From a4bb642fad8505a52c26169ea73ca999e801d711 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Botello Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 15:15:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] tests --- jest.compiled.config.js | 7 + jest.config.js | 189 ++ package-lock.json | 2304 ++++++++++++++- package.json | 12 +- tests/compiled.spec.js | 11 + tests/compound.test.ts | 864 ++++++ tests/report.test.ts | 5771 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/transaction.test.ts | 1110 +++++++ tests/utils/factories.js | 96 + tests/utils/price.js | 9 + 10 files changed, 10358 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) create mode 100644 jest.compiled.config.js create mode 100644 jest.config.js create mode 100644 tests/compiled.spec.js create mode 100644 tests/compound.test.ts create mode 100644 tests/report.test.ts create mode 100644 tests/transaction.test.ts create mode 100644 tests/utils/factories.js create mode 100644 tests/utils/price.js diff --git a/jest.compiled.config.js b/jest.compiled.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f3c1df --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.compiled.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +const base = require('./jest.config.js'); + +base.moduleNameMapper = { + '/src/index$': '/lib/index', +}; + +module.exports = base; diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf12eda --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +// For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit: +// + +module.exports = { + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // Respect "browser" field in package.json when resolving modules + // browser: false, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "/private/var/folders/64/0m79fk4566n19z0t6stcjgxm0000gn/T/jest_dx", + + // Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test + clearMocks: true, + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + // collectCoverage: false, + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + // collectCoverageFrom: null, + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + // coverageDirectory: null, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + // coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: null, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: null, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: null, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: null, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + // moduleDirectories: [ + // "node_modules" + // ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "json", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: null, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: null, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state between every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: null, + + // Automatically restore mock state between every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: null, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + testEnvironment: "node", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + // testMatch: [ + // "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", + // "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: null, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jasmine2", + + // This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href + // testURL: "http://localhost", + + // Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout" + // timers: "real", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: null, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + transformIgnorePatterns: [ + "/node_modules/", + "/lib/" + ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: null, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, 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+1,11 @@ +/* + * Test that the compiled bundle exports a function + * instead of an object with a "default" property. + */ + +// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved +const bundle = require('../lib/index.js'); + +test('commonjs bundle exports function', () => { + expect(typeof bundle).toEqual('function'); +}); diff --git a/tests/compound.test.ts b/tests/compound.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1515e9f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/compound.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +import createReport from '../src/index'; +import { + repayBorrowFactory, + borrowFactory, + redeemFactory, + mintFactory, + depositFactory, + taxReportFactory, + liqBorrow_BorrowerFactory, + liqBorrow_LiquidatorFactory +} from './utils/factories'; +import { impliedPrice } from './utils/price'; + +describe('Compound Lending', () => { + test('Lend DAI', () => { + const tx = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + c_token_amount: '4270.51788924', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + // In this example, DAI has broken it's peg. It's 2 USD per DAI. + const daiPriceRecord = { + tx_id: tx.tx_id, + timestamp: tx.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '2' + }; + const cDAIprice = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: tx.supplied_amount, + amountUnpriced: tx.c_token_amount, + price: daiPriceRecord.price + }); + const prices = [ + daiPriceRecord, + { + tx_id: tx.tx_id, + timestamp: tx.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: cDAIprice + } + ]; + const transactions = [tx]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + CDAI: { + holdings: '4270.51788924', + bought: '4270.51788924', + sold: '0' + }, + DAI: { + holdings: '-89.90136056219178411', + bought: '0', + sold: '89.90136056219178411' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '179.8' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '179.8', + transaction_id: tx.tx_id + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('Lend and Redeem DAI', () => { + const mintTx = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + c_token_amount: '4270.51788924', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + const redeemTx = redeemFactory({ + tx_id: 'dec961d7-0765-42af-bf57-a88d5356faf7', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + redeem_amount: '89.902620769167106564', + redeem_code: 'DAI', + c_token_amount: '4270.51788924', + c_token_code: 'CDAI' + }); + // In this example, DAI has broken it's peg. It's 2 USD per DAI. + const daiPriceRecordMint = { + tx_id: mintTx.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '2' + }; + const daiPriceRecordRedeem = { + tx_id: 'dec961d7-0765-42af-bf57-a88d5356faf7', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '2' + }; + const cDAIpriceMint = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: mintTx.supplied_amount, + amountUnpriced: mintTx.c_token_amount, + price: daiPriceRecordMint.price + }); + const cDAIpriceRedeem = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: redeemTx.c_token_amount, + amountUnpriced: redeemTx.redeem_amount, + price: daiPriceRecordRedeem.price + }); + const prices = [ + daiPriceRecordMint, + { + tx_id: mintTx.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: cDAIpriceMint + }, + daiPriceRecordRedeem, + { + tx_id: 'dec961d7-0765-42af-bf57-a88d5356faf7', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: cDAIpriceRedeem + } + ]; + const transactions = [mintTx, redeemTx]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + CDAI: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '4270.51788924', + sold: '4270.51788924' + }, + DAI: { + holdings: '0.001260206975322454', + bought: '89.902620769167106564', + sold: '89.90136056219178411' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '179.8' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '179.8', + transaction_id: mintTx.tx_id + } + ], + // In this example, there is 1 USD cent of interest income. + interest_income: [ + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '4270.51788924', + cost_basis: '179.8', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '179.81' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('Lend with partial redemption, followed by lending with full redemption', () => { + // Initial DAI deposit + const deposit = depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'DAI' + }); + + // Lend DAI + const mintTx1 = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + c_token_amount: '10', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '1', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + const mintPriceDai1 = { + tx_id: mintTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const mintPriceCdai1 = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: mintTx1.supplied_amount, + amountUnpriced: mintTx1.c_token_amount, + price: mintPriceDai1.price + }); + + // Redeem DAI + const redeemTx1 = redeemFactory({ + tx_id: 'dec961d7-0765-42af-bf57-a88d5356faf7', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + redeem_amount: '1', + redeem_code: 'DAI', + c_token_amount: '5', + c_token_code: 'CDAI' + }); + const redeemPriceDai1 = { + tx_id: redeemTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: redeemTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const redeemPriceCdai1 = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: redeemTx1.c_token_amount, + amountUnpriced: redeemTx1.redeem_amount, + price: redeemPriceDai1.price + }); + + // Lend DAI again + const mintTx2 = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + // time has passed, exchange rate increase by 100 factor + c_token_amount: '1000', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '1', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + const mintPriceDai2 = { + tx_id: mintTx2.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx2.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const mintPriceCdai2 = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: mintTx2.supplied_amount, + amountUnpriced: mintTx2.c_token_amount, + price: mintPriceDai2.price + }); + + // Redeem DAI in FULL + const redeemTx2 = redeemFactory({ + tx_id: 'yyc961d7-0765-42af-bf57-a88d5356faf7', + timestamp: '2019-01-04T01:00:00Z', + redeem_amount: '3', + redeem_code: 'DAI', + c_token_amount: '1005', + c_token_code: 'CDAI' + }); + const redeemPriceDai2 = { + tx_id: redeemTx2.tx_id, + timestamp: redeemTx2.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const redeemPriceCdai2 = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: redeemTx2.c_token_amount, + amountUnpriced: redeemTx2.redeem_amount, + price: redeemPriceDai2.price + }); + + const prices = [ + // deposit price + { + tx_id: deposit.tx_id, + timestamp: deposit.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + // first mint prices + mintPriceDai1, + { + tx_id: mintTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: mintPriceCdai1 + }, + // first redeem prices + redeemPriceDai1, + { + tx_id: redeemTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: redeemTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: redeemPriceCdai1 + }, + // second mint prices + mintPriceDai2, + { + tx_id: mintTx2.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx2.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: mintPriceCdai2 + }, + // second redeem prices + redeemPriceDai2, + { + tx_id: redeemTx2.tx_id, + timestamp: redeemTx2.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: redeemPriceCdai2 + } + ]; + const transactions = [deposit, mintTx1, redeemTx1, mintTx2, redeemTx2]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + CDAI: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '1010', + sold: '1010' + }, + DAI: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '5', + sold: '2' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + interest_income: [ + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '5', + cost_basis: '0.5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '5', + cost_basis: '0.5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '0.01' + }, + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '1000', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '2.99' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + + // TODO: More borrow and repay scenarios. + test('Lend DAI, borrow ETH, repay ETH', () => { + // Initial DAI deposit + const deposit = depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'DAI' + }); + + // Lend DAI + const mintTx1 = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + c_token_amount: '10', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '1', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + const mintPriceDai1 = { + tx_id: mintTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const mintPriceCdai1 = impliedPrice({ + amountPriced: mintTx1.supplied_amount, + amountUnpriced: mintTx1.c_token_amount, + price: mintPriceDai1.price + }); + + // Borrow ETH + const borrowTx1 = borrowFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + borrow_amount: '1', + borrow_code: 'ETH' + }); + const borrowPriceEth = { + tx_id: borrowTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: borrowTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + + // Repay ETH + const repayTx1 = repayBorrowFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + repay_amount: '1', + repay_code: 'ETH' + }); + const repayPriceEth = { + tx_id: repayTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: repayTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + + const prices = [ + // deposit price + { + tx_id: deposit.tx_id, + timestamp: deposit.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + // first mint prices + mintPriceDai1, + { + tx_id: mintTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: mintTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: mintPriceCdai1 + }, + borrowPriceEth, + repayPriceEth + ]; + const transactions = [deposit, mintTx1, borrowTx1, repayTx1]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + CDAI: { + bought: '10', + sold: '0', + holdings: '10' + }, + DAI: { + bought: '1', + sold: '1', + holdings: '0' + }, + ETH: { + bought: '1', + holdings: '0', + sold: '1' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + borrow_repayments: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('Compound Liquidations', () => { + test('Single liquidation; no prior borrow or lend', () => { + const liquidation = liqBorrow_BorrowerFactory({ + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + liquidate_amount: '1', + liquidate_code: 'CDAI' + }); + const transactions = [liquidation]; + // price value does not matter because liquidation + // is not a taxable event. during liquidation, the borrower: + // - gets to keep the borrowed amount + // - loses collateral (the amount lent to compound which means he/she loses cTokens). + + // the price record is required by the model but essentially does not matter + // The disposal reduces any lots, but it does not result in a taxable sale. + const cDaiPriceRecord = { + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const prices = [cDaiPriceRecord]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + }, + report: taxReportFactory({ + '2019': { + assets: { + CDAI: { bought: '0', holdings: '-1', sold: '1' } + }, + compound_liquidations_borrower: [ + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + interest_income: [], + long: [], + lost: [], + short: [], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808' + } + ] + } + }) + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('Single liquidation; borrow and collateral setup', () => { + const mint = mintFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + c_token_amount: '4270.51788924', + c_token_code: 'CDAI', + supplied_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + supplied_code: 'DAI' + }); + const liquidation = liqBorrow_BorrowerFactory({ + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-03T00:10:00Z', + liquidate_amount: '1', + liquidate_code: 'CDAI' + }); + // Borrow ETH + const borrowTx1 = borrowFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + borrow_amount: '1', + borrow_code: 'ETH' + }); + const transactions = [mint, borrowTx1, liquidation]; + const borrowPriceEth = { + tx_id: borrowTx1.tx_id, + timestamp: borrowTx1.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }; + const daiPriceRecord = { + tx_id: mint.tx_id, + timestamp: mint.timestamp, + base_code: 'DAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const cDaiPriceRecordMint = { + tx_id: mint.tx_id, + timestamp: mint.timestamp, + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + // price value does not matter because liquidation + // is not a taxable event. during liquidation, the borrower: + // - gets to keep the borrowed amount + // - loses collateral (the amount lent to compound which means he/she loses cTokens). + + // the price record is required by the model but essentially does not matter + // The disposal reduces any lots, but it does not result in a taxable sale. + const cDaiPriceRecord = { + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-03T00:10:00Z', + base_code: 'CDAI', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const prices = [daiPriceRecord, cDaiPriceRecordMint, cDaiPriceRecord, borrowPriceEth]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + }, + report: taxReportFactory({ + '2019': { + assets: { + ETH: { bought: '1', holdings: '1', sold: '0' }, + CDAI: { bought: '4270.51788924', holdings: '4269.51788924', sold: '1' }, + DAI: { bought: '0', holdings: '-89.90136056219178411', sold: '89.90136056219178411' } + }, + compound_liquidations_borrower: [ + { + asset: 'CDAI', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-03T00:10:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + interest_income: [], + long: [], + lost: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4270.52' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'DAI', + asset_amount: '89.90136056219178411', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4270.52', + transaction_id: mint.tx_id + } + ] + } + }) + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('Single liquidation; liquidator side', () => { + const liquidation = liqBorrow_LiquidatorFactory({ + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + repay_amount: '1', + repay_code: 'ZRX', + seize_amount: '50', + seize_code: 'CETH' + }); + const transactions = [liquidation]; + const zrxPrice = { + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + base_code: 'ZRX', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const cTokenPrice = { + tx_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + base_code: 'CETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }; + const prices = [zrxPrice, cTokenPrice]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + }, + report: taxReportFactory({ + '2019': { + assets: { + ZRX: { bought: '0', holdings: '-1', sold: '1' }, + CETH: { bought: '50', holdings: '50', sold: '0' } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'ZRX', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'ZRX', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T00:10:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: 'c5ebb42f-8f56-495a-a349-858283844808' + } + ] + } + }) + }; + expect(expected).toEqual(received); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/report.test.ts b/tests/report.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c987e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/report.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5771 @@ +import createReport from '../src/index'; +import { PriceMethod, CostBasisMethod } from '../src/types'; +import { + taxReportFactory, + depositFactory, + withdrawalFactory, + lostFactory, + incomeFactory, + tradeFactory +} from './utils/factories'; + +test('Empty transactions', () => { + try { + createReport({ + transactions: [], + prices: [], + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + } catch (error) { + expect('EmptyParamError'); + expect(error.message).toEqual( + 'The "transactions" config parameter must include at least one object.' + ); + } +}); + +describe('crypto/fiat long term gains', () => { + const trade_1 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '5', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const trade_2 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '153.19', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '2', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const trade_3 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2020-01-31T13:00:00Z', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '250', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '5', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const transactions = [trade_1, trade_2, trade_3]; + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: trade_1.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_1.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '200' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_1.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_1.timestamp, + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_2.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_2.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '153.19' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_2.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_2.timestamp, + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_3.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_3.timestamp, + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '250' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_3.tx_id, + timestamp: trade_3.timestamp, + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + } + ]; + + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + proceeds: '200', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + cost_basis: '0', + asset_amount: '205', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '2', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-360.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '155.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + proceeds: '153.19', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + cost_basis: '0', + asset_amount: '155.19', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-115.19', + bought: '245', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '245', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '2', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-360.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '155.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-115.19', + bought: '245', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '245', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '2', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-360.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '155.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-115.19', + bought: '245', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '245', + cost_basis: '155.19' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('crypto/fiat short term gains', () => { + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '300', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '4', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '3', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '1000', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '3', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '300' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '200' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '333.3333333' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + } + ]; + + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('crypto/fiat short term unmatched gains', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '333.3333333' + } + ]; + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '3', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '1000', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '3', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '-3', + bought: '0', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '997', + bought: '997', + sold: '0' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '3', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '997' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '3', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '997', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); +}); + +describe('crypto/fiat short term gains with null fees', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '101' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '301' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '201' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '332.33' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '101', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '301', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '201', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '4', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '3', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '997', + quote_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '101', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '301', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '201', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '101', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '301', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '201', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '394', + bought: '997', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '101', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '301', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '201', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('crypto/crypto long term gains', () => { + const trade_1 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '5', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const trade_2 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '153.19', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '2', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const trade_3 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '2', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '250', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '5', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const trade_4 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '0.07', + quote_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '0.001', + fee_code: 'BTC' + }); + const trade_5 = tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '0.069', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '345', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '4', + fee_code: 'USD' + }); + const transactions = [trade_1, trade_2, trade_3, trade_4, trade_5]; + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: trade_1.tx_id, + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '200' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_1.tx_id, + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_2.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '153.19' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_2.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_3.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '125' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_3.tx_id, + timestamp: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_4.tx_id, + timestamp: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '135' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_4.tx_id, + timestamp: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1925' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_5.tx_id, + timestamp: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '5000' + }, + { + tx_id: trade_5.tx_id, + timestamp: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + } + ]; + describe('Use Base', () => { + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + bought: '0', + sold: '0', + holdings: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '133.08', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '135' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '133.08', + cost_basis: '127.5' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '135' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '133.08', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '135' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('Use Quote', () => { + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 3 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '132.83', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '134.75' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 3 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '132.83', + cost_basis: '127.5' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '134.75' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 3 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '1', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-205', + bought: '0', + sold: '205' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '205', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: trade_1.tx_id + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + }, + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '4', + bought: '3', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '410.19' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '155.19', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-04T12:00:00Z', + proceeds: '153.19', + transaction_id: trade_2.tx_id + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '255', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-31T13:00:00Z', + proceeds: '250', + transaction_id: trade_3.tx_id + } + ] + }, + 2020: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-615.19', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0.069', + bought: '0.069', + sold: '0' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'ETH', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + proceeds: '132.83', + cost_basis: '205' + } + ] + }, + 2021: { + assets: { + ETH: { + holdings: '3', + bought: '0', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-274.19', + bought: '341', + sold: '0' + }, + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '0', + sold: '0.069' + } + }, + long: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.069', + date_acquired: '2020-03-03T15:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2021-05-01T20:00:00Z', + proceeds: '341', + cost_basis: '134.75' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('crypto/fiat short term gains with free BTC and null fees', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '3000' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '0' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '3500' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '3000', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '0', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '3500', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_amount: '1', + quote_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + + describe('Use quote price', () => { + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '0' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('Use base price', () => { + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '0' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '3000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '3000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('crypto/crypto short term gains', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '300' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '200' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '4000' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '60' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '300', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '4', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '3', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'ETH', + fee_amount: '2', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ]; + + describe('Use Base', () => { + let decimalPlaces = 2; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('Use Quote', () => { + const decimalPlaces = 2; + test('FIFO', () => { + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces + } + }); + const expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-603', + bought: '0', + sold: '603' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '101', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '301', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '300', + transaction_id: '2' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '201', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + transaction_id: '3' + } + ], + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '301' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '201' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3960', + cost_basis: '101' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('fiat -> crypto -> fiat -> crypto scenario', () => { + test('No fiat sales in short/long array', () => { + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '1000', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_amount: '1', + quote_code: 'BTC' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-03T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '20', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_amount: '500', + quote_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1000' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T09:30:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '25' + } + ]; + + const result = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + const expected = { + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + }, + report: taxReportFactory({ + '2018': { + assets: { + BTC: { + bought: '1', + holdings: '0', + sold: '1' + }, + ETH: { + bought: '20', + holdings: '20', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + bought: '1000', + holdings: '400', + sold: '600' + } + }, + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '100', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '1000' + } + ], + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '100', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }) + }; + expect(result).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('deposit assets', () => { + describe('crypto/fiat short term gains - deposit BTC - null fees on deposit', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '300' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '200' + }, + { + tx_id: '4', + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '333.3333333' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + depositFactory({ + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + depositFactory({ + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '4', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '3', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '1000', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '3', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '997', + bought: '997', + sold: '0' + } + }, + income: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '100' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '300' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '200' + } + ], + unmatched: [], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + price_method: 'BASE', + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '997', + bought: '997', + sold: '0' + } + }, + income: [], + unmatched: [], + long: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '300' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '200' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '100' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '3', + sold: '3' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '997', + bought: '997', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '200' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '300' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-04T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '332.33', + cost_basis: '100' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + + describe('crypto/fiat short term gains with - deposit BTC - null fees', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '3000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '0' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '3500' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '3500', + base_code: 'USD', + quote_amount: '1', + quote_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + + describe('use_quote price', () => { + const priceOption = 'QUOTE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '0' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('use_base price', () => { + const priceOption = 'BASE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-02-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '0' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '1', + bought: '2', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '3500', + bought: '3500', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-03-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '3500', + cost_basis: '3000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + }); + + describe('crypto/crypto short term gains - deposit BTC - fees with fee code === quote code', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + } + ]; + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BTC' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '5', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'ETH', + fee_amount: '2', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ]; + + describe('use quote price', () => { + const priceOption = 'QUOTE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '19800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '19800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '19800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('use base price', () => { + const priceOption = 'BASE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('LIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'LIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'LIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('HIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'HIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '198', + bought: '198', + sold: '0' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4800', + cost_basis: '5000' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'HIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + }); + + test('crypto/crypto short term gains - deposit BTC, deposit BNB - fees with fee code !== quote code', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '0', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BNB', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '50' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1000' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '50' + }, + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BNB', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '50' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BNB', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '0', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BNB' + }), + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BTC', + fee_code: 'BNB', + fee_amount: '2' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '5', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '200', + quote_code: 'ETH', + fee_amount: '2', + fee_code: 'BNB' + }) + ]; + + ['BASE', 'QUOTE'].forEach((priceMethod: PriceMethod) => { + ['FIFO', 'LIFO', 'HIFO'].forEach((costBasisMethod: CostBasisMethod) => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod, + costBasisMethod, + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2019: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '5', + bought: '10', + sold: '5' + }, + ETH: { + holdings: '200', + bought: '200', + sold: '0' + }, + BNB: { + holdings: '6', + bought: '10', + sold: '4' + } + }, + short: [ + { + asset: 'BNB', + asset_amount: '2', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '100', + cost_basis: '100' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '5', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: priceMethod === 'QUOTE' ? '19800' : '4800', + cost_basis: '5050' + }, + { + asset: 'BNB', + asset_amount: '2', + date_acquired: '2019-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2019-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '200', + cost_basis: '100' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: costBasisMethod, + price_method: priceMethod + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('withdraw assets', () => { + describe('crypto/fiat short term gains - withdraw BTC - fees with fee code === quote code', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '11000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + withdrawalFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + withdrawal_amount: '1', + withdrawal_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '9', + bought: '10', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-2', + sold: '2' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '2' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10999', + cost_basis: '10000.1' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('crypto/crypto short term gains - withdraw - null fees ', () => { + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'None', + base_amount: '10', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '1000', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + withdrawalFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + withdrawal_amount: '1', + withdrawal_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '4000' + } + ]; + describe('use quote price', () => { + const priceOption = 'QUOTE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '9', + bought: '10', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-1000', + bought: '0', + sold: '1000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4000', + cost_basis: '100' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'QUOTE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + describe('use base price', () => { + const priceOption = 'BASE'; + test('FIFO', () => { + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: priceOption, + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '9', + bought: '10', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '-1000', + bought: '0', + sold: '1000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '4000', + cost_basis: '100' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('receive income', () => { + test('single income txn is reported', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + incomeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + income_amount: '10', + income_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '10', + bought: '10', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-1', + sold: '1' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '10', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + basis_amount: '100001', + basis: 'USD', + tx_id: '1' + } + ], + short: [], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('income and deposit txns reported', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + incomeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + income_amount: '10', + income_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '20', + bought: '20', + sold: '0' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-2', + sold: '2' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '2' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '10', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + basis_amount: '100001', + basis: 'USD', + tx_id: '1' + } + ], + short: [], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('single income, short term gains on trade', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '3', + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '11000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + incomeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + income_amount: '10', + income_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + deposit_amount: '10', + deposit_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }), + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '3', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '11000', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '19', + bought: '20', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + holdings: '10997', + bought: '10999', + sold: '2' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-02T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '2' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '10', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + basis_amount: '100001', + basis: 'USD', + tx_id: '1' + } + ], + short: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-03T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10999', + cost_basis: '10000.1' + } + ], + lost: [], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); + +describe('lost crypto or fiat', () => { + test('buy bitcoin, lose equal bitcoin amount', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '10000', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0', + bought: '1', + sold: '1' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-10000', + sold: '10000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '10000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '10000', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('buy bitcoin, lose more bitcoin than bought', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '10000', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + lost_amount: '2', + lost_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '-1', + bought: '1', + sold: '2' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-10000', + sold: '10000' + } + }, + // First the program reduces the existing TaxLot, + // then it records an unmatched disposal. + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '10000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000', + transaction_id: '1' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000', + transaction_id: '2' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '10000', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000' + }, + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000' + } + ], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('buy bitcoin, lose fraction of that bitcoin', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + }, + { + tx_id: '2', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '10000', + quote_code: 'USD' + }), + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + lost_amount: '0.5', + lost_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '0.5', + bought: '1', + sold: '0.5' + }, + USD: { + bought: '0', + holdings: '-10000', + sold: '10000' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '10000', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '0.5', + cost_basis: '5000', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '5000' + } + ], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('lose bitcoin unmatched', () => { + const prices = [ + { + tx_id: '1', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10000' + } + ]; + + const transactions = [ + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'BTC' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + BTC: { + holdings: '-1', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'BTC', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '10000' + } + ] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('deposit USD, lose equal USD amount', () => { + const prices = []; + + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'USD' + }), + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + USD: { + bought: '1', + holdings: '0', + sold: '1' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '1', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('deposit USD, lose fraction of that USD amount', () => { + const prices = []; + const transactions = [ + depositFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'USD' + }), + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + tx_id: '2', + lost_amount: '0.5', + lost_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + USD: { + bought: '1', + holdings: '0.5', + sold: '0.5' + } + }, + unmatched: [], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '0.5', + cost_basis: '0.5', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T02:00:00Z', + proceeds: '0.5' + } + ], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); + test('lose USD unmatched', () => { + const prices = []; + + const transactions = [ + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'USD' + }) + ]; + const received = createReport({ + transactions, + prices, + config: { + localCurrency: 'USD', + priceMethod: 'BASE', + costBasisMethod: 'FIFO', + decimalPlaces: 2 + } + }); + let expected = { + report: taxReportFactory({ + 2018: { + assets: { + USD: { + holdings: '-1', + bought: '0', + sold: '1' + } + }, + unmatched: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1', + transaction_id: '1' + } + ], + long: [], + income: [], + short: [], + lost: [ + { + asset: 'USD', + asset_amount: '1', + cost_basis: '0', + date_acquired: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + date_sold: '2018-01-01T01:00:00Z', + proceeds: '1' + } + ], + interest_income: [] + } + }), + config: { + cost_basis_method: 'FIFO', + price_method: 'BASE' + } + }; + expect(received).toEqual(expected); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/transaction.test.ts b/tests/transaction.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e962aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/transaction.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@ +import { Map as IMap, List } from 'immutable'; +import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js'; + +import TaxLot from '../src/taxLot'; +import Disposal from '../src/disposal'; +import { makeLotsAndDisposals } from '../src/accounting'; +import { + depositFactory, + withdrawalFactory, + lostFactory, + incomeFactory, + tradeFactory +} from './utils/factories'; + +/* + Every TRADE transaction scenario to base future tests on. + + TRADE. + fiat/crypto + Taxed currency and fiat trade portion are equal (USD) + Note: + Test BOTH crypto/fiat and fiat/crypto trades. + Test both BASE & QUOTE price method in every test, since they should be equal. + BTC/USD (crypto/fiat) + side buy + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + side sell + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + USD/BTC (fiat/crypto) + side buy + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + side sell + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + FUTURE: Taxed currency and fiat trade portion are unequal (Example: GBP & USD) + crypto/crypto + use BASE prices + side buy + no fee + with fee fiat + with fee crypto + with foreign fee crypto + side sell + no fee + with fee fiat + with fee crypto + with foreign fee crypto + use QUOTE prices + side buy + no fee + with fee fiat + with fee crypto + with foreign fee crypto + side sell + no fee + with fee fiat + with fee crypto + with foreign fee crypto + */ + +/* + Currently tested scenarios: + TRADE type + side buy + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + side sell + no fee (test base & quote price method) + with fee fiat (test base & quote price method) + with fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + with foreign fee crypto (test base & quote price method) + */ + +// TODO: remove references to NONE once we refactor NONE out of the TRADE data model. +// NONE seems kind of unnecssary since we only use it to identify trades that were +// We can use another less important property to identify these trades. +// TODO: Need to test DEPOSIT when fee matches deposit asset and when it does not. + +describe('TRADE transaction', () => { + /* + * The function we are testing does not differentiate + * between crypto/crypto trades and crypto/fiat trades. + * We test crypto/fiat but it does not matter. + */ + describe('crypto base / fiat quote', () => { + describe('BUY trade', () => { + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: BUY, fee: none, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('100') + ); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('100') + ); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: BUY | NONE, fee: fiat, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '5', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('105'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('105'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('105') + ); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('105') + ); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: BUY, fee: crypto, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'BUY', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '0.1', + fee_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('0.9'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('110'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('122.22222222222222222222') + ); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('122.22222222222222222222') + ); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: BUY | NONE, fee: foreign crypto, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'NONE', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '5' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('105'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }), + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'ETH', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('5'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('105') + ); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('105') + ); + }); + }); + describe('SELL trade', () => { + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: SELL, fee: none, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: SELL, fee: fiat, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '10', + fee_code: 'USD' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('90'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('90'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('1.11111111111111111111') + ); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual( + new BigNumber('1.11111111111111111111') + ); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: SELL, fee: crypto, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '0.1', + fee_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1.1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('90'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + }); + test('type: TRADE, assets: crypto/fiat, side: BUY, fee: foreign crypto, price method: BASE & QUOTE', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + tradeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + side: 'SELL', + base_amount: '1', + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_amount: '100', + quote_code: 'USD', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'USD', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '1' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '5' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const actualQuoteMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'QUOTE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'USD', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('95'), + transactionId: '1' + }), + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'ETH', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('5'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + expect(actualQuoteMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('1')); + }); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('DEPOSIT transaction', () => { + test('TaxLot from DEPOSIT', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + depositFactory({ + tx_id: '1', + deposit_amount: '1', + deposit_code: 'BTC', + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: false + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('100')); + }); +}); + +describe('INCOME transaction', () => { + test('TaxLot from INCOME', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + incomeFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + income_amount: '1', + income_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([ + new TaxLot({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + basisCode: 'USD', + basisAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isIncome: true + }) + ]), + disposalList: List([]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.getIn(['taxLotList', 0]).pricePerUnit).toEqual(new BigNumber('100')); + }); +}); + +describe('WITHDRAWAL transaction', () => { + test('with no fee', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + withdrawalFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + withdrawal_amount: '1', + withdrawal_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); + test('with fee matching withdrawn asset', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + withdrawalFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + withdrawal_amount: '1', + withdrawal_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '0.01', + fee_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1.01'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('99'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); + test('with fee not matching', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + withdrawalFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + withdrawal_amount: '1', + withdrawal_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('90'), + transactionId: '1' + }), + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'ETH', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('10'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); +}); + +describe('LOST transaction', () => { + test('with no fee', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('100'), + transactionId: '1', + isLost: true + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); + test('with fee matching lost asset', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '0.01', + fee_code: 'BTC' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1.01'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('99'), + transactionId: '1', + isLost: true + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); + test('with fee not matching', () => { + const transactions = List([ + IMap( + lostFactory({ + timestamp: '2018-01-01T09:30:00Z', + tx_id: '1', + lost_amount: '1', + lost_code: 'BTC', + fee_amount: '1', + fee_code: 'ETH' + }) + ) + ]); + const priceTable = IMap({ + '1': List([ + IMap({ + base_code: 'BTC', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '100' + }), + IMap({ + base_code: 'ETH', + quote_code: 'USD', + price: '10' + }) + ]) + }); + const actualBaseMethod = makeLotsAndDisposals({ + transactions, + priceTable, + priceMethod: 'BASE', + localCurrency: 'USD' + }); + const expected = IMap({ + taxLotList: List([]), + disposalList: List([ + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'BTC', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('90'), + transactionId: '1', + isLost: true + }), + new Disposal({ + unix: 1514799000, + assetCode: 'ETH', + assetAmount: new BigNumber('1'), + proceedsCode: 'USD', + proceedsAmount: new BigNumber('10'), + transactionId: '1' + }) + ]) + }); + + expect(actualBaseMethod.equals(expected)).toEqual(true); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/utils/factories.js b/tests/utils/factories.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c03a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/utils/factories.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'; + +export const taxReportFactory = (report) => { + return Object.entries(report).reduce((reduction, [reportYear, reportEntries]) => { + reduction[reportYear] = { + income: [], + long: [], + short: [], + unmatched: [], + lost: [], + interest_income: [], + ...reportEntries + }; + return reduction; + }, {}); +}; + +export const incomeFactory = (income) => ({ + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'INCOME', + ...income +}); + +export const lostFactory = (lost) => ({ + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'LOST', + ...lost +}); + +export const withdrawalFactory = (withdrawal) => ({ + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'WITHDRAWAL', + ...withdrawal +}); + +export const depositFactory = (mint) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'DEPOSIT', + + }; +}; + +export const mintFactory = (mint) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_MINT', + + }; +}; + +export const borrowFactory = (mint) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_BORROW', + + }; +}; + +export const redeemFactory = (redeem) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_REDEEM', + ...redeem + }; +}; + +export const repayBorrowFactory = (repay) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_REPAYBORROW', + ...repay + }; +}; + +export const liqBorrow_BorrowerFactory = (tx) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_LIQUIDATEBORROW_BORROWER', + ...tx + }; +}; + +export const liqBorrow_LiquidatorFactory = (tx) => { + return { + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'COMPOUND_LIQUIDATEBORROW_LIQUIDATOR', + ...tx + }; +}; + +export const tradeFactory = (trade) => ({ + tx_id: uuidv4(), + tx_type: 'TRADE', + +}); diff --git a/tests/utils/price.js b/tests/utils/price.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7949bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/utils/price.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js'; + +export const impliedPrice = ({ amountPriced, amountUnpriced, price }) => { + return new BigNumber(amountPriced) + .dividedBy(new BigNumber(amountUnpriced)) + .multipliedBy(new BigNumber(price)) + .dp(18) + .toString(10); +};