This is a Haskell implementation of the checktestdata tool. The language is build as a Haskell EDSL which can be used to check a specific format of the data, as well as checking semantic correctness of the data. There is also an executable providing backwards compatibility with existing CTD scripts.
For building, a recent Haskell compiler is needed, as well as a build tool such as Cabal or Stack. For installing both the compiler and a build tool, Haskell Platform is recommended.
For building with stack, run:
stack init
stack build
Then the executable can be run with:
stack exec checktestdata
The tests can be run with:
stack test
For building with cabal, run:
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal configure
cabal build
Then the executable can be run with:
The tests can be run with:
cabal test
Install the library globally on your system with:
cabal install
Then a checker program can be build with:
ghc --make ProgramName.hs