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41 lines (32 loc) · 1.77 KB

NANOAOD production

NanoAOD production

  1. To source the environment:
> cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
> cmsenv
> source /cvmfs/
  1. To test the cms config file for NanoAOD production (for 1000 events of the signal SUSY MC):
> cmsRun LLStaus_Run2/Production/python/ inputFiles=/store/user/myshched/mc/UL2018-pythia-v4/SUS-RunIISummer20UL18GEN-stau250_lsp1_ctau1000mm_v4/MiniAOD/220129_215847/0001/SUS-RunIISummer20UL18MiniAODv2-LLStau_1251.root fileNamePrefix=root:// maxEvents=1000
  1. To enable VOMS proxy:
> voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms -valid 192:00
> export X509_USER_PROXY=`voms-proxy-info -path`
  1. To submit all datasets in configuration files use
> python3 $(which --inputDBS phys03 --workArea <working/area/folder> --cfg LLStaus_Run2/Production/python/ --site T2_DE_DESY --output <path/to/dcache/folder> ./LLStaus_Run2/Production/configs/crab/UL2018/STauSignal.txt ... <other/configs>
  • For more command line options use --help.
  • For big dataset file-based splitting should be used.
  • For private production phys03 DBS should be specified, for official production nothing is needed.
  1. Regularly check task status using --workArea work-area --cmd status

Better script for job status (provides a summary):
./LLStaus_Run2/Production/scripts/ --status --work-area <crab work area>
This also has other useful options. Run with --help to check.

  1. If some jobs are failed: try to understand the reason and use standard crab tools to solve the problem (e.g. crab resubmit with additional arguments). In very problematic cases a recovery task could be created.