .then(function gotTotalPages(totalPages) {
- // This array is used to store all of the promises
- let promises = [];
- for(let i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
- var currentPromise = api.Repositories
- .getRepoContributors(org, repo, { method:"GET", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100, page:i } })
- .then(function gotRepoContributors(contributors) {
- if (contributors!=undefined && (contributors != null || contributors.length > 0)) {
- contributors.map((contributor, i) => contributorsArray.push(contributor));
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- });
- // Push currentPromise to promises array
- promises.push(currentPromise);
- }
- // Waits for all of the promises to resolve first, sets localStorage after that...
- return Promise.all(promises)
- .then(()=> {
- let now = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(repo, contributorsArray);
- model_utils.setItem(`${repo}Expiry`, now);
- return contributorsArray;
- });
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- fetchAllRepoContribs: fetchAllRepoContribs
+let SimpleApi = require("github-api-simple")
+let api = new SimpleApi()
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+let parse = require('parse-link-header')
+// This utility helps us in getting all the contributors for a particular repository
+function fetchAllRepoContribs(org, repo) {
+ // This array is used to store the contributors from all of the repositories
+ let contributorsArray = [];
+ return api.Repositories
+ .getRepoContributors(org, repo, {method: "HEAD", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100 } })
+ .then(function gotContribData(contribData) {
+ var headers = contribData;
+ if (headers.hasOwnProperty("link")) {
+ var parsed = parse(headers['link']);
+ if(parsed.last.page!=undefined) {
+ totalPages = parseInt(parsed.last.page);
+ }
+ } else {
+ totalPages = 1;
+ }
+ return totalPages;
+ })
+ .then(function gotTotalPages(totalPages) {
+ // This array is used to store all of the promises
+ let promises = [];
+ for(let i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
+ var currentPromise = api.Repositories
+ .getRepoContributors(org, repo, { method:"GET", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100, page:i } })
+ .then(function gotRepoContributors(contributors) {
+ if (contributors!=undefined && (contributors != null || contributors.length > 0)) {
+ contributors.map((contributor, i) => contributorsArray.push(contributor));
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ // Push currentPromise to promises array
+ promises.push(currentPromise);
+ }
+ // Waits for all of the promises to resolve first, sets localStorage after that...
+ return Promise.all(promises)
+ .then(()=> {
+ let now = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(repo, contributorsArray);
+ model_utils.setItem(`${repo}Expiry`, now);
+ return contributorsArray;
+ });
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ fetchAllRepoContribs: fetchAllRepoContribs
-let SimpleApi = require("github-api-simple")
-let api = new SimpleApi()
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-// This utility helps us in getting CONTRIBUTORS for a particular repository
-function fetchRepoContribs(org, repo) {
- // This array is used to store the contributors from all of the repositories
- let contributorsArray = [];
- return api.Repositories
- .getRepoContributors(org, repo, { method:"GET", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100 }})
- .then(function gotRepoContributors(contributors) {
- if (contributors!=undefined && (contributors != null || contributors.length > 0)) {
- contributors.map((contributor, i) => contributorsArray.push(contributor));
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- let now = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(repo, contributorsArray);
- model_utils.setItem(`${repo}Expiry`, now);
- return contributorsArray;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
-module.exports = {
- fetchRepoContribs: fetchRepoContribs
+let SimpleApi = require("github-api-simple")
+let api = new SimpleApi()
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+// This utility helps us in getting CONTRIBUTORS for a particular repository
+function fetchRepoContribs(org, repo) {
+ // This array is used to store the contributors from all of the repositories
+ let contributorsArray = [];
+ return api.Repositories
+ .getRepoContributors(org, repo, { method:"GET", qs: { sort: 'pushed', direction: 'desc', per_page: 100 }})
+ .then(function gotRepoContributors(contributors) {
+ if (contributors!=undefined && (contributors != null || contributors.length > 0)) {
+ contributors.map((contributor, i) => contributorsArray.push(contributor));
+ }
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ let now = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(repo, contributorsArray);
+ model_utils.setItem(`${repo}Expiry`, now);
+ return contributorsArray;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ fetchRepoContribs: fetchRepoContribs
-let fetchAllRepoContribs = require('./fetchAllRepoContribs')
-let fetchRepoContribs = require('./fetchRepoContribs')
-// This is a utility function which decides whether to make a single request for fetching
-// each repository's contributors or multiple ones.
-function fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, repo) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if(repo === 'plots2') {
- resolve(fetchAllRepoContribs.fetchAllRepoContribs(org, repo));
- }else {
- resolve(fetchRepoContribs.fetchRepoContribs(org, repo));
- }
- })
-module.exports = {
- fetchRepoContributorsUtil: fetchRepoContributorsUtil
+let fetchAllRepoContribs = require('./fetchAllRepoContribs')
+let fetchRepoContribs = require('./fetchRepoContribs')
+// This is a utility function which decides whether to make a single request for fetching
+// each repository's contributors or multiple ones.
+function fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, repo) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(repo === 'plots2') {
+ resolve(fetchAllRepoContribs.fetchAllRepoContribs(org, repo));
+ }else {
+ resolve(fetchRepoContribs.fetchRepoContribs(org, repo));
+ }
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ fetchRepoContributorsUtil: fetchRepoContributorsUtil
-let fetchRepoContribsUtil = require('./fetchRepoContribsUtil')
-let storeAllContribsInDb = require('./storeAllContribsInDb')
-function fetchAllContribsInDb(org) {
- return storeAllContribsInDb.storeAllContribsInDb(org)
- .then((response) => {
- return response;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.log("err travelling through fetchAllContribsInDb");
- throw err;
- })
-function repoContribsUtil(org, repo) {
- return fetchRepoContribsUtil.fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, repo)
- .then((response) => {
- return response;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.log("err travelling through repoContribsUtil");
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- repoContribsUtil: repoContribsUtil,
- fetchAllContribsInDb: fetchAllContribsInDb
+let fetchRepoContribsUtil = require('./fetchRepoContribsUtil')
+let storeAllContribsInDb = require('./storeAllContribsInDb')
+function fetchAllContribsInDb(org) {
+ return storeAllContribsInDb.storeAllContribsInDb(org)
+ .then((response) => {
+ return response;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log("err travelling through fetchAllContribsInDb");
+ throw err;
+ })
+function repoContribsUtil(org, repo) {
+ return fetchRepoContribsUtil.fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, repo)
+ .then((response) => {
+ return response;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log("err travelling through repoContribsUtil");
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ repoContribsUtil: repoContribsUtil,
+ fetchAllContribsInDb: fetchAllContribsInDb
-let fetchRepoContributorsUtil = require('./fetchRepoContribsUtil')
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-// This runs at the very start of page load and stores all the repositories and all the
-// contributors in the database on initial page load
-function storeAllContribsInDb(org) {
- let AllContributors = [];
- let promises = [];
- var contributorSet = new Set([]);
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- model_utils.getItem('allContributors').then((allContributors) => {
- // If all contributors list is not in the database, it makes a fresh call to Github API
- if(allContributors == null || allContributors == undefined || allContributors.length == 0) {
- return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((res) => {
- let splicedRepos = res.splice(0, 20);
- splicedRepos.map(function mappingToEachRepo(Repo, i) {
- let promise = fetchRepoContributorsUtil.fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, Repo)
- .then(function gotRepoContributorsInStorage(contributors) {
- if(contributors!=undefined && contributors.length>0) {
- contributors.map((contributor, i)=> {
- if(!contributorSet.has(contributor.login)) {
- contributorSet.add(contributor.login);
- AllContributors.push(contributor);
- }
- })
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- promises.push(promise);
- });
- return Promise.all(promises)
- .then(()=> {
- // Storing array containing all the contributors' list across 20 most active
- // repos to database
- model_utils.setItem('allContributors', AllContributors);
- // Saves current time in epoch, used for flushing out the stored data
- // after 24 hours
- let currentTime = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem('allContributorsExpiry', currentTime);
- resolve(AllContributors);
- })
- })
- }
- // If all contributors list is in the database, it simply returns that as a resolved promise
- else {
- resolve(allContributors);
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- reject(err);
- })
- });
-module.exports = {
- storeAllContribsInDb: storeAllContribsInDb
+let fetchRepoContributorsUtil = require('./fetchRepoContribsUtil')
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+// This runs at the very start of page load and stores all the repositories and all the
+// contributors in the database on initial page load
+function storeAllContribsInDb(org) {
+ let AllContributors = [];
+ let promises = [];
+ var contributorSet = new Set([]);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ model_utils.getItem('allContributors').then((allContributors) => {
+ // If all contributors list is not in the database, it makes a fresh call to Github API
+ if(allContributors == null || allContributors == undefined || allContributors.length == 0) {
+ return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((res) => {
+ let splicedRepos = res.splice(0, 20);
+ splicedRepos.map(function mappingToEachRepo(Repo, i) {
+ let promise = fetchRepoContributorsUtil.fetchRepoContributorsUtil(org, Repo)
+ .then(function gotRepoContributorsInStorage(contributors) {
+ if(contributors!=undefined && contributors.length>0) {
+ contributors.map((contributor, i)=> {
+ if(!contributorSet.has(contributor.login)) {
+ contributorSet.add(contributor.login);
+ AllContributors.push(contributor);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ promises.push(promise);
+ });
+ return Promise.all(promises)
+ .then(()=> {
+ // Storing array containing all the contributors' list across 20 most active
+ // repos to database
+ model_utils.setItem('allContributors', AllContributors);
+ // Saves current time in epoch, used for flushing out the stored data
+ // after 24 hours
+ let currentTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem('allContributorsExpiry', currentTime);
+ resolve(AllContributors);
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ // If all contributors list is in the database, it simply returns that as a resolved promise
+ else {
+ resolve(allContributors);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ reject(err);
+ })
+ });
+module.exports = {
+ storeAllContribsInDb: storeAllContribsInDb
-// Given a list of commits which contains repeated commiters, this function extracts
-// a list of unique commiters and returns that
-function filterUniqueContribs(data) {
- let commitersSet = new Set([]);
- let result = [];
- data.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
- if(commit.author!=null) {
- if(!commitersSet.has(commit.author.login)) {
- commitersSet.add(commit.author.login);
- result.push(commit);
- }
- }
- });
- return result;
-module.exports = {
- filterUniqueContribs: filterUniqueContribs,
+// Given a list of commits which contains repeated commiters, this function extracts
+// a list of unique commiters and returns that
+function filterUniqueContribs(data) {
+ let commitersSet = new Set([]);
+ let result = [];
+ data.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
+ if(commit.author!=null) {
+ if(!commitersSet.has(commit.author.login)) {
+ commitersSet.add(commit.author.login);
+ result.push(commit);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+module.exports = {
+ filterUniqueContribs: filterUniqueContribs,
-function showFilteredData(org, type, response) {
- if (type==="alphabetic") {
- response.sort(function(x, y) {
- if ((x.author.login).toLowerCase() > (y.author.login).toLowerCase()) {
- return 1;
- }else {
- return -1;
- }
- });
- return response;
- }
- else if(type==="mostrecentfirst") {
- response.sort(function (x,y) {
- let a = new Date(x.commit.author.date);
- let b = new Date(y.commit.author.date);
- if(b>a) {
- return 1;
- }else {
- return -1;
- }
- })
- return response;
- }
- else if(type === "leaderboard") {
- let leaderMap = new Map([]);
- response.map(function mappingToCommiters(dataItem, i) {
- let temp = leaderMap.get(dataItem.author.login);
- if (temp < 0 || temp == undefined || temp == null) {
- temp = 0;
- }
- temp += 1;
- leaderMap.set(dataItem.author.login, temp);
- })
- let sortedMap = new Map([...leaderMap.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]));
- return sortedMap;
- }
-module.exports = {
- showFilteredData: showFilteredData
+function showFilteredData(org, type, response) {
+ if (type==="alphabetic") {
+ response.sort(function(x, y) {
+ if ((x.author.login).toLowerCase() > (y.author.login).toLowerCase()) {
+ return 1;
+ }else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ });
+ return response;
+ }
+ else if(type==="mostrecentfirst") {
+ response.sort(function (x,y) {
+ let a = new Date(x.commit.author.date);
+ let b = new Date(y.commit.author.date);
+ if(b>a) {
+ return 1;
+ }else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ })
+ return response;
+ }
+ else if(type === "leaderboard") {
+ let leaderMap = new Map([]);
+ response.map(function mappingToCommiters(dataItem, i) {
+ let temp = leaderMap.get(dataItem.author.login);
+ if (temp < 0 || temp == undefined || temp == null) {
+ temp = 0;
+ }
+ temp += 1;
+ leaderMap.set(dataItem.author.login, temp);
+ })
+ let sortedMap = new Map([...leaderMap.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]));
+ return sortedMap;
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ showFilteredData: showFilteredData
-function populateNavDropdown(repos) {
- let repoAlreadySelected = urlHash().getUrlHashParameter('r');
- // populates the current dropdown selected html
- if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(repoAlreadySelected)) {
- repoAlreadySelected = "plots2";
- }else {
- repoAlreadySelected = (repoAlreadySelected.r == undefined) ? repoAlreadySelected : repoAlreadySelected.r;
- }
- $('#dropdownMenuButton').html(repoAlreadySelected);
- // populates the dropdown list
- repos.map((repo,i) => {
- $('', {
- class: 'dropdown-items',
- text: repo
- }).appendTo('#dropdown-container');
- });
- // click handler for dropdown items
- $('.dropdown-items').click((e) => {
- let repo = e.target.textContent;
- urlHash().setUrlHashParameter("r", repo);
- $('#dropdownMenuButton').html(repo);
- location.reload();
- })
-module.exports.populateNavDropdown = populateNavDropdown;
+function populateNavDropdown(repos) {
+ let repoAlreadySelected = urlHash().getUrlHashParameter('r');
+ // populates the current dropdown selected html
+ if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(repoAlreadySelected)) {
+ repoAlreadySelected = "plots2";
+ }else {
+ repoAlreadySelected = (repoAlreadySelected.r == undefined) ? repoAlreadySelected : repoAlreadySelected.r;
+ }
+ $('#dropdownMenuButton').html(repoAlreadySelected);
+ // populates the dropdown list
+ repos.map((repo,i) => {
+ $('
', {
+ class: 'dropdown-items',
+ text: repo
+ }).appendTo('#dropdown-container');
+ });
+ // click handler for dropdown items
+ $('.dropdown-items').click((e) => {
+ let repo = e.target.textContent;
+ urlHash().setUrlHashParameter("r", repo);
+ $('#dropdownMenuButton').html(repo);
+ location.reload();
+ })
+module.exports.populateNavDropdown = populateNavDropdown;
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
-let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
-let fetchRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchRecentMonthContribs')
-// Fetches recent month commits for top 10 repositories
-function fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime) {
- let results = [];
- let commitersSet = new Set([]);
- let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
- let monthInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
- // We take only 10 repos just for API quota reasons
- let splicedRepos = repos.splice(0,10);
- let promises = splicedRepos.map(function mapToEachRepo(repo, i) {
- return fetchRecentMonthContribs.fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime)
- .then((response) => {
- if(response!=null) {
- let partialResult = [];
- response.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
- if(commit.author!=null) {
- if(!commitersSet.has(commit.author.login)) {
- commitersSet.add(commit.author.login);
- partialResult.push(commit);
- results.push(commit);
- }
- }
- return true;
- });
- // Save each repo's commits data to the database
- let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthInd}-month-commits`, partialResult);
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- })
- return Promise.all(promises)
- .then(function promisesResolved() {
- // Store recentMonthCommits and recentMonthCommitsExpiry in the database
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-all-${monthInd}-month-commits`, results);
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-all-${monthInd}-month-expiry`, timeToday);
- return results;
- });
-module.exports = {
- fetchAllRecentMonthContribs: fetchAllRecentMonthContribs
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
+let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
+let fetchRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchRecentMonthContribs')
+// Fetches recent month commits for top 10 repositories
+function fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime) {
+ let results = [];
+ let commitersSet = new Set([]);
+ let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
+ let monthInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
+ // We take only 10 repos just for API quota reasons
+ let splicedRepos = repos.splice(0,10);
+ let promises = splicedRepos.map(function mapToEachRepo(repo, i) {
+ return fetchRecentMonthContribs.fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime)
+ .then((response) => {
+ if(response!=null) {
+ let partialResult = [];
+ response.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
+ if(commit.author!=null) {
+ if(!commitersSet.has(commit.author.login)) {
+ commitersSet.add(commit.author.login);
+ partialResult.push(commit);
+ results.push(commit);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ // Save each repo's commits data to the database
+ let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthInd}-month-commits`, partialResult);
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ })
+ return Promise.all(promises)
+ .then(function promisesResolved() {
+ // Store recentMonthCommits and recentMonthCommitsExpiry in the database
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-all-${monthInd}-month-commits`, results);
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-all-${monthInd}-month-expiry`, timeToday);
+ return results;
+ });
+module.exports = {
+ fetchAllRecentMonthContribs: fetchAllRecentMonthContribs
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
-let withinMonthsOrNot = require('./withinMonthsOrNot')
-let freshFetch = require('./freshFetch')
-// Fetches recent month commits for a particular repository
-function fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime) {
- let contribs = [];
- let monthsInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`)
- .then((stored) => {
- if(stored!=null && stored!=undefined) {
- return stored;
- }
- else {
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-6-month-commits`)
- .then((wholeContribsList) => {
- if(wholeContribsList!=undefined && wholeContribsList!=null) {
- wholeContribsList.map((contributor, index) => {
- let commit_date = contributor['commit']['committer']['date'];
- let check = withinMonthsOrNot.within_months(commit_date, monthsInd);
- if(check) {
- contribs.push(contributor);
- }
- });
- // Store recentWeekCommits and recentWeekCommitsExpiry in the database
- let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`, contribs);
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
- return contribs;
- }
- else {
- // We don't have any recent month contributors' data for desired repository
- // so we need to do all the work now
- return freshFetch.freshFetch(org, repo, queryTime)
- .then((response) => {
- return response;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- fetchRecentMonthContribs: fetchRecentMonthContribs
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
+let withinMonthsOrNot = require('./withinMonthsOrNot')
+let freshFetch = require('./freshFetch')
+// Fetches recent month commits for a particular repository
+function fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime) {
+ let contribs = [];
+ let monthsInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`)
+ .then((stored) => {
+ if(stored!=null && stored!=undefined) {
+ return stored;
+ }
+ else {
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-6-month-commits`)
+ .then((wholeContribsList) => {
+ if(wholeContribsList!=undefined && wholeContribsList!=null) {
+ wholeContribsList.map((contributor, index) => {
+ let commit_date = contributor['commit']['committer']['date'];
+ let check = withinMonthsOrNot.within_months(commit_date, monthsInd);
+ if(check) {
+ contribs.push(contributor);
+ }
+ });
+ // Store recentWeekCommits and recentWeekCommitsExpiry in the database
+ let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`, contribs);
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
+ return contribs;
+ }
+ else {
+ // We don't have any recent month contributors' data for desired repository
+ // so we need to do all the work now
+ return freshFetch.freshFetch(org, repo, queryTime)
+ .then((response) => {
+ return response;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ fetchRecentMonthContribs: fetchRecentMonthContribs
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
-function freshFetch(org, repo, queryTime) {
- let result=[];
- let proms = [];
- let monthsInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
- for(let i=0;i<2;i++) {
- proms.push(
- fetch(`https://api.github.com/repos/${org}/${repo}/commits?since=${queryTime}&per_page=100&page=${i}`)
- .then(function gotResponse(response) {
- if(response.status=="200") {
- return response.json();
- }else {
- throw `Couldn't fetch commits for ${repo}`;
- }
- })
- .then(function gotResponseJson(response) {
- if(response!=null) {
- response.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
- result.push(commit);
- });
- }
- return result;
- })
- )
- }
- return Promise.all(proms)
- .then(() => {
- // Save each repo's commits data to the database
- let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`, result);
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
- return result;
- })
-module.exports = {
- freshFetch: freshFetch
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+let monthsQuery = require('./queryTime')
+function freshFetch(org, repo, queryTime) {
+ let result=[];
+ let proms = [];
+ let monthsInd = monthsQuery.findMonthInd(queryTime);
+ for(let i=0;i<2;i++) {
+ proms.push(
+ fetch(`https://api.github.com/repos/${org}/${repo}/commits?since=${queryTime}&per_page=100&page=${i}`)
+ .then(function gotResponse(response) {
+ if(response.status=="200") {
+ return response.json();
+ }else {
+ throw `Couldn't fetch commits for ${repo}`;
+ }
+ })
+ .then(function gotResponseJson(response) {
+ if(response!=null) {
+ response.map(function mappingToCommits(commit, i) {
+ result.push(commit);
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ return Promise.all(proms)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Save each repo's commits data to the database
+ let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-commits`, result);
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-${monthsInd}-month-expiry`, currTime);
+ return result;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ freshFetch: freshFetch
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
-let fetchAllRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchAllRecentMonthContribs')
-let fetchRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchRecentMonthContribs')
-// Fetches recent month's commits for a particular repo or all of the repos (10 repos)
-function getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths) {
- return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((repos) => {
- if(repos!=null && repos!=undefined) {
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-expiry`)
- .then((recentCommitsMonthExpiry) => {
- let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
- // If recentCommits expiry time is 1 day behind the current time, flush them out.
- if(recentCommitsMonthExpiry!=null && recentCommitsMonthExpiry!=undefined && ((timeToday-recentCommitsMonthExpiry)/1000)>=86400) {
- return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-commits`), model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-expiry`)])
- .then(() => {
- return true;
- })
- }
- return true;
- })
- .then((boolean) => {
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-commits`).then((result) => {
- if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
- return result;
- }
- else {
- // We make queryTime 1 month behind the current time, to pass it as query in the request
- let d = (new Date);
- let temp = forMonths*30;
- d.setDate(d.getDate() - temp);
- let queryTime = d.toISOString();
- if(repo==='all') {
- return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
- .then(function gotRecentCommitsInStorage(month_commits) {
- return month_commits;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- else {
- return fetchRecentMonthContribs.fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime)
- .then(function gotRecentCommitsInStorage(month_commits) {
- return month_commits;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- }
- })
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- });
- } else {
- console.log("repos are not there yet!!!");
- }
- })
-module.exports = {
- getContribsLastMonth: getContribsLastMonth
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
+let fetchAllRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchAllRecentMonthContribs')
+let fetchRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchRecentMonthContribs')
+// Fetches recent month's commits for a particular repo or all of the repos (10 repos)
+function getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths) {
+ return model_utils.getItem('repos').then((repos) => {
+ if(repos!=null && repos!=undefined) {
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-expiry`)
+ .then((recentCommitsMonthExpiry) => {
+ let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
+ // If recentCommits expiry time is 1 day behind the current time, flush them out.
+ if(recentCommitsMonthExpiry!=null && recentCommitsMonthExpiry!=undefined && ((timeToday-recentCommitsMonthExpiry)/1000)>=86400) {
+ return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-commits`), model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-expiry`)])
+ .then(() => {
+ return true;
+ })
+ }
+ return true;
+ })
+ .then((boolean) => {
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-${forMonths}-month-commits`).then((result) => {
+ if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ // We make queryTime 1 month behind the current time, to pass it as query in the request
+ let d = (new Date);
+ let temp = forMonths*30;
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() - temp);
+ let queryTime = d.toISOString();
+ if(repo==='all') {
+ return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
+ .then(function gotRecentCommitsInStorage(month_commits) {
+ return month_commits;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ return fetchRecentMonthContribs.fetchRecentMonthContribs(org, repo, queryTime)
+ .then(function gotRecentCommitsInStorage(month_commits) {
+ return month_commits;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log("repos are not there yet!!!");
+ }
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ getContribsLastMonth: getContribsLastMonth
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
-let getContribsLastMonth = require('./getContribsLastMonth')
-let withinThisWeekOrNot = require('./withinThisWeekOrNot')
-// Fetches recent week's commits for a particular repo
-function getContribsLastWeek(org, repo) {
- let contribs = [];
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`)
- .then((recentCommitsWeekExpiry) => {
- let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
- // If recent month's commits expiry time is 1 day behind the current time, flush them out.
- if(recentCommitsWeekExpiry!=null && recentCommitsWeekExpiry!=undefined && ((timeToday-recentCommitsWeekExpiry)/1000)>=86400) {
- return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`), model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`)])
- .then(()=> {
- return true;
- })
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`).then((result) => {
- if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
- return result;
- }
- else {
- // We save extra request by filtering commits-made-last-week from commits-made-last month
- return getContribsLastMonth.getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, 6)
- .then((commits_last_month) => {
- commits_last_month.map((commit_last_month, index) => {
- let commit_date = commit_last_month['commit']['committer']['date'];
- let check = withinThisWeekOrNot.within_this_week(commit_date);
- if(check) {
- contribs.push(commit_last_month);
- }
- });
- // Store recentWeekCommits and recentWeekCommitsExpiry in the database
- let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`, contribs);
- model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`, currTime);
- return contribs;
- });
- }
- });
- });
-module.exports = {
- getContribsLastWeek: getContribsLastWeek
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils');
+let getContribsLastMonth = require('./getContribsLastMonth')
+let withinThisWeekOrNot = require('./withinThisWeekOrNot')
+// Fetches recent week's commits for a particular repo
+function getContribsLastWeek(org, repo) {
+ let contribs = [];
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`)
+ .then((recentCommitsWeekExpiry) => {
+ let timeToday = (new Date).getTime();
+ // If recent month's commits expiry time is 1 day behind the current time, flush them out.
+ if(recentCommitsWeekExpiry!=null && recentCommitsWeekExpiry!=undefined && ((timeToday-recentCommitsWeekExpiry)/1000)>=86400) {
+ return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`), model_utils.deleteItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`)])
+ .then(()=> {
+ return true;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return model_utils.getItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`).then((result) => {
+ if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ // We save extra request by filtering commits-made-last-week from commits-made-last month
+ return getContribsLastMonth.getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, 6)
+ .then((commits_last_month) => {
+ commits_last_month.map((commit_last_month, index) => {
+ let commit_date = commit_last_month['commit']['committer']['date'];
+ let check = withinThisWeekOrNot.within_this_week(commit_date);
+ if(check) {
+ contribs.push(commit_last_month);
+ }
+ });
+ // Store recentWeekCommits and recentWeekCommitsExpiry in the database
+ let currTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-week-commits`, contribs);
+ model_utils.setItem(`recent-${repo}-week-expiry`, currTime);
+ return contribs;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+module.exports = {
+ getContribsLastWeek: getContribsLastWeek
-let getContribsLastMonth = require('./getContribsLastMonth')
-let getContribsLastWeek = require('./getContribsLastWeek')
-let storeAllRecentContribsInDb = require('./storeAllRecentContribsInDb')
-function fetchContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths=6) {
- return getContribsLastMonth.getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths)
- .then((contribs) => {
- return contribs;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.log("finally throwing");
- throw err;
- })
-function fetchContribsLastWeek(org, repo) {
- return getContribsLastWeek.getContribsLastWeek(org, repo)
- .then((contribs) => {
- return contribs;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.log("finally throwing");
- throw err;
- })
-function fetchAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo) {
- return storeAllRecentContribsInDb.storeAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo)
- .then((response) => {
- return response;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.log("finally throwing");
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- fetchContribsLastMonth: fetchContribsLastMonth,
- fetchContribsLastWeek: fetchContribsLastWeek,
- fetchAllRecentContribsInDb: fetchAllRecentContribsInDb
+let getContribsLastMonth = require('./getContribsLastMonth')
+let getContribsLastWeek = require('./getContribsLastWeek')
+let storeAllRecentContribsInDb = require('./storeAllRecentContribsInDb')
+function fetchContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths=6) {
+ return getContribsLastMonth.getContribsLastMonth(org, repo, forMonths)
+ .then((contribs) => {
+ return contribs;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log("finally throwing");
+ throw err;
+ })
+function fetchContribsLastWeek(org, repo) {
+ return getContribsLastWeek.getContribsLastWeek(org, repo)
+ .then((contribs) => {
+ return contribs;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log("finally throwing");
+ throw err;
+ })
+function fetchAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo) {
+ return storeAllRecentContribsInDb.storeAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo)
+ .then((response) => {
+ return response;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log("finally throwing");
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ fetchContribsLastMonth: fetchContribsLastMonth,
+ fetchContribsLastWeek: fetchContribsLastWeek,
+ fetchAllRecentContribsInDb: fetchAllRecentContribsInDb
-function findMonthInd(queryTime) {
- let timeNow = new Date();
- let qTime = new Date(`${queryTime}`);
- let diff = timeNow - qTime;
- let monthsBack;
- if (diff > 60e3) {
- monthsBack = Math.floor((Math.floor(diff / 60e3))/(60*24*30));
- }
- return monthsBack;
-module.exports = {
- findMonthInd: findMonthInd
+function findMonthInd(queryTime) {
+ let timeNow = new Date();
+ let qTime = new Date(`${queryTime}`);
+ let diff = timeNow - qTime;
+ let monthsBack;
+ if (diff > 60e3) {
+ monthsBack = Math.floor((Math.floor(diff / 60e3))/(60*24*30));
+ }
+ return monthsBack;
+module.exports = {
+ findMonthInd: findMonthInd
-let fetchAllRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchAllRecentMonthContribs')
-let fetchRepoUtil = require('../repoUtil/fetchRepoUtil')
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-// Stores all the Recent Contributors in the database
-function storeAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo) {
- // We make queryTime 1 month behind the current time, to pass it as query in the request
- let d = (new Date);
- d.setDate(d.getDate() - 180);
- let queryTime = d.toISOString();
- return model_utils.getItem('repos')
- .then((repos) => {
- return model_utils.getItem('recent-present').then((result)=> {
- if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
- return result;
- }
- else {
- if(repos!=null || repos!=undefined) {
- return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
- .then((result) => {
- model_utils.setItem('recent-present', 'true');
- return result;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- } else {
- fetchRepoUtil.getAllRepos(org)
- .then((repos) => {
- if(repos!=null || repos!=undefined) {
- return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
- .then((result) => {
- model_utils.setItem('recent-present', 'true');
- return result;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- storeAllRecentContribsInDb: storeAllRecentContribsInDb
+let fetchAllRecentMonthContribs = require('./fetchAllRecentMonthContribs')
+let fetchRepoUtil = require('../repoUtil/fetchRepoUtil')
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+// Stores all the Recent Contributors in the database
+function storeAllRecentContribsInDb(org, repo) {
+ // We make queryTime 1 month behind the current time, to pass it as query in the request
+ let d = (new Date);
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() - 180);
+ let queryTime = d.toISOString();
+ return model_utils.getItem('repos')
+ .then((repos) => {
+ return model_utils.getItem('recent-present').then((result)=> {
+ if(result!=null && result!=undefined) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(repos!=null || repos!=undefined) {
+ return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
+ .then((result) => {
+ model_utils.setItem('recent-present', 'true');
+ return result;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ } else {
+ fetchRepoUtil.getAllRepos(org)
+ .then((repos) => {
+ if(repos!=null || repos!=undefined) {
+ return fetchAllRecentMonthContribs.fetchAllRecentMonthContribs(org, repos, queryTime)
+ .then((result) => {
+ model_utils.setItem('recent-present', 'true');
+ return result;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ storeAllRecentContribsInDb: storeAllRecentContribsInDb
-// Utility function that checks if a given date is behind the current date
-// by 7 or less
-function within_months(date, months) {
- let current = (new Date).getTime();
- let past_date = (new Date(`${date}`)).getTime();
- let measure = Math.ceil(Math.abs(current - past_date) / (1000*3600*24));
- let lim = 30 * months;
- if(measure<=lim) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-module.exports = {
- within_months: within_months
+// Utility function that checks if a given date is behind the current date
+// by 7 or less
+function within_months(date, months) {
+ let current = (new Date).getTime();
+ let past_date = (new Date(`${date}`)).getTime();
+ let measure = Math.ceil(Math.abs(current - past_date) / (1000*3600*24));
+ let lim = 30 * months;
+ if(measure<=lim) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+module.exports = {
+ within_months: within_months
-// Utility function that checks if a given date is behind the current date
-// by 7 or less
-function within_this_week(date) {
- let current = (new Date).getTime();
- let past_date = (new Date(`${date}`)).getTime();
- let measure = Math.ceil(Math.abs(current - past_date) / (1000*3600*24));
- if(measure<=7) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-module.exports = {
- within_this_week: within_this_week
+// Utility function that checks if a given date is behind the current date
+// by 7 or less
+function within_this_week(date) {
+ let current = (new Date).getTime();
+ let past_date = (new Date(`${date}`)).getTime();
+ let measure = Math.ceil(Math.abs(current - past_date) / (1000*3600*24));
+ if(measure<=7) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+module.exports = {
+ within_this_week: within_this_week
-let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
-// Fetches all the publiclab's repositories
-function getAllRepos(org) {
- // This array is used to store all the repositories fetched from Github
- let repos = [];
- return fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${org}/repos?sort=pushed&direction=desc&per_page=100`)
- .then(function gotRepos(data) {
- if(data.status=='200') {
- return data.json();
- }else {
- throw "Couldn't fetch repositories :(";
- }
- })
- .then(function mapToEachRepo(results) {
- results.map(function mappingToEachRepo(repo, index) {
- return repos[index] = repo.name;
- });
- return(repos);
- })
- .then((repos) => {
- // Storing the repos in the database
- model_utils.setItem('repos', repos);
- return(repos);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- }
-module.exports.getAllRepos = getAllRepos;
+let model_utils = require('../../models/utils')
+// Fetches all the publiclab's repositories
+function getAllRepos(org) {
+ // This array is used to store all the repositories fetched from Github
+ let repos = [];
+ return fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${org}/repos?sort=pushed&direction=desc&per_page=100`)
+ .then(function gotRepos(data) {
+ if(data.status=='200') {
+ return data.json();
+ }else {
+ throw "Couldn't fetch repositories :(";
+ }
+ })
+ .then(function mapToEachRepo(results) {
+ results.map(function mappingToEachRepo(repo, index) {
+ return repos[index] = repo.name;
+ });
+ return(repos);
+ })
+ .then((repos) => {
+ // Storing the repos in the database
+ model_utils.setItem('repos', repos);
+ return(repos);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+module.exports.getAllRepos = getAllRepos;
-let model_utils = require('../models/utils')
-function getOrgWideIssues(org) {
- let totalPromises = [];
- let staleIssues = [];
- let currentTime = (new Date).getTime();
- return model_utils.getItem("staleIssues-time").then((time) => {
- if(time!=undefined && time!=null && (time-currentTime)/1000 >= 86400) {
- return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem("staleIssues"), model_utils.deleteItem("staleIssues-time")])
- .then(()=> {
- return true;
- })
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- return model_utils.getItem("staleIssues").then((issues) => {
- let pages = 5; // we take 5 to stay under API limit
- if(issues!=undefined && issues!=null) {
- return issues;
- }
- for(let i=1;i<=pages;i++) {
- let curr = fetch(`https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=is%3Aopen+org%3A${org}+page%3A${i}`)
- .then((data) => {
- if(data.status=='200') {
- return data.json();
- }else {
- throw "Couldn't fetch issues";
- }
- })
- .then(function (data) {
- if(data!=null && data!=undefined) {
- data.items.map(function mappingToIssues(issue, index) {
- let dateLastUpdated = new Date(`${issue.updated_at}`);
- let lastDate = dateLastUpdated.getTime();
- let today = (new Date).getTime();
- if(Math.ceil(Math.abs(today - lastDate) / (1000*3600*24)) > 10 ) {
- staleIssues.push(issue);
- }
- })
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
- totalPromises.push(curr);
- }
- return Promise.all(totalPromises).then(()=> {
- let now = (new Date).getTime();
- model_utils.setItem("staleIssues", staleIssues);
- model_utils.setItem("staleIssues-time", now);
- return staleIssues;
- })
- })
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
-function getStaleIssues(org, repo) {
- return getOrgWideIssues(org, repo)
- .then((issues) => {
- if(issues!=undefined && issues!=null) {
- return issues;
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- throw err;
- })
-module.exports = {
- getOrgWideIssues: getOrgWideIssues,
- getStaleIssues: getStaleIssues
+let model_utils = require('../models/utils')
+function getOrgWideIssues(org) {
+ let totalPromises = [];
+ let staleIssues = [];
+ let currentTime = (new Date).getTime();
+ return model_utils.getItem("staleIssues-time").then((time) => {
+ if(time!=undefined && time!=null && (time-currentTime)/1000 >= 86400) {
+ return Promise.all([model_utils.deleteItem("staleIssues"), model_utils.deleteItem("staleIssues-time")])
+ .then(()=> {
+ return true;
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return model_utils.getItem("staleIssues").then((issues) => {
+ let pages = 5; // we take 5 to stay under API limit
+ if(issues!=undefined && issues!=null) {
+ return issues;
+ }
+ for(let i=1;i<=pages;i++) {
+ let curr = fetch(`https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=is%3Aopen+org%3A${org}+page%3A${i}`)
+ .then((data) => {
+ if(data.status=='200') {
+ return data.json();
+ }else {
+ throw "Couldn't fetch issues";
+ }
+ })
+ .then(function (data) {
+ if(data!=null && data!=undefined) {
+ data.items.map(function mappingToIssues(issue, index) {
+ let dateLastUpdated = new Date(`${issue.updated_at}`);
+ let lastDate = dateLastUpdated.getTime();
+ let today = (new Date).getTime();
+ if(Math.ceil(Math.abs(today - lastDate) / (1000*3600*24)) > 10 ) {
+ staleIssues.push(issue);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+ totalPromises.push(curr);
+ }
+ return Promise.all(totalPromises).then(()=> {
+ let now = (new Date).getTime();
+ model_utils.setItem("staleIssues", staleIssues);
+ model_utils.setItem("staleIssues-time", now);
+ return staleIssues;
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+function getStaleIssues(org, repo) {
+ return getOrgWideIssues(org, repo)
+ .then((issues) => {
+ if(issues!=undefined && issues!=null) {
+ return issues;
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ throw err;
+ })
+module.exports = {
+ getOrgWideIssues: getOrgWideIssues,
+ getStaleIssues: getStaleIssues
diff --git a/src/scripts/community-toolbox.js b/src/scripts/community-toolbox.js
index 86b99b32..63493e4a 100644
--- a/src/scripts/community-toolbox.js
+++ b/src/scripts/community-toolbox.js
@@ -246,18 +246,7 @@ CommunityToolbox = function CommunityToolbox(org, repo) {
- function displayIssuesForRepo(org, repo, label, selector) {
- toolbox.api.Issues
- .getIssuesForRepo(org, repo, { qs: { labels: label } })
- .then(function onGotIssues(issues) {
- issues.forEach(function(issue) {
- toolbox.issuesUI.insertIssue(issue, selector);
- });
- })
- }
function showStaleIssues(org, repo) {
return issuesUtil.getStaleIssues(org, repo)