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Freecad to Gazebo exporter


Freecad to gazebo exporter is a tool for exporting freecad assembly project to gazebo/ros model.

Design Rules

This project is in its early stage therefore specific design rules must be followed to work with it.

  • The assmbly file must be created with A2Plus (freecad's prefered assembly workspace).
  • Parts of the assembly must be in separate files.
  • Imovable parts of the main assembly must be made in separate subasssemblies.
  • Joints should be represented by AxisConsident constraints with lock rotation turned off.
  • For URDF files to work properly, tree structure must be maintained (ie. parent and childs of constraints must follow tree structure).


  • Freecad with A2Plus workspace installed
  • ROS Optional, If you wish to install it as a package


Clone the repository to catkin workspace

$ git clone ~/catkin_ws/src

Re-build catkin workspace

$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

To generate only SDF model from freecad assembly:

# freecad2gazebo <assembly_file> <path/to/model_dir> --sdf-only

To generate SDF and URDF model from freecad assembly:

$ freecad2gazebo <assembly_file> <path/to/model_dir>

Note: Only links and joints are generated in the SDF model. to use the model with ros, use the URDF model.


$ freecad2gazebo <assembly_file> <path/to/model> [--sdf-only] [--noexport] [--config <path/to/config>]

--sdf: Export only SDF.

--noexport: Don't export mesh files.

--config: Use other configuration file. (default is robot_config.json inside a directory the same as the assembly file).

Example config file

    "name": "robot_name",
    "joints_limits": {"upper": 90, "lower": -90, "effort": 10, "velocity": 5},
    "transmission": {
        "type": "transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission",
        "hardware_interface": "hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface"
    "joints_config": {
        "type": "position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController",
        "grouped": true
    "joints_pid": {"p": 20.0, "i": 10.0, "d": 0.0, "i_clamp": 0.0},
    "root_link": "base_link",
    "ros_package": "humanoid_17dof_description"

Future plans

  • Extend collada exporter to export materials from assemblies.
  • Create a FreeCAD workbench to interactively assign joints and export to gazebo.
  • Reduce set of design rules by making it more robust and general perpouse.
  • Support any valid structures of assemblies.