- Python 3.8 or higher
- pip
- virtualenv
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/DallasFormulaRacing/WebDashboard
- Navigate to the root directory of the repository
- Create a virtual environment
- Activate the virtual environment (Windows)
- Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Navigate to the dashboard directory
- Run the dashboard
+-- Assets/
| +-- css
| +-- images
| +-- scripts
+-- Components/
| +-- footer
| +-- navbar
| +-- etc.
+-- Pages/
| +-- 404.py
| +-- aero.py
| +-- steeringsuspension.py
| +-- powertrain/
| +-- visualizations/
| +-- rpm_over_time.py
| +-- layout.py
+-- Utils/
| +-- common functions
+-- app.py