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CrazedProgrammer edited this page Feb 11, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Surface 2 wiki!

Here you will find the documentation for all functions.

##Using Surface 2
Pastebin Download ####dofile (recommended) To use this in your program, the main way is to load the library using dofile:
local surface = dofile("/path/to/surface")

####inline You can also copy + paste the library to the top of your program,
and remove return surface at the end.
It will then have the same purpose as the above method.

####carl If you're using carl to build your program, you can do
--#require /path/to/surface
Though note that the real file name has to end with a .lua, since carl expects source files to end with .lua.

##Building Surface 2
This API is built with carl.
To build Surface 2, you cd to the directory and simply do carl build.
The output file will be located at /path/to/Surface2/target/surface.

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