is in active development and is likely to evolve significantly the near future.
is a commandline utility created to explore new ways to visualize and verify DAQ configurations and the objects they contain.
provides a set of commands to probe different aspects of a configuration database. The commands are accessible using with the usual syntax
daqconf_inspector [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE COMMAND [ARGS]...
is the path to the configuration database being inspected.
Detailed help is available for each command (including daqconf_inspector
via the -h/--help
daqconf_inspector [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE COMMAND [ARGS]...
-i, --interactive Start an interactive IPython session after executing the
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
list-classes List known classes and objects for each class
show-object-tree Show relationship tree
show-objects-of-class Show properties of objects belonging to a class
show-sessions Show sessions information
show-smartapp-mods Shows the modules generated by a smart application
verify-detstreams Verify detector streams in the database
verify-smart-apps Verify smart applications in database
Displays the list of classes known to the schema loaded fom the database, together with the ids of objects belonging to that class fond in the database.
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE list-classes [OPTIONS]
-d, --show-derived-objects-as-parents
Include derived objects in parent class
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ./ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml list-classes |
Show the relationship tree of the OKS object with identifier UID.
UID is the unique object identifier in the database, composed by object name and class name. The UID format argument is @.
Starting from the selected object, attributes and objects refererd by relationships are shown recursively as hierarchical tree.
By default the command recursively crawls through relationship without limits. The recursion level can be limited with the corresponding optional parameter (see below).
In case focussing on a relationship branch is helpful, the focus path option (see below for details) allows to specify the branch to focus on, starting trom the top object.
If a focus path is specified, the recursion level is applied starting from the last element of the focus path.
The focus path syntax combines relationhsip and object names, using .
separators, and []
to select a single item in multi-value relatiosnips.
The structure of the focus path specifier is <relationship>[<optional object name>].<relationship>[<optional object name>]
Note: specifiying the object name is required
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE show-object-tree [OPTIONS] UID
+a, --show-attributes / -a, --hide-attributes
Show/Hide attributes
-l, --level INTEGER Recursion level in the object tree
-f, --focus TEXT Path within the object relationships to
focus on
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ./ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml show-object-tree df-03@DFApplication -f network_rules[td-trb-net-rule].descriptor -l 6 |
Show attributes and relationships of all objects in the database belonging to KLASS
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE show-objects-of-class
-v, --vertical / -h, --horizontal
Toggle vertical or horizontal orientation
--help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ./ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml show-objects-of-class Segment |
Show details of each session available in the configuration database
For each session found in the the database, show-session
The high-level session view, including segments, controllers and applications as hierarchical tree. ID and Class are shown for applications and controllers, along with their host and services (open ports) The icon in front of segments and appliations indicate the enable/disable.
Optionally, it displays the path of the the database file where the object is define
Icon Meaning ✅ Resource enabled ❌ Resource directly disabled (included in the Session disable list) ⭕️ Resource indirectly disabled by algorithm 🔵 Not a resource -
The summary of objects included in the session, including the count of referenced objects, the list of directly disabled objects and the list of all disabled objects (directly or indirectly)
The session environment.
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE show-sessions [OPTIONS]
-p, --show-file_paths
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ./ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml show-sessions |
Executes the generate modules method for the selected smart application and session, and displays the results as a hierarchical tree. Resource objects are displaied with their status.
In case visualising a single relationship branch is desired, the focus path option (see below for details) allows to specify the branch to focus on, starting trom the top object.
If a focus path is specified, the recursion level is applied starting from the last element of the focus path.
The focus path syntax combines relationhsip and object names, using .
separators, and []
to select a single item in multi-value relatiosnips.
The structure of the focus path specifier is <relationship>[<optional object name>].<relationship>[<optional object name>]
Note: specifiying the object name is required .
Icon | Meaning |
✅ | Resource enabled |
❌ | Resource directly disabled (included in the Session disable list) |
⭕️ | Resource indirectly disabled by algorithm |
🔵 | Not a resource |
Example |
daqconf_inspector ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml show-smartapp-mods np02-session crp4-wiec -f hermes-ctrl-crp4-wiec-np02-wib-1006 -l 2 |
Performs basic validation of detector datastreams in a database.
It checks the collection of all detastreans in the database for uiniqueness. It also checks that all geo_ids references by detecor streams are unique.
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE verify-detstreams [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np02-session.data.xml verify-detstreams |
Performs basic validation on smart daq applications a database.
Implemented tests:
- services: The exposed service consistency between application interface and network rules is checked.
the services referenced in network rules are compared with the list in the
attribute. The tedt fails if any of the network rules services is not present inexposes_service
Usage: daqconf_inspector CONFIG_FILE verify-smart-apps [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Example |
daqconf_inspector ehn1-daqconfigs/sessions/np04-session.data.xml verify-smart-apps |