Lesson 275 - "God’s healing voice protects all things today."
Your voice protects all thigns through me.
You will say I’m not hearing anything…
There are little impressiosn coming your way.. but the voice of the ego is too loud.
The ego believes if u quiet the mind u will not get what u want…
when u listen to the ego, life will get worst and worst and poorly… as u get older.
negatives, fears, blocks, anxiety increase
negatives, fears, blocks, anxiety increase as u age because u are strengthening it.
course in miracles lessons the egos power and over time u see a transformation of your own world. a massive transformation.
forgiveness work…
surrender to guidance..
choose love as much as u can through out the day.
donig lessons.
surrender to the still small voice within u towards healthier choices.
Things are slowly improving; that this book does work miracles.
Rough Notes using Source: A Channeled Jesus via Tina Louise Spalding