in the lab we raised a DNS Server (NS1) that respond to
- 53 UDP
- 53 TCP
- 443 TCP / DoH
- 853 TCP / DoT
- Dig - testing 53 tcp/udp
- DoH - use dig
- DoT - use kdig
In Addition we raised Akime Server that get's pacap files and visualize the traffic:
- url:
- user: admin
- Password: admin
Home page
- on the host - create pipe mkfifo /home/me/docker/datadump/ns1-pipe.tcpdump
- on the host tcpdump only ns1 docker tcpdump -i docker0 -w - host > /home/me/docker/datadump/ns1-pipe.tcpdump
- on the arkime docker process from the file pipe docker-compose exec -it arkime /opt/arkime/bin/capture --copy -r /data/pcap/ns1-pipe.tcpdump
all done in containers on k8s-n1 docker host
PFSense / Firewall sends IPFIX / Netflow to collector Using ElastiFlow to analyze L4 headers