Link to the application:
Get the SBI-FAIR repository
git clone --depth 1 SBI_FAIR_DIR=${PWD}/sbi-fair
Create a directory for downloading datasets and store results
mkdir calogan cd calogan mkdir output
Get the datasets for training
${SBI_FAIR_DIR}/tools/scripts/ ${SBI_FAIR_DIR}/datasets/calogan/datasets.yaml calogan_eplus
You can use any of the following datasets:
- calogan_eplus
- calogan_gamma
- calogan_piplus
Create a file with parameters
# Few epochs for testing echo 'epochs: 2' > options.yaml
We will update the list of available options here, in the meantime please refer to the original repository for the list of all options.
Build Docker container
cd ${SBI_FAIR_DIR}/models/calogan ./ cd - # Go back to results directory
Run Training
At the moment the provided containers are likely to fail to using GPU with recent systems due to CUDA incompatibilities. We are working to fix that.
GPU_SWITCH='' # or '--runtime=nvidia --gpus all' for GPU workloads # Mount the directories with the dataset VOLUME_MOUNTS='-v ./calogan_eplus/default/eplus.hdf5:/input/train_dataset -v ./output:/output -v ./options.yaml:/input/options.yaml' docker run ${GPU_SWITCH} ${VOLUME_MOUNTS} calogan run train
Build Apptainer container
cd ${SBI_FAIR_DIR}/models/calogan ./ cd - # Go back to results directory
Run Training
At the moment the provided containers are likely to fail to using GPU with recent systems due to CUDA incompatibilities. We are working to fix that.
GPU_SWITCH='' # or '--nv' for GPU workloads # Mount the directories with the dataset VOLUME_MOUNTS='--bind ./calogan_eplus/default/eplus.hdf5:/input/train_dataset --bind ./output:/output --bind ./options.yaml:/input/options.yaml' apptainer run --app train ${GPU_SWITCH} ${VOLUME_MOUNTS} ${SBI_FAIR_DIR}/models/calogan/calogan.sif
The outputs of the run will be available in ./output