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SEEDlabs: Environment Variable and Set-UID Lab


The learning objective of this lab is for students to understand how environment variables affect program and system behaviors. Environment variables are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are used by most operating systems, since they were introduced to Unix in 1979. Although environment variables affect program behaviors, how they achieve that is not well understood by many programmers. As results, if a program uses environment variables, but the programmer do not know that they are used, the program may have vulnerabilities. In this lab, students will understand how environment variables work, how they are propogated from parent process to child, and how they affect system/program bahivors. We are particularly interested in how environment variables affect the behavior of Set-UID programs, which are usually privileged programs.

Lab Tasks

Task 1: Manipulating environment variables

In this task, we study the commands that can be used to set and unset environment variables. We are using Bash in the seed account. The default shell that a user uses is set in the /etc/passwd file (the last field of each entry). You can change this to another shell program using the command chsh (please do not do it for this lab). Please do the following tasks:

  • Use printenv or env command to print out the environment variables. If you are interested in some particular environment variables, such as PWD, you can use "printenv PWD" or "env | grep PWD".
  • Use export and unset to set or unset environment variables. It should be noted that these two commands are not seperate programs; they are two of the Bash's internal commands (you will not be able to find them outside of Bash).

Task 2: Inheriting environment variables from parents

In this task, we study how environment variables are inherited by child processes from their parents. In Unix, fork() creates a new process by duplicating the calling process. The new process, referred to as the child, is an exact duplicate of the calling process, referred to as the parent; however, several things are not inherited by the child (please see the manual of fork() by typing the following command: man fork). In this task, we would like to know whether the parent’s environment variables are inherited by the child process or not.

Step 1.

The output contains many strings, you should save the output into a file, such as using a.out > child (assuming that a.out is your executable file name).


extern char **environ;

void printenv()
    int i = 0;
    while(environ[i] != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", environ[i]);

void main()
    pid_t childPid;
    switch(childPid = fork()) {
        case 0:    // child process
        default:   // parent process
            // printenv();

Step 2.

Now comment out the printenv() statement in the child process case, and uncomment the printenv() statement in the parent process case. Compile and run the code, and describe your observation. Save the output in another file.

Step 3.

Compare the difference of these two files using the diff command.

seed@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test > child
seed@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test1 > child1 
seed@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ diff child child1 
< _=./test
> _=./test1

Task 3: Environment variables and execve()

In this task, we study how environment variables are affected when a new program is executed via execve(). The function execve() calls a system call to load a new command and execute it; this function never returns. No new process is created; instead, the calling process's text, data, bss, and stack are overwritten by that of the program loaded. Essentially, execve() runs the new program inside the calling process. We are interested in what happens to the environment variables; are they automatically inherited by the new program?

Step 1.

Please compile and run the following program, and describe your observation. This program simply execute a program call /usr/bin/env, which prints out the environment variables of the current process.


extern char **environ;

int main()
    char *argv[2];
    argv[0] = "/usr/bin/env";
    argv[1] = NULL;
    execve("/usr/bin/env", argv, NULL);
    return 0;

Step 2.

Now, change the invocation of execve() to the following, and describe your observation.

execve("/usr/bin/env", argv, environ);

The result:

seed@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./task3 
seed@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./task3_1 

Task 4: Environment variables and system()

In this task, we study how environment variables are affected when a new program is executed via the system() function. This function is used to execute a command, but unlike execve(), which directly execute a command, system() actually executes "/bin/sh -c command", i.e., it executes /bin/sh, and asks the shell to execute the command.

If you look at the implementation of the system() function, you will see that it uses execl() to execute /bin/sh; excel() calls execve(), passing to it the environment variables array. Therefore, using system(), the environment variables of the calling process is passed to the new program /bin/sh.


int main()
    return 0;

Task 5: Environment variable and Set-UID Programs

Set-UID is an important security mechanism in Unix operating systems. When a Set-UID program runs, it assumes the owner's privileges. For example, if the program's owner is root, then when anyone runs this program, the program gains the root's privileges during its execution. Set-UID allows us to do many interesting things, but it escalates the user's privilege when executed, making it quite risky. Although the behaviors of Set-UID programs are decided by their program logic, not by users, users can indeed affect the behaviors via environment variables. To understand how Set-UID programs are affected, let us first figure out whether environment variables are inherited by the Set-UID program's process from the user's process.

Step 1.

We are going to write a program that can print out all the environment variables in the current process.


extern char **environ;

void main()
    int i = 0;
    while(environ[i] != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", environ[i]);

Step 2.

Compile the above program, change its ownship to root, and make it a Set-UID program.

Step 3.

In your Bash shell (use a normal account, not the root account), use the export command to set the following environment variables (they may have already exist):

  • PATH
  • ANY_NAME (this is an environment variable defined by you, so pick whatever name you want).

These environment variables are set in the user's shell process. Now, run the Set-UID program from Step 2 in your shell. After you type the name of the program in your shell, the shell forks a child process, and uses the child process to run the program. Please check whether all the environment variables you set in the shell process (parent) get into the Set-UID child process.

The solution:

root@ubuntu:/home/seed# vim task5.c 
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# gcc -o task5 task5.c
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# chmod u+s task5
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# exit
seed@ubuntu:~$ export MY_ENV="my env"
seed@ubuntu:~$ export PATH="my env":$PATH
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./task5 | grep "my env"
PATH=my env:.:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
MY_ENV=my env

Task 6: The PATH Environment variable and Set-UID Programs

Because of the shell program invoked, calling system() within a Set-UID program is quite dangerous. This is because the actual behavior of the shell program can be affected by environment variables, such as PATH; these environment variables are provided by the user, who may be malicious. By changing these variables, malicious users can control the behavior of the Set-UID program. In Bash, you can change the PATH environment variable in the following way (this example adds the directory /home/seed to the beginning of the PATH environment variable):

export PATH=/home/seed:$PATH

The Set-UID program below is supposed to execute the /bin/ls command; however, the programmer only uses the relative path for the ls command, rather than the absolute path:

int main()
    return 0;

Compile the above program, and change its owner to root, and make it a Set-UID program. Can you let this Set-UID program run your code instead of /bin/ls? If you can, is your code running with the root privilege?

The solution:

root@ubuntu:/home/seed# vim task6.c
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# gcc -o task6 task6.c
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# chmod u+s task6
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# exit
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./task6 
Desktop		  openssl-1.0.1				   task6
Documents	  openssl_1.0.1-4ubuntu5.11.debian.tar.gz  task6.c

Task 7: The LD_PRELOAD environment variable and Set-UID Programs

In this task, we study how Set-UID programs deal with some of the environment variables. Several environment variables, including LD_PRELOAD, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and other LD_* influence the behavior of dynamic loader/linker. A dynamic loader/linker is the part of an operating system (OS) that loads (from persistent storage to RAM) and links the shared libraries needed by an executable at run time.

In Linux, or, are the dynamic loader/linker (each for different types of binary). Among the environment variables that affect their behaviors, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD are the two that we are concered in this lab. In Linux, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a colon-separated set of directories where libraries should be searched for first, before the standard set of directories. LD_PRELOAD specifies a list of additional, user-specified, shared libraries to be loaded before all others. In this task, we will only study LD_PRELOAD.

Step 1.

First, we will see how these environment variable influence the behavior of dynamic loader/linker overrides the sleep() function in libc:

(1) Let us build a dynamic link library. Create the following program, and name it mylib.c. It basically overrides the sleep() function in libc:

void sleep(int s)
    // If this is invoked by a privileged program, you can do damages here!
    printf("I am not sleeping!\n");

(2) We can compile the program using the following commands:

gcc -fPIC -g -c mylib.c
gcc -shared -o mylib.o -lc

(3) Now, set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable:

export LD_PRELOAD=./

(4) Finally, compile the following program myprog, and it in the same directory as the above dynamic link library

int main()
    return 0;

Step 2.

After you have done the above, please run myprog under the following conditions, and observe what happens.

  • Make myprog a regular program, and run it as a normal user.
  • Make myprog a Set-UID root program, and run it as a normal user.
  • Make myprog a Set-UID root program, export the LD_PRELOAD environment variable again in the root account and run it.
  • Make myprog a Set-UID user1 program (i.e., the owner is user1, which is another user account), export the LD_PRELOAD environment variable again in a different user's account (not-root user) and run it.

Step 3.

You should be able to observe different behaviors in the scenarios described above, even though you are running the same program. You need to figure out what causes the difference. Environment variables play a role here. Please design an experiment to figure out the main causes, and explain why the behaviors in Step 2 are different. (Hint: the child process may not inherit the LD_* environment variables).

The solution:

seed@ubuntu:~$ export PATH=/home/seed:$PATH
seed@ubuntu:~$ vim mylib.c
seed@ubuntu:~$ gcc -fPIC -g -c mylib.c 
seed@ubuntu:~$ gcc -shared -o mylib.o -lc
seed@ubuntu:~$ export LD_PRELOAD=./
seed@ubuntu:~$ vim myprog.c
seed@ubuntu:~$ gcc -o myprog myprog.c 
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./myprog 
I am not sleeping!
seed@ubuntu:~$ sudo chmod u+s myprog
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./myprog 
I am not sleeping!
seed@ubuntu:~$ sudo su
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# export LD_PRELOAD=./ 
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# ./myprog 
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# exit
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./myprog 
I am not sleeping!
seed@ubuntu:~$ sudo su
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# useradd -d /usr/user1 -m user1
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# chown user1 myprog
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# chgrp user1 myprog
root@ubuntu:/home/seed# exit
seed@ubuntu:~$ export LD_PRELOAD=./
seed@ubuntu:~$ ./myprog 
I am not sleeping!

Task 8: Invoking external program using system() versus execve()

Although system() and execve() can both be used to run new programs, system() is quite dangerous if used in a privileged program, such as Set-UID programs. We have seen how the PATH environment variable affect the behavior of system(), because the variable affects how the shell works. execve() does not have the problem, because it does not invoke shell. Invoking shell has another dangerous consequence, and this time, it has nothing to do with environment variables. Let us look at the following scenario.

Bob works for an auditing agency, and he needs to investigate a company for a suspected fraud. For the investigation purpose, Bob needs to be able to read all the files in the company’s Unix system; on the other hand, to protect the integrity of the system, Bob should not be able to modify any file. To achieve this goal, Vince, the superuser of the system, wrote a special set-root-uid program (see below), and then gave the executable permission to Bob. This program requires Bob to type a file name at the command line, and then it will run /bin/cat to display the specified file. Since the program is running as a root, it can display any file Bob specifies. However, since the program has no write operations, Vince is very sure that Bob cannot use this special program to modify any file.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *v[3];
    char *command;
    if(argc < 2) {
        printf("Please type a file name.\n");
        return 1;

    v[0] = "/bin/cat"; v[1] = argv[1]; v[2] = NULL;
    command = malloc(strlen(v[0]) + strlen(v[1]) + 2);
    sprintf(command, "%s %s", v[0], v[1]);
    // Use only one of the followings.
    // execve(v[0], v, NULL);
    return 0;

Step 1.

Compile the above program, make root its owner, and change it to a Set-UID program. The program will use system() to invoke the command. If you were Bob, can you compromise the integrity of the system? For example, can you remove a file that is not writable to you?

Step 2.

Comment out the system(command) statement, and uncomment the execve() statement; the program will use execve() to invoke the command. Compile the program, and make it Set-UID (owned by root). Do your attacks in Step 1 still work?

Task 9: Capability Leaking

To follow the Principle of Least Privilege, Set-UID programs often permanently relinquish their root privileges if such privileges are not needed anymore. Moreover, sometimes, the program needs to hand over its control to the user; in this case, root privileges must be revoked. The setuid() system call can be used to revoke the privileges. According to the manual, "setuid() sets the effective user ID of the calling process. If the effective UID of the caller is root, the real UID and saved set-user-ID are also set". Therefore, if a Set-UID program with effective UID 0 calls setuid(n), the process will become a normal process, with all its UIDs being set to n.

When revoking the privilege, one of the common mistakes is capability leaking. The process may have gained some privileged capabilities when it was still privileged; when the privileged is downgraded, if the program does not clean up those capabilities, they may still be accessible by the non-privileged process. In other words, although the effective user ID of the process becomes non-privileged, the process is still privileged because it possesses privileged capabilities.

Compile the following program, change its owner to root, and make it a Set-UID program. Run the program as a normal user. Will the file /etc/zzz be modified?


void main()
    int fd;
    // Assume that /etc/zzz is an important system file,
    // and it is owned by root with permission 0644.
    // Before running this program, you should creat
    // the file /etc/zzz first.
    fd = open("/etc/zzz", O_RDWR | O_APPEND);
    if(fd == -1) {
        printf("Cannot open /etc/zzz\n");
    // Simulate the tasks conducted by the program
    // After the task, the root privilege are no longer needed,
    // it's time to relinquish the root privileges permanently.
    setuid(getuid());   // getuid() returns the real uid
    if(fork()) {    // In the parent process
    } else {    // in the child process
        // Now, assume that the child process is compromised, malicious attackers
        // have injected the following statements into this process
        write(fd, "Malicious Data\n", 15);